1 | Service completion date/time, actual |
| Actual date/time on which the service was completed. |
2 | Delivery date/time, requested |
| Date on which buyer requests goods to be delivered. |
3 | Invoice date/time |
| [2376] Date when a Commercial Invoice is issued. |
4 | Order date/time |
| [2010] Date when an order is issued. |
5 | Saleable stock demand cover period, expected |
| A period of time when saleable stocks are expected to cover demand for a product. |
6 | Moved from location date |
| The date an entity moved from a location. |
7 | Effective date/time |
| Date and/or time at which specified event or document becomes effective. |
8 | Order received date/time |
| Date/time when the purchase order is received by the seller. |
9 | Processing date/time |
| Date/time of processing. |
10 | Shipment date/time, requested |
| Date on which goods should be shipped or despatched by the supplier. |
11 | Despatch date and or time |
| (2170) Date/time on which the goods are or are expected to be despatched or shipped. |
12 | Terms discount due date/time |
| Date by which payment should be made if discount terms are to apply. |
13 | Terms net due date |
| Date by which payment must be made. |
14 | Payment date/time, deferred |
| Date/time when instalments are due. |
15 | Promotion start date/time |
| Date/time when promotion activities begin. |
16 | Promotion end date/time |
| Date/time when promotion activities end. |
17 | Delivery date/time, estimated |
| Date and/or time when the shipper of the goods expects delivery will take place. |
18 | Installation date/time/period |
| Self explanatory. |
19 | Meat ageing period |
| Period of time between slaughter and delivery during which meat is ageing. |
20 | Cheque date/time |
| Date/time when cheque is issued. |
21 | Charge back date/time |
| Description to be provided. |
22 | Freight bill date/time |
| Date/time when freight bill is issued. |
23 | Equipment reconditioning date/time, actual |
| Actual date/time of the reconditioning of a piece of equipment. |
24 | Transfer note acceptance date and time |
| Date and time when a transfer note (transfer document for transport exclusively using containers as equipment) is recognised as being valid by the carrier. |
35 | Delivery date/time, actual |
| Date/time on which goods or consignment are delivered at their destination. |
36 | Expiry date |
| Date of expiry of the validity of a referenced document, price information or any other referenced data element with a limited validity period. |
37 | Ship not before date/time |
| Goods should not be shipped before given date/time. |
38 | Ship not later than date/time |
| Date/time by which the goods should have been shipped. |
39 | Ship week of date |
| Date identifying the week during which goods should be shipped. |
| 40 |
| Clinical information issue date and/or time |
| Date and/or time when clinical information is issued. |
| 41 |
| Event duration, expected |
| The expected duration of an event. |
42 | Superseded date/time |
| Date/time being overlaid by a date given elsewhere. |
| 43 |
| Event duration, intended |
| The intended duration of an event. |
44 | Availability |
| Date/time when received item is available. |
45 | Compilation date and time |
| Date and time of the compilation. |
46 | Cancellation date |
| Date on which a document or message has been cancelled. |
47 | Statistical time series date |
| Date for statistical time series purposes. |
48 | Duration |
| Duration. |
49 | Deliver not before and not after dates |
| Deliver not before and not after a specific date range. |
50 | Goods receipt date/time |
| Date/time upon which the goods were received by a given party. |
51 | Cumulative quantity start date |
| First Date for accumulation of delivery quantities. |
52 | Cumulative quantity end date |
| Last Date for accumulation of delivery quantities. |
53 | Buyer's local time |
| Time at the buyer's location. |
54 | Seller's local time |
| Time at the seller's location. |
55 | Confirmed date/time |
| Date/time which has been confirmed. |
| 56 |
| Original authorisation date and/or time |
| Date and/or time when original authorisation was issued. |
| 57 |
| Precaution relevant period |
| The period when a precaution is relevant. |
58 | Clearance date (Customs) |
| (3080) Date on which Customs formalities necessary to allow goods to be exported, to enter home use, or to be placed under another Customs procedure has been accomplished (CCC). |
59 | Inbound movement authorization date |
| Inland movement authorization date. |
60 | Engineering change level date |
| Date the engineering level of goods is changed. |
61 | Cancel if not delivered by this date |
| Self explanatory. |
| 62 |
| Excluded date |
| Date excluded from a period of time. |
63 | Delivery date/time, latest |
| Date identifying a point of time after which goods shall not or will not be delivered. |
64 | Delivery date/time, earliest |
| Date identifying a point in time before which the goods shall not be delivered. |
65 | Delivery date/time, 1st schedule |
| Self explanatory. |
| 66 |
| Excluded period |
| An interval of time excluded from a period of time. |
67 | Delivery date/time, current schedule |
| Delivery Date deriving from actual schedule. |
| 68 |
| Additional period |
| An interval of time added to a period of time. |
69 | Delivery date/time, promised for |
| [2138] Date by which, or period within which, the merchandise should be delivered to the buyer, as agreed between the seller and the buyer (generic term). |
| 70 |
| Additional date |
| Date added to a period of time. |
71 | Delivery date/time, requested for (after and including) |
| Delivery is requested to happen after or on given date. |
72 | Delivery date/time, promised for (after and including) |
| Delivery might take place earliest at given date. |
| 73 |
| Guarantee period |
| The period for which the guarantee is or will be granted. |
74 | Delivery date/time, requested for (prior to and including) |
| Delivery is requested to happen prior to or including the given date. |
75 | Delivery date/time, promised for (prior to and including) |
| Delivery might take place latest at given date. |
76 | Delivery date/time, scheduled for |
| Self explanatory. |
| 77 |
| Specification revision date |
| Date of revision to a specification. |
| 78 |
| Event date/time/period, actual |
| The actual date/time/period an event occurred. |
79 | Shipment date/time, promised for |
| Shipment might happen at given date/time. |
| 80 |
| Planning end date and/or time, actual |
| The actual date and/or time the planning ended. |
81 | Shipment date/time, requested for (after and including) |
| Shipment should happen earliest at given date. |
| 82 |
| Medicine administration time |
| Designated time of day for the administration of medicine. |
| 83 |
| Dispensing interval, minimum |
| The shortest interval allowed between one dispensing of an item and the next dispensing of the same item. |
84 | Shipment date/time, requested for (prior to and including) |
| Shipment should take place latest at given date. |
85 | Shipment date/time, promised for (prior to and including) |
| Shipment might take place latest at given date. |
| 86 |
| Medication date/time, start |
| Date and/or time when medication was started. |
| 87 |
| Travel service connection time |
| Time elapsing between the arrival of a travel service and the departure of a connecting travel service. |
| 88 |
| Summer time, start |
| Date/time at which the summer time starts. |
89 | Inquiry date |
| Self explanatory. |
90 | Report start date |
| Self explanatory. |
91 | Report end date |
| Self explanatory. |
92 | Contract effective date |
| Date when a contract becomes valid. |
93 | Contract expiry date |
| Date when a contract expires. |
94 | Production/manufacture date |
| Date on which goods are produced. |
95 | Bill of lading date |
| Date as specified on the bill of lading. |
96 | Discharge date/time |
| Date/time when goods should, might or have been discharged from the means of transport. |
97 | Transaction creation date |
| Self explanatory. |
| 98 |
| Winter time, start |
| Date/time at which the winter time starts. |
| 99 |
| Quotation opening date |
