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UN/CEFACT Revision 1994A Message List

AUTHORAuthorization message
BANSTABanking status message
BAPLIEBayplan/stowage plan occupied and empty locations message
BAPLTEBayplan/stowage plan total numbers message
COMDISCommercial dispute message
CONAPWAdvice on pending works message
CONDPVDirect payment valuation message
CONESTEstablishment of contract message
CONITTInvitation to tender message
CONPVAPayment valuation message
CONQVAQuantity valuation message
CONRPWResponse of pending works message
CONTENTender message
CONWQDWork item quantity determination message
CREADVCredit advice message
CREEXTExtended credit advice message
CUSCARCustoms cargo report message
CUSDECCustoms declaration message
CUSEXPCustoms express consignment declaration message
CUSREPCustoms conveyance report message
CUSRESCustoms response message
DEBADVDebit advice message
DELFORDelivery schedule message
DELJITDelivery just in time message
DESADVDespatch advice message
DIRDEBDirect debit message
DOCADVDocumentary credit advice message
DOCAPPDocumentary credit application message
DOCINFDocumentary credit issuance information message
HANMOVCargo/goods handling and movement message
IFCSUMForwarding and consolidation summary message
IFTCCAForwarding and transport shipment charge calculation message
IFTDGNDangerous goods notification message
IFTMANArrival notice message
IFTMBCBooking confirmation message
IFTMBFFirm booking message
IFTMBPProvisional booking message
IFTMCSInstruction contract status message
IFTMINInstruction message
IFTRINForwarding and transport rate information message
IFTSAIForwarding and transport schedule and availability information
IFTSTAInternational multimodal status report message
IFTSTQInternational multimodal status request message
INSPREInsurance premium message
INVOICInvoice message
INVRPTInventory report message
MOVINSStowage instruction message
ORDCHGPurchase order change request message
ORDERSPurchase order message
ORDRSPPurchase order response message
PARTINParty information message
PAXLSTPassenger list message
PAYDUCPayroll deductions advice message
PAYEXTExtended payment order message
PAYMULMultiple payment order message
PAYORDPayment order message
PRICATPrice/sales catalogue message
PRODEXProduct exchange reconciliation message
PRPAIDInsurance premium payment message
QALITYQuality data message
QUOTESQuote message
REMADVRemittance advice message
REQOTERequest for quote message
SANCRTSanitary/phytosanitary certificate message
SLSRPTSales data report message
STATACStatement of account message
SUPCOTSuperannuation contributions advice message
SUPMANSuperannuation maintenance message

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.