| The date on which the quotation has been or may be opened. |
| 100 |
| Product ageing period before delivery |
| Period of time before delivery during which the product is ageing. |
101 | Production date, no schedule established as of |
| Date as of there is no valid production schedule. |
| 102 |
| Health problem period |
| Period of time of health problem. |
107 | Deposit date/time |
| Self explanatory. |
108 | Postmark date/time |
| Self explanatory. |
109 | Receive at lockbox date |
| The date on which a financial institution, serving as collection agency for a company located in another part of the country, collects an amount of money on behalf of that company. |
110 | Ship date, originally scheduled |
| The date on which the shipment of goods was originally scheduled. |
111 | Manifest/ship notice date |
| The date of issuance of a manifest or ship notice. |
112 | First interest-bearing date |
| The first date from which interest is borne. |
113 | Sample required date |
| Date as of a sample has to be available customer defined. |
114 | Tooling required date |
| Date as of a tool has to be available customer defined. |
115 | Sample available date |
| Date as of a sample will be available seller defined. |
116 | Equipment return period, expected |
| Period until which equipment is expected to be hired. |
117 | Delivery date/time, first |
| First possible date/time for delivery. |
118 | Cargo booking confirmed date/time |
| Date/time at which the cargo booking has been accepted by the carrier. |
119 | Test completion date |
| Date when a test has been completed. |
120 | Last interest-bearing date |
| The last date from which interest is borne. |
121 | Entry date |
| Date of entry. |
122 | Contract completion date |
| The date a contract is completed. |
123 | Documentary credit expiry date/time |
| The latest date/time for presentation of the documents to the bank where the credit expires. |
124 | Despatch note date |
| [2218] Date when a Despatch Note is issued. |
125 | Import licence date |
| [2292] Date when Import Licence is issued. |
126 | Contract date |
| [2326] Date when a Contract is agreed. |
127 | Previous report date |
| Date of the previous report. |
128 | Delivery date/time, last |
| Date when the last delivery should be or has been accomplished. |
129 | Exportation date |
| Date when imported vessel/merchandise last left the country of export for the country of import. |
130 | Current report date |
| Date of the current report. |
131 | Tax point date |
| Date on which tax is due or calculated. |
132 | Arrival date/time, estimated |
| (2348) Date/time when carrier estimates that a means of transport should arrive at the port of discharge or place of destination. |
133 | Departure date/time, estimated |
| Date/time when carrier estimates that a means of transport should depart at the place of departure. |
134 | Rate of exchange date/time |
| Date/time on which the exchange rate was fixed. |
135 | Telex date |
| Date identifying when a telex message was sent. |
136 | Departure date/time |
| [2280] Date (and time) of departure of means of transport. |
137 | Document/message date/time |
| (2006) Date/time when a document/message is issued. This may include authentication. |
138 | Payment date |
| [2034] Date on which an amount due is made available to the creditor, in accordance with the terms of payment. |
140 | Payment due date |
| Date/time at which funds should be made available. |
141 | Presentation date of Goods declaration (Customs) |
| [2032] Date on which a Goods declaration is presented or lodged with Customs. |
142 | Labour wage determination date |
| The date a labour wage is determined. |
143 | Acceptance date/time of goods |
| [2126] Date on which the goods are taken over by the carrier at the place of acceptance (CMR 4). |
144 | Quota date |
| Date that the quota applies to. |
145 | Event date |
| A date specifying an event. |
146 | Entry date, estimated (Customs) |
| Date on which the official date of Customs entry is anticipated. |
147 | Expiry date of export licence |
| [2078] Date of expiry of the validity of an Export Licence. |
148 | Acceptance date of Goods declaration (Customs) |
| [2036] Date on which a Goods declaration is accepted by Customs in accordance with Customs legislation. |
149 | Invoice date, required |
| Date required for invoice issue. |
150 | Declaration/presentation date |
| Date when item has been or has to be declared/presented. |
151 | Importation date |
| Date on which goods are imported, as determined by the governing Customs administration. |
152 | Exportation date for textiles |
| Date when imported textiles last left the country of origin for the country of importation. |
153 | Cancellation date/time, latest |
| The latest date/time on which cancellation of the payment order may be requested. |
154 | Acceptance date of document |
| The date on which a document was accepted. |
155 | Accounting period start date |
| Self explanatory. |
156 | Accounting period end date |
| Self explanatory. |
157 | Validity start date |
| Self explanatory. |
158 | Horizon start date |
| The first date of a period forming a horizon. |
159 | Horizon end date |
| The last date of a period forming a horizon. |
160 | Authorization date |
| Date when an authorization was given. |
161 | Release date of customer |
| Date the customer authorised the goods' release. |
162 | Release date of supplier |
| Date when the supplier released goods. |
163 | Processing start date/time |
| Date/Time when a specific process starts. |
164 | Processing end date/time |
| Date/Time when a specific process ends. |
165 | Tax period start date |
| Date when a tax period begins. |
166 | Tax period end date |
| Date when a tax period ends. |
167 | Charge period start date |
| The charge period's first date. |
168 | Charge period end date |
| The charge period's last date. |
169 | Lead time |
| Time required between order entry till earliest goods delivery. |
170 | Settlement due date |
| More generic than 'payment due date' and therefore more apt for reinsurance/insurance business. |
171 | Reference date/time |
| Date/time on which the reference was issued. |
172 | Hired from date |
| Date from which an item has been or will be hired. |
173 | Hired until date |
| Date until which an item has been or will be hired. |
174 | Advise after date/time |
| The information must be advised after the date/time indicated. |
175 | Advise before date/time |
| The information must be advised before the date/time indicated. |
176 | Advise completed date/time |
| The advise has been completed at the date indicated. |
177 | Advise on date/time |
| The information must be advised on the date/time indicated. |
178 | Arrival date/time, actual |
| [2106] Date (and time) of arrival of means of transport. |
179 | Booking date/time |
| Date at which the booking was made. |
180 | Closing date/time |
| Final date for delivering cargo to a liner ship. |
181 | Positioning date/time of equipment |
| Date/time when equipment is positioned. |
182 | Issue date |
| Date when a document/message has been or will be issued. |
183 | Date, as at |
| Date related to a given context. |
184 | Notification date/time |
| Date/time of notification. |
185 | Commenced tank cleaning date/time |
| The date/and or time tank cleaning was started. |
186 | Departure date/time, actual |
| (2280) Date (and time) of departure of means of transport. |
187 | Authentication date/time of document |
| Date/time when the document is signed or otherwise authenticated. |
188 | Previous current account date |
| Date of the previous current account. |
189 | Departure date/time, scheduled |
| Date (and time) of scheduled departure of means of transport. |
190 | Transhipment date/time |
| Date and time of the transfer of the goods from one means of transport to another. |
191 | Delivery date/time, expected |
| Date/time on which goods are expected to be delivered. |
192 | Expiration date/time of customs document |
| Date on which validity of a customs document expires. |
193 | Execution date |
| The date when ordered bank initiated the transaction. |
194 | Start date/time |
| Date/time on which a period starts. |
195 | Expiry date of import licence |
| [2272] Date of expiry of the validity of an Import Licence. |
196 | Departure date/time, earliest |
| Date/time of earliest departure of means of transport. |
197 | Lay-time first day |
| First of a number of days allowed in a charter party of the loading and discharging of cargo. |
198 | Lay-time last day |
| Last of a number of days allowed in a charter party for the loading and discharging of cargo. |
199 | Positioning date/time of goods |
| The date and/or time the goods have to be or have been positioned. |
200 | Pick-up/collection date/time of cargo |
| Date/time at which the cargo is picked up. |
201 | Pick-up date/time of equipment |
| Date/time at which the equipment is picked up. |
202 | Posting date |
| The date when an entry is posted to an account. |
203 | Execution date/time, requested |
| The date/time on which the ordered bank is requested to initiate the payment order, as specified by the originator (e.g. the date of the debit). |
204 | Release date (Customs) |
| Date on which Customs releases merchandise to the carrier or importer. |
205 | Settlement date |
| Date for settlement of financial transaction e.g. foreign exchange securities. |
206 | End date/time |
| Date/time on which a period (from - to) ends. |
207 | Commenced pumping ballast date/time |
| Date/time on which the intake of materials to be carried to improve the trim and the stability of the means of transport, was commenced. |
208 | Departure date/time, ultimate |
| Date/time at which a means of transport has to depart ultimately. |
209 | Value date |
| Date on which the funds are at the disposal of the beneficiary or cease to be at the disposal of the ordering customer. |
210 | Reinsurance current account period |
| Description to be provided. |
211 | 360/30 |
| Calculation is based on year of 360 days, month of 30 days. |
212 | 360/28-31 |
| Calculation is based on year of 360 days, month of 28-31 days. |
213 | 365-6/30 |
| Calculation is based on year of 365-6 days, month of 30 days. |
214 | 365-6/28-31 |
| Calculation is based on year of 365-6 days, month of 28-31 days. |
215 | 365/28-31 |
| Calculation is based on year of 365 days, month of 28-31 days. |
216 | 365/30 |
| Calculation is based on year of 365 days, month of 30 days. |
217 | From date of award to latest delivery |
| Lead time to determine the latest date a delivery can be made based on the date an award is made. |
218 | Authentication/validation date/time |
| Self explanatory. |
219 | Crossborder date/time |
| Date/time at which goods are transferred across a country border. |
221 | Interest period |
| Number of days used for the calculation of interests. |
222 | Presentation date, latest |
| Latest date for presentation of a document. |
223 | Delivery date/time, deferred |
| New date and time of delivery calculated on basis of a consignee's requirement (chargeable). |
224 | Permit to admit date |
| Date on which permission was granted to move merchandise into a bonded warehouse or free trade zone. |
225 | Certification of weight date/time |
| Date/time at which the carrier proceeds to the weighting of the goods. |
226 | Discrepancy date/time |
| Date/time at which a discrepancy has been found. |
227 | Beneficiary's banks due date |
| Date on which funds should be made available to the beneficiary's bank. |
228 | Debit value date, requested |
| Date on which the account owner wants the debit value to his account. |
229 | Hoses connected date/time |
| The date and/or time hoses were connected. |
230 | Hoses disconnected date/time |
| The date and/or time hoses were disconnected. |
231 | Arrival date/time, earliest |
| Date/time of earliest arrival of means of transport. |
232 | Arrival date/time, scheduled |
| Date (and time) of scheduled arrival of means of transport. |
233 | Arrival date/time, ultimate |
| Date (and time) of ultimate arrival of means of transport. |
234 | Collection date/time, earliest |
| The transport order may be issued before the goods are ready for picking up. This date/time indicates from when on the carrier can have access to the consignment. |
235 | Collection date/time, latest |
| In relation with the arrangements agreed between buyer and seller or between sender and main transport it may be necessary to specify the latest collection date/time. |
236 | Completed pumping ballast date/time |
| Date/time at which the intake of materials, to be carried to improve the trim and the stability of the means of transport, was completed. |
237 | Completed tank cleaning date/time |
| The date and/or time tank cleaning was completed. |
238 | Tanks accepted date/time |
| The date and/or time the tanks are to be or have been accepted. |
239 | Tanks inspected date/time |
| The date and/or time the tanks are to be or have been inspected. |
240 | Reinsurance accounting period |
| To identify a reinsurance account period via start and end dates. Note: 1. This period is not the same as "reinsurance current account period". |
241 | From date of award to earliest delivery |
| Lead time to determine the earliest date a delivery can be made based on the date an award is made. |
242 | Preparation date/time of document |
| Date and/or time that the document was prepared. |
243 | Transmission date/time of document |
| Self explanatory. |
244 | Settlement date, planned |
| Self explanatory. |
245 | Underwriting year |
| Year in which the treaty was commenced. |
246 | Accounting year |
| Year considered for accounting of the treaty or portion of the treaty. |
247 | Year of occurrence |
| Year in which a specific event (e.g. a loss) took place. |
248 | Loss |
| Date, time, period on which a referenced loss occurred. |
249 | Cash call date |
| Date on which a cash call was made for a loss suffered and covered. |
250 | Re-exportation date |
| Date of re-exportation. |
251 | Re-importation date |
| Date of re-importation. |
252 | Arrival date/time at initial port |
| Date/time that the conveyance arrives at the initial port in the country of destination. |
253 | Departure date/time from last port of call |
| Date/time that conveyance departed from the last foreign port of call. |
254 | Registration date of previous Customs declaration |
| Registration date of the Customs declaration for the previous Customs procedure either in the same or another country. |
255 | Availability due date |
| Date when ordered items should be available at a specified location. |
256 | From date of award to completion |
| Lead time to determine the completion date of an effort based on the date an award is made. |

| 257 |
| Calculation date/time/period |
| The date/time/period on which a calculation will take, or has taken, place. |
258 | Guarantee date |
| Date when a guarantee is placed. |
259 | Conveyance registration date |
| Date when a vessel, vehicle or other means of transport was registered by a competent authority. |
260 | Valuation date (Customs) |
| Date when Customs valuation was made. |
261 | Release date/time |
| Date/time assigned to identify the release of a set of rules, conditions, conventions, productions, etc. |
262 | Closure date/time/period |
| Date/time/period when an enterprise is closed. |
263 | Invoicing period |
| Period for which an invoice is issued. |
264 | Release frequency |
| Frequency of a release. |
265 | Due date |
| Self explanatory. |
266 | Validation date |
| Self explanatory. |
267 | Rate/price date/time |
| Date/time on which a rate/price is determined. |
268 | Transit time/limits |
| Description to be provided. |
270 | Ship during date |
| The date identifying the period during or in which the goods should be shipped. |
271 | Ship on or about date |
| Date on or about which goods should be shipped. |
272 | Documentary credit presentation period |
| The specification of the period of time, expressed in number of days, after the date of issuance of the transport document(s) within which the documents must be presented. |
273 | Validity period |
| Dates (from/to)/period referenced documents are valid. |
274 | From date of order receipt to sample ready |
| Lead time is the defined timespan. |
275 | From date of tooling authorization to sample ready |
| Lead time is the defined timespan. |
276 | From date of receipt of tooling aids to sample ready |
| Lead time is the defined timespan. |
277 | From date of sample approval to first product shipment |
| Lead time is the defined timespan. |
278 | From date of order receipt to shipment |
| Lead time is the defined timespan. |
279 | From date of order receipt to delivery |
| Lead time is the defined timespan. |
280 | From last booked order to delivery |
| Lead time is the defined timespan. |
281 | Date of order lead time |
| Lead time is referenced to the date of order. |
282 | Confirmation date lead time |
| Lead time is referenced to the date of confirmation. |
283 | Arrival date/time of transport lead time |
| Lead time is referenced to the date a transport will arrive or has arrived. |
284 | Before inventory is replenished based on stock check lead time |
| Lead time is the defined timespan. |
285 | Invitation to tender date/time |
| Date/time on which the invitation to tender has been made available to relevant parties. |
286 | Tender submission date/time |
| Date/time on which the tender was submitted. |
287 | Contract award date/time |
| Date/time on which the contract is awarded to a tenderer. |
288 | Price base date/time |
| Base date/time of prices. |
289 | Interest rate validity period |
| Validity period of the interest rate. |
290 | Contractual start date/time |
| Date/time on which activities stated in the contract must start. |
291 | Start date/time, planned |
| Self explanatory. |
292 | Works completion date/time, planned |
| Self explanatory. |
293 | Works completion date/time, actual |
| Self explanatory. |
294 | Hand over date/time, planned |
| Date/time on which hand over (i.e. the transfer of responsibility for an object or activity such as documentation, system etc. from one party to another) is planned to take place. |
295 | Hand over date/time, actual |
| Date/time on which hand over (i.e. the transfer of responsibility for an object or activity such as documentation, system etc. from one party to another) actually takes place. |
296 | Retention release date/time |
| Date/time on which the retention is released. |
297 | Retention release date/time, partial |
| Date/time on which the retention is partially released. |
298 | Escalation start date |
| Value date of the indexes appearing as denominators in an escalation formula. |
299 | Price adjustment start date |
| Value date of the indexes appearing as denominators in a price adjustment formula. |
300 | Price adjustment limit date |
| Limit value date of indexes used as numerators in a price adjustment formula. |
301 | Value date of index |
| Date of validity of index values. |
302 | Publication date |
| Self explanatory. |
303 | Escalation date |
| Value date of indexes appearing as numerators in an escalation formula. |
304 | Price adjustment date |
| Value date of indexes appearing as numerators in a price adjustment formula. |
305 | Latest price adjustment date |
| Date on which the latest price adjustment took place. |
306 | Work period |
| Period of execution of works. |
307 | Payment instruction date/time |
| Date/time on which a payment instruction was given. |
308 | Payment valuation presentation date/time |
| Date/time on which the payment valuation is presented. |
309 | Blanks value date |
| The date on which the funds are at the disposal of the receiving bank. |
310 | Received date/time |
| Date/time of receipt. |
311 | On |
| Fixed maturity day for deferred payment or time draft(s). |
312 | Ship not before and not after date/time |
| Shipment(s) of goods is/are to be made not before the first specified date/time and not after the second specified date/time. |
313 | Order to proceed date |
| Issue date of an instruction to start work. |
314 | Planned duration of works |
| Self explanatory. |
315 | Agreement to pay date |
| Date on which the debtor agreed to pay. |
316 | Valuation date/time |
| Date/time of valuation. |
317 | Reply date |
| Self explanatory. |
318 | Request date |
| The date on which something was asked for. |
319 | Customer value date |
| Date at which funds are taken into account for interest calculation (in debit or credit). |
320 | Declaration reference period |
| Reference period of a set of items reported on the same declaration. |
321 | Promotion date/period |
| Date/period relevant for specific promotion activities. |
322 | Accounting period |
| Self-explanatory. |
323 | Horizon period |
| Period forming a (planning) horizon. |
324 | Processing date/period |
| Date/period a specific process happened/will happen. |
325 | Tax period |
| Period a tax rate/tax amount etc. is applicable. |
326 | Charge period |
| Period a specified charge is valid for. |
327 | Instalment payment due date |
| Self-explanatory. |
328 | Payroll deduction date/time |
| Date/time of a monetary deduction made from the salary of a person on a payroll. |
329 | Birth date/time |
| Date/time when a person was born. |
330 | Joined employer date |
| Date when a person joins an employer. |
331 | Contributions ceasing date/time |
| Date/time when contributions cease. |
332 | Contribution period end date/time |
| Date/time when a contribution period ends. |
333 | Part-time working change date/time |
| Date/time when the proportion of part-time work changes. |
334 | Status change date/time |
| Date/time when a status changes. |
335 | Contribution period start date/time |
| Date/time when a contribution period commences. |
336 | Salary change effective date |
| Date when a change in salary becomes effective. |
337 | Left employer date |
| Date when a person leaves an employer. |
338 | Benefit change date/time |
| Date/time when a benefit provided by a service provider is changed. |
339 | Category change date/time |
| Date/time when a change of category is made. |
340 | Joined fund date/time |
| Date/time when a person joins a fund. |
341 | Waiting time |
| The period of time between the moment at which one wants an activity to begin and the moment at which this activity can actually begin. |
342 | On-board date |
| The date goods have been loaded on board of a conveyance. |
343 | Date/time of discount termination |
| Date/time when the deduction from an amount comes to an end. |
344 | Date/time of interest due |
| Date/time when the interest has to be paid. |
345 | Days of operation |
| Week days of operation. |
346 | Latest check-in time |
| Latest time of check-in. |
347 | Slaughtering start date |
| Date on which slaughtering commenced. |
348 | Packing start date |
| Date on which packing commenced. |
349 | Packing end date |
| Date on which packing completed. |
350 | Test start date |
| Date when a test has been started. |
351 | Inspection date |
| Date of inspection. |
352 | Slaughtering end date |
| Date on which slaughtering completed. |
353 | Accounting transaction date |
| Date to which an accounting transaction refers. |
354 | Activity period date range |
| A specific date range associated with an activity. |
355 | Contractual delivery date |
| The date of delivery contractually agreed between parties. |
356 | Sales date, and or time, and or period |
| The date, and or time, and or period on which a sale took place. |
357 | Cancel if not published by this date |
| Cancel if not published by this date. |
358 | Scheduled for delivery on or after |
| Scheduled for delivery on or after the specified date, and or time. |
359 | Scheduled for delivery on or before |
| Scheduled for delivery on or before specified date and or time. |
360 | Sell by date |
| The date by which a product should be sold. |
361 | Best before date |
| The best before date. |
362 | End availability date |
| The end date of availability. |
363 | Total shelf life period |
| A period indicating the total shelf life of a product. |
364 | Minimum shelf life remaining at time of despatch period |
| Period indicating the minimum shelf life remaining for a product at the time of leaving the supplier. |
365 | Packaging date |
| The date on which the packaging of a product took place. |
366 | Inventory report date |
| Date on which a inventory report is made. |
367 | Previous meter reading date |
| Date on which the previous reading of a meter took place. |
368 | Latest meter reading date |
| Date on which the latest reading of a meter took place. |
369 | Date and or time of handling, estimated |
| The date and or time when the handling action is estimated to take place. |
370 | Date when container equipment becomes domestic |
| The date on which foreign-built container equipment has entered into the commerce of another country and has become domestic equipment. |
371 | Hydrotest date |
| The date equipment has been hydrotested. |
372 | Equipment pre-trip date |
| The date on which equipment is pre-tripped. |
373 | Mooring, date and time |
| Date and time of mooring. |
374 | Road fund tax expiry date |
| The date of expiry of the road fund tax. |
375 | Date of first registration |
| Date of first registration. |
376 | Biannual terminal inspection date |
| The date on which a biannual inspection of a terminal has taken or will take place. |
377 | Federal HighWay Administration (FHWA) inspection date |
| The date on which container equipment is to be or has been inspected in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Federal Highway Administration. |
378 | Container Safety Convention (CSC) inspection date |
| The date on which container equipment is to be or has been inspected as per the Container Safety Convention (CSC). |
379 | Periodic inspection date |
| The date on which a periodic inspection has to take place. |
380 | Drawing revision date |
| Date the drawing revision has been allocated to a design. |
381 | Product lifespan at time of production |
| The total lifespan of a product at the time of its production. |
382 | Earliest sale date |
| The earliest date on which the product may be made available for sale. |
383 | Cancel if not shipped by this date |
| Cancel the order if goods not shipped by this date. |
384 | Previous invoice date |
| Indicates the date which was allocated to a previous invoice. |
387 | Repair turnaround time |
| Provides the period of time necessary to turnaround a given repair. |
388 | Order amendment binding date |
| The date when an order amendment becomes binding for both parties. |
389 | Cure time |
| Specifies the length of time that an article was or should be cured. |
390 | From date of award to delivery |
| Lead time to determine the delivery date based on the date an award is made. |
391 | From date of receipt of item to approval |
| Lead time to determine the date an item will be approved based on the date the item was received. |
392 | Equipment collection or pick-up date/time, earliest |
| Date/time on which equipment can be picked up at the earliest. |
393 | Equipment collection or pick-up date/time, planned |
| Date/time on which equipment can be picked up, either full or empty, according to a planning. |
394 | Equipment positioning date/time, actual |
| Date/time on which equipment was actually positioned (delivered). |
395 | Equipment positioning date/time, estimated |
| Date/time on which equipment is estimated to be positioned (delivered). |
396 | Equipment positioning date/time, requested |
| Date/time on which equipment is requested to be positioned (delivered). |
397 | Equipment positioning date/time, ultimate |
| Date/time on which equipment should be positioned (delivered) at the latest. |
398 | Goods collection or pick-up date/time, planned |
| Date/time at which goods can be picked up, according to a planning. |
399 | Goods positioning date/time, expected |
| Date/time on which goods are expected to be positioned. |
400 | Cargo release date/time, ultimate |
| Ultimate date/time at which goods or equipment should be released. |
401 | Container Safety Convention (CSC) plate expiration date |
| Date on which the validity of a Container Safety Convention (CSC) plate expires. |
402 | Document received date/time |
| Date/time on which the document was actually received. |
403 | Discharge date/time, actual |
| Date/time when the specified goods or transport equipment has or have been discharged from the means of transport. |
404 | Loading date/time, actual |
| Date/time when the specified goods or transport equipment has or have been loaded in or on the means of transport. |
405 | Equipment collection or pick-up date/time, actual |
| Date/time on which the equipment was actually collected. |
406 | Goods positioning date/time, planned |
| The date/time on which the goods will be positioned according to a planning. |
407 | Document requested date/time |
| Date/time on which the document is requested by a party. |
408 | Expected container hire from date/time |
| Estimated date and time when the containers are expected to go on-hire. |
409 | Order completion date/time, ultimate |
| Date/time on which the order should be completed at the latest. |
410 | Equipment repair ready date/time, ultimate |
| Ultimate date/time on which a piece of equipment must be repaired. |
411 | Container stuffing date/time, ultimate |
| Date/time on which the container stuffing should be completed at the latest. |
412 | Container stripping date/time, ultimate |
| Date/time on which the container stripping should be completed at the latest. |
413 | Discharge and loading completed date/time |
| Date/time when all discharge and loading operations on the transport means have been completed. |
414 | Equipment stock check date/time |
| Date/time on which equipment has been ascertained as being in stock. |
415 | Activity reporting date |
| The date applicable to the activity being reported. |
416 | Submission date |
| The date of a submission. |
417 | Previous booking date/time |
| Date/time at which the previous booking was made. |
418 | Minimum shelf life remaining at time of receipt |
| The minimum shelf life remaining at the time of receipt. |
419 | Forecast period |
| A period for which a forecast applies. |
420 | Unloaded, date and time |
| To report the date and time that an unloading action occurred. |
421 | Estimated acceptance date |
| To estimate the date of acceptance. |
422 | Documentary credit issue date |
| The date the documentary credit has been issued. |
423 | First date of ordering |
| The first date on which ordering may take place. |
424 | Last date of ordering |
| The last date on which ordering may take place. |
425 | Original posting date |
| Date when the entry was originally posted. |
426 | Reinsurance payment frequency |
| The frequency of payments of reinsurance premiums. |
427 | Adjusted age |
| The adjusted age used for purposes of calculation. |
428 | Original issue age |
| The original issue age. |
429 | Coverage duration |
| The period coverage has been in force. |
430 | Coverage issue date |
| Date from which the anniversary coverage is measured. |
431 | Flat extra period |
| Period for charging the additional extra. |
432 | Paid to date |
| Date to which payments have been paid. |
433 | Reinsurance coverage duration |
| The period for which reinsurance coverage has been in force. |
434 | Maturity date |
| Date at which maturity occurs. |
435 | Reinsurance issue age |
| The actual or equivalent age at time of issue. |
436 | Reinsurance paid-up date |
| The date up to which the reinsurance has been paid. |
437 | Benefit period |
| The period of time for which benefits are provided. |
438 | Disability wait period |
| The period of time the insured must be disabled before reinsurance coverage becomes effective. |
439 | Deferred Period |
| The period of time for which an activity has been postponed. |
440 | Documentary credit amendment date |
| Date of amendment of a documentary credit. |
441 | Last on hire date |
| Date the item was last placed on hire. |
442 | Last off hire date |
| Date the item was last returned from hire. |
443 | Direct interchange date |
| Date the item was directly interchanged. |
444 | Approval date |
| Date of approval. |
445 | Original estimate date |
| The date of the original estimate. |
446 | Revised estimate date |
| The date the estimate was revised. |
447 | Creditor's requested value date |
| Date on which the creditor requests to be credited. |
448 | Referenced item creation date |
| Creation date of referenced item. |
449 | Date for the last update |
| Date for the last update. |
450 | Opening date |
| Date of opening. |
451 | Source document capture date |
| Date source document data is entered into a business application. |
452 | Trial balance period |
| Period covered by the trial balance. |
453 | Date of source document |
| The date of the source document. |
454 | Accounting value date |
| Date against which the entry has to be legally allocated. |
455 | Expected value date |
| Date on which the funds are expected to be at the disposal of the beneficiary. |
456 | Chart of account period |
| Period covered by the chart of account. |
457 | Date of separation |
| Date of marital separation. |
458 | Date of divorce |
| Date when two married persons are officially divorced. |
459 | Date of marriage |
| Date when two persons are married. |
460 | Wage period, start date |
| Date when a period of wage begins. |
461 | Wage period, end date |
| Date when a period of wage ends. |
462 | Working period, start date |
| Date when a period of work begins. |
463 | Working period, end date |
| Date when a period of work ends. |
464 | Embarkation date and time |
| Date and time at which crew and/or passengers board. |
465 | Disembarkation date and time |
| Date and time at which crew and/or passengers disembark. |
466 | Time now date |
| A time now date used for planning and scheduling purposes. |
467 | Holiday |
| A date or period that is a break from work. |
468 | Non working |
| To specify a non working date or period. |
469 | Start date or time, earliest |
| The earliest date or time for starting. |
470 | Start date or time, latest |
| The latest date or time for starting. |
471 | Finish date or time, earliest |
| The earliest date or time for finishing. |
472 | Finish date or time, latest |
| The latest date or time for finishing. |
473 | Start date or time, mandatory |
| The mandatory date or time for starting. |
474 | Finish date or time, mandatory |
| The mandatory date or time for finishing. |
475 | Start date or time, actual |
| The actual date or time for starting. |
476 | Start date or time, estimated |
| The estimated date or time for starting. |
477 | Completion date or time, estimated |
| The estimated date or time for completion. |
478 | Start date or time, scheduled |
| The scheduled date or time for starting. |
479 | Completion date or time, scheduled |
| The scheduled date or time for completion. |
480 | Start date or time, not before |
| The not before date or time for starting. |
481 | Start date or time, not after |
| The not after date or time for starting. |
482 | Completion date or time, not before |
| The not before date or time for completion. |
483 | Completion date or time, not after |
| The not after date or time for completion. |
484 | Illness recovery date, expected |
| Date when a person is expected to recover from illness. |
485 | Period of illness, start date |
| Date when a period of illness began. |
486 | Period of illness, end date |
| Date when a period of illness ends. |
487 | Decease date |
| Date when a person died. |
488 | Benefit period, start date |
| Date when a period of benefit begins. |
489 | Benefit period, end date |
| Date when a period of benefit ends. |
490 | Selection period, start date |
| Date when a period of selection begins. |
491 | Selection period, end date |
| Date when a period of selection ends. |
492 | Balance date/time/period |
| The date/time/period of a balance. |
493 | Benefit payments termination date |
| To identify the date on which benefit payments have ceased. |
494 | Covered income period |
| To identify the period over which covered income is measured. |
495 | Current income period |
| To identify the period over which current income is measured. |
496 | Reinstatement date |
| Identifies the date of reinstatement. |
497 | Definition of disability duration |
| To identify the period for which the definition of disability applies. |
498 | Previous termination date |
| Identifies the date of the previous termination. |
499 | Premium change period |
| To identify the period of the premium change. |
500 | Off-hire survey date |
| Date on which the equipment was surveyed at the end of the current leasing period. |
501 | In service survey date |
| Date of survey of equipment while in use. |
502 | On hire survey date |
| Date on which the equipment was surveyed at the beginning of the current leasing period. |
503 | Production inspection date |
| Date of production inspection. |
504 | Overtime, start date |
| Date when a period of overtime begins. |
505 | Overtime, end date |
| Date when a period of overtime ends. |
506 | Back order delivery date/time/period |
| The date/time/period during which the delivery of a back order will take, or has taken, place. |
507 | Negotiations start date |
| The date on which negotiations started. |
508 | Work effective start date |
| The date on which work will effectively start. |
509 | Contract binding date |
| The date from which a contract becomes binding on the contracting parties. |
510 | Notification time limit |
| The time limit which has been set for a notification to take place. |
511 | Time limit |
| The time limit in which an event must take place. |
512 | Attendance date and or time and or period |
| Date and or time and or period of attendance. |
513 | Accident date and or time |
| Date and or time when an accident occurred. |
514 | Adoption date, actual |
| Actual date when adoption occurs. |
515 | Reimbursement claim issue date and or time |
| Date and or time when a reimbursement claim is issued. |
516 | Hospital admission date and or time |
| Date and or time of admission to a hospital. |
517 | Hospital discharge date and or time |
| Date and or time of discharge from a hospital. |
518 | Period of care start date and or time |
| Date and or time when a period of care starts. |
519 | Period of care end date and or time |
| Date and or time when a period of care ends. |
520 | Department admission date and or time |
| Date and or time of admission to a department. |
521 | Department discharge date and or time |
| Date and or time of discharge from a department. |
522 | Childbirth date and or time, actual |
| Actual date and or time of childbirth. |
523 | Prescription issue date and or time |
| Date and or time when a prescription was issued. |
524 | Prescription dispensing date and or time |
| Date and or time when a prescription was dispensed. |
525 | Clinical examination date and or time |
| Date and or time of clinical examination. |
526 | Death date and or time |
| Date and or time of death. |
527 | Childbirth date, estimated |
| Estimated date of childbirth. |
528 | Last menstrual cycle, start date |
| Date when the last menstrual cycle started. |
529 | Pregnancy duration, actual |
| Actual duration of pregnancy. |
530 | Fumigation date and/or time |
| The date/or time on which fumigation is to occur or has taken place. |
531 | Payment period |
| A period of time in which a payment has been or will be made. |
532 | Average delivery delay |
| The average delay between deliveries. |
533 | Budget line application date |
| The date on which something has been applied to a budget line. |
534 | Date of repair or service |
| The date of a repair or service. |
535 | Date of product failure |
| The date the product failed. |
536 | Review date |
| Date the item was or will be reviewed. |
537 | International review cycle start date |
| Date the international review cycle starts. |
538 | International assessment approval for publication date |
| Date the Data Maintenance Request (DMR) was approved for publication after completing international review. |
539 | Status assignment date |
| Date a status was assigned. |
540 | Instruction's original execution date |
| Original execution date for the instruction. |
541 | First published date |
| Date when material was first published. |
542 | Last published date |
| Date when material was last published. |
543 | Balance sheet date, latest |
| Date of the latest balance sheet. |
544 | Security share price as of given date |
| Date of the security share price. |
545 | Assigned date |
| Date when assigned. |
546 | Business opened date |
| Date opened for business. |
547 | Initial financial accounts filed date |
| Date when the initial financial accounts were filed. |
548 | Stop work as of given date |
| Date work stopped or will stop. |
549 | Completion date |
| Date of completion. |
550 | Lease term, start date |
| Start date of the lease term. |
551 | Lease term, end date |
| End date of the lease term. |
552 | Start date, actual |
| Actual date of start. |
553 | Start date, estimated |
| Date of estimated start. |
554 | Filed date |
| Date when filed. |
555 | Return to work date |
| Date of return to work. |
556 | Purchased date |
| Date of purchase. |
557 | Returned date |
| Date return takes place. |
558 | Changed date |
| Date change takes place. |
559 | Terminated date |
| Date termination takes place. |
560 | Evaluation date |
| Date evaluation takes place. |
561 | Business termination date |
| Date the business terminates. |
562 | Release from bankruptcy date |
| Date when an entity is released from bankruptcy status. |
563 | Placement date, initial |
| Date of initial placement. |
564 | Signature date |
| Date of signature. |
565 | Bankruptcy filed date |
| Date when bankruptcy was filed. |
566 | End date, scheduled |
| Date when activity is scheduled to end. |
567 | Report period |
| Period covered by the report. |
568 | Suspended date |
| Date of suspension. |
569 | Renewal date |
| Date of renewal. |
570 | Reported date |
| Date when reported. |
571 | Checked date |
| Date when checked. |
572 | Present residence, start date |
| The beginning date of residence at present location. |
573 | Employment position, start date |
| The start date of employment in a particular position. |
574 | Account closed date |
| Date when account was closed. |
575 | Construction date, actual |
| Date of actual construction. |
576 | Employment profession start date |
| Start date of employment in a particular profession. |
577 | Next review date |
| Date of next review. |
578 | Meeting date |
| Date of the meeting. |
579 | Administrator ordered date |
| Date when an administrator is ordered for a company. |
580 | Last date to file a claim |
| Date after which no claim can be filed. |
581 | Convicted date |
| Date when convicted. |
582 | Interviewed date |
| Date of an interview. |
583 | Last visit date |
| Date of last visit. |
584 | Future period |
| Period in the future. |
585 | Preceding period |
| Period preceding current period. |
586 | Expected problem resolution date |
| Date when problem is expected to be resolved. |
587 | Action date |
| Date of action. |
588 | Accountant's opinion date |
| Date of an accountant's opinion. |
589 | Last activity date |
| Date of last activity. |
590 | Resolved date |
| Date when resolved. |
591 | Recorded date |
| Date when recorded. |
592 | Date of birth, estimated |
| The estimated date of birth. |
593 | Last annual report date |
| Date of the last annual report. |
594 | Net worth date |
| Date of net worth. |
596 | Profit period |
| Period over which profit was earned. |
597 | Registration date |
| Date when registered. |
598 | Consolidation date |
| Date when consolidation occurred. |
599 | Board of directors not authorised as of given date |
| As of this date the board of directors is not authorised. |
600 | Board of directors not complete as of given date |
| As of this date the board of directors is not fully filled. |
601 | Manager not registered as of given date |
| As of this date the manager is not registered. |
602 | Citizenship change date |
| Date of citizenship change. |
603 | Participation date |
| Date of participation. |
604 | Capitalisation date |
| Date of capitalisation. |
605 | Board of directors registration date |
| Date when the board of directors was registered. |
606 | Operations ceased date |
| Date when operations ceased. |
607 | Satisfaction date |
| Date when satisfaction was obtained. |
608 | Legal settlement terms met date |
| Date when terms specified in the legal settlement were met. |
609 | Business control change date |
| Date when a new authority took control. |
610 | Court registration date |
| Date of registration in the court. |
611 | Annual report due date |
| Date when annual report is due. |
612 | Asset and liability schedule date |
| Date of the asset and liability schedule. |
613 | Annual report mailing date |
| Date when the annual report was mailed. |
614 | Annual report filing date |
| Date when the annual report was filed. |
615 | Annual report delinquent on date |
| Date when annual report was considered delinquent. |
616 | Accounting methodology change date |
| Date when accounting methodology was changed. |
617 | Closed until date |
| Date when again open. |
618 | Conversion into holding company date |
| Date business was converted into a holding company. |
619 | Deed not available as of given date |
| Date when deed was not available. |
620 | Detrimental information receipt date |
| Date when detrimental information was received. |
621 | Construction date, estimated |
| Estimated date of construction. |
622 | Financial information date |
| Date of the financial information. |
623 | Graduation date |
| Date when graduation occurs. |
624 | Insolvency discharge granted date |
| Date when insolvency discharge was granted. |
625 | Incorporation date |
| Date of incorporation. |
626 | Inactivity end date |
| Date when inactivity ends. |
627 | Last check for balance sheet update date |
| Date balance sheet was last checked to determine if update had taken place. |
628 | Last capital change date |
| Date of last capital change. |
629 | Letter of agreement date |
| Date of a letter of agreement. |
630 | Letter of liability date |
| Date of a letter of liability. |
631 | Liquidation date |
| Date of liquidation. |
632 | Lowest activity period |
| Period of lowest activity. |
633 | Legal structure change date |
| Date when legal structure was changed. |
634 | Current name effective date |
| Date when current name became effective. |
635 | Not registered as of given date |
| Date when not yet registered. |
636 | Current authority control start date |
| Date when current authority took control. |
637 | Privilege details verification date |
| Date when privilege details were verified. |
638 | Current legal structure effective date |
| Date when current legal structure became effective. |
639 | Peak activity period |
| Period of peak activity. |
640 | Presentation to bankruptcy receivers date |
| Date when presented to the bankruptcy receivers. |
641 | Resignation date |
| Date of resignation. |
642 | Legal action closed date |
| Date when the legal action was closed. |
643 | Mail receipt date |
| Date mail was received. |
644 | Social security claims verification date |
| Date when social security claims were verified. |
645 | Sole directorship registration date |
| Date when sole directorship was registered. |
646 | Trade style registration date |
| Date when trade style was registered. |
647 | Trial start date, scheduled |
| Date when a trial is scheduled to begin. |
648 | Trial start date, actual |
| Date when the trial actually started. |
649 | Value Added Tax (VAT) claims verification date |
| Date when the Value Added Tax (VAT) claims were verified. |
650 | Receivership result date |
| Date when the result of the receivership occurs. |
651 | Investigation end date |
| The date when an investigation ended. |
652 | Employee temporary laid-off period end date |
| The ending date of a period in which employees were temporarily placed out of work. |
653 | Investigation start date |
| The date when an investigation began. |
654 | Income period |
| The period of time in which income is earned. |
655 | Criminal sentence duration |
| The period of time over which a criminal sentence applies. |
656 | Age |
| The length of time that a person or thing has existed. |
657 | Receivables collection period |
| The period of time over which receivable accounts are collected. |
658 | Comparison period |
| The time period covered in a comparison. |
659 | Adjournment |
| The period of time over which an adjournment is in effect. |
660 | Court dismissal date |
| The date on which a court refused further hearing of a case. |
661 | Insufficient assets judgement date |
| The date on which assets were judged to be insufficient. |
662 | Average payment period |
| The average period of time over which money has been paid. |
663 | Forecast period start |
| The beginning of a forecast period. |
664 | Period extended |
| Number of time units added to the original end date/time/period. |
665 | Employee temporary laid-off period start date |
| The start date of a period in which employees were temporarily placed out of work. |
666 | Management available date |
| Date when management is available. |
667 | Withdrawn date |
| The date when something was retracted. |
668 | Claim incurred date |
| The date that the claim was incurred. |
669 | Financial coverage period |
| The period of time for which financial coverage applies. |
670 | Claim made date |
| The date on which a claim was made. |
671 | Stop distribution date |
| The date on which distribution is to stop. |
672 | Period assigned |
| The period assigned. |
673 | Lease period |
| The period associated with a lease. |
674 | Forecast period end date |
| The ending date of a forecast period. |
675 | Judgement date |
| The date on which a decision from a court of law was rendered. |
676 | Period worked for the company |
| Period of time that was worked for the company. |
677 | Transport equipment stuffing date and/or time |
| The date and/or time on which the stuffing of transport equipment is to or has taken place. |
678 | Transport equipment stripping date and/or time |
| The date and/or time on which the stripping of a transport equipment is to or has taken place. |
679 | Initial request date |
| Date of an initial request. |
680 | Period overdue |
| The period by which an event is overdue. |
681 | Implementation date/time/period |
| A date/time/period within which an implementation is to take place. |
682 | Refusal period |
| The period within which a refusal can be made. |
683 | Suspension period |
| The period for which something is suspended. |
684 | Deletion date |
| The date on which deletion occurs. |
685 | First sale date and/or time and/or period |
| The first date, and/or time, and/or period a product was sold. |
686 | Last sale date and/or time and/or period |
| The last date, and/or time, and/or period a product was sold. |
687 | Date ready for collection |
| A date on which an object is ready for collection. |
688 | Shipping date, no schedule established as of |
| As at this date no valid shipping schedule has been established. |
689 | Shipping date and/or time, current schedule |
| Shipping date and/or time as currently scheduled. |
690 | Suppliers' average credit period |
| The average period of time that credit is extended by suppliers. |
691 | Advising date |
| Date of advice. |
692 | Project over target baseline date |
| The date an over target baseline was implemented for a project. |
693 | Established date |
| Date when an entity was established or created. |
694 | Latest filing period |
| Latest period for which a filing may be made. |
695 | Mailing date |
| Date when an item may be mailed. |
696 | Date/time of latest accounts filing at public registry |
| The latest date/time when financial accounts were filed at public registry. |
697 | Date placed in disfavour |
| Date when placed in a disfavoured category or status. |
698 | Employment position start date, estimated |
| Estimated start date of employment in a particular position. |
699 | Registered contractor number assignment date, original |
| Date when a registered contractor number was originally assigned. |
700 | Ownership change date |
| Date when ownership changes. |
701 | Original duration |
| Original length of time. |
702 | Period between changes |
| The period of time between changes. |
703 | From date of notice to proceed to commencement of performance |
| Period of time from notice to proceed until performance commencement. |
704 | From date of notice to proceed to completion |
| Period of time from date of notice to proceed until completion. |
705 | Period an event is late due to customer |
| The period of time an event is late due to the actions of a customer. |
706 | File generation date and/or time |
| Date and, or time of file generation. |
707 | Endorsed certificate issue date |
| Date on which a certificate, endorsed by signature or other agreed means, is issued. |
708 | Patient first visit for condition |
| The date of the first visit by a patient to a healthcare provider for this condition. |
709 | Admission date and/or time, expected |
| Expected date and/or time of admission. |
710 | Symptoms onset, patient alleged |
| Date and/or time of onset of symptoms according to the patient. |
711 | Accident benefit period |
| To identify the period of time for which benefits are provided in the event of an accident. |
712 | Accident benefit age limit |
| To identify the age to which benefits are provided to the insured in the event of an accident. |
713 | Accident lifetime benefit qualification age |
| To identify the qualification age for lifetime benefits provided to the insured in the event of an accident. |
714 | Sickness benefit period |
| To identify the period of time for which benefits are provided in the event of sickness. |
715 | Sickness benefit age limit |
| To identify the age to which benefits are provided to the insured in the event of sickness. |
716 | Sickness lifetime benefit qualification age |
| To identify the qualification age for lifetime benefits provided to the insured in the event of sickness. |
717 | Accident insurance elimination period |
| To identify the period of time the insured must be disabled in the event of an accident for benefits to be payable by the ceding company. |
718 | Sickness insurance elimination period |
| The period of time the insured must be disabled in the event of sickness for benefits to be payable by the ceding company. |
719 | Provider signature date |
| Date when the provider signed. |
720 | Condition initial treatment date |
| Date when initially treated for this condition. |
721 | Information release authorization date |
| Date when the information was authorized to be released. |
722 | Benefit release authorization date |
| Date when a benefit is authorized for release. |
723 | Last seen date |
| The date when last seen. |
724 | Acute manifestation date |
| The date the symptoms manifested themselves in an acute form. |
725 | Similar illness onset date |
| The date of the onset of an illness similar to the illness currently being treated. |
726 | Last X-ray date |
| The date the last X-ray was taken. |
727 | Placement date, previous |
| The date something was previously placed. |
728 | Placement date |
| The date something is placed. |
729 | Temporary prosthesis date |
| The date a temporary prosthetic device was provided. |
730 | Orthodontic treatment period, remaining |
| The period of time that the orthodontic treatment has remaining. |
731 | Orthodontic treatment period, total |
| The period of orthodontic treatment from beginning to end. |
732 | Maximum credit granted date |
| Date on which the highest credit was granted. |
733 | Last date of accounts filed at public register |
| Date on which accounts were last filed at the public register. |
734 | Allowed renewal duration period |
| The period of time a company can renew its duration period. |
735 | Offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) |
| Number of hour's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC). |
736 | Appointment expiry date |
| Date when an appointment will expire. |
737 | Earliest filing period |
| Earliest period for which a filing is made. |
738 | Original name change date |
| Date when the original name was changed. |
739 | Education start date |
| Date education begins at an educational institution. |
740 | Education end date |
| Date education is completed at an educational institution. |
741 | Receivership period |
| Period of time a receivership lasts. |
742 | Financial information submission date/time |
| Date/time when financial information is submitted. |
743 | Purchase order latest possible change date |
| Date identifying a point of time after which a purchase order cannot be changed. |
744 | Investment number allocation date |
| The date that an investment number was allocated. |
ZZZ | Mutually defined |
| Self explanatory. |