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Cargo/goods handling and movement message
Version: | D |
Release: | 00A |
Contr. Agency: | UN |
Revision: | 6 |
Date: | 2000-01-27 |
SOURCE: | Western European EDIFACT Board |
Cargo/goods handling and movement message
- Functional definition
- Field of application
- Principles
- Standard terms and definitions
- Message terms and definitions
- Segment clarification
- Segment index (alphabetical sequence)
- Message structure
- Segment table
For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.3, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction
This message also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B, D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B |
This specification provides the definition of the Cargo/goods handling and movement message (HANMOV) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport.
1.1. Functional definition
A message from a party to a warehouse/distribution centre identifying the handling services and where required the movement of specified goods, limited to warehouses within the jurisdiction of the distribution centre.
1.2. Field of application
The Cargo/goods handling and movement message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry.
1.3. Principles
This message addresses the indirect flow of goods between seller and buyer through a warehouse/distribution centre.
The functions of this message are limited to:
- assembly/disassembly of goods and products, without interfering in the manufacturing process
- (re-)packing/unpacking
- control of goods associated with the handling services but not interfering in the manufacturing process
- marking and labelling on the packages of the goods but does not extend to the marking and labelling of the products
- movement of goods limited between warehouses within the jurisdiction of the distribution centre
- preparation of goods for shipment
- storage
- clearance
- goods inspection
- hazardous material handling
The movement of specified goods relates here to the area where control of the goods is to be exercised from the arrival of the goods to the distribution centre until the departure of the goods from the distribution centre to another party. It can include movements between warehouses within the jurisdiction of the distribution centre. Other movements of goods will be given by the relevant instruction messages, i.e. IFTMIN (Instruction message) and Instruction For Despatch (message under development).
The functions Assembly/Disassembly are meant to make the goods ready for delivery to the final customer, they are not part of the actual manufacturing or assembly process.
- Goods items may or may not be containerized.
- A goods item may be in one or pieces of equipment, and a single equipment may contain one or more goods items.
- One goods item and/or line item may be related to one or more customs tariff codes.
- Goods items may reflect either the contractual or operational description of the goods.
- Equipment may have other types of equipment attached to it, e.g. a temperature control unit attached to a container.
- Equipment and/or goods items may be attached to another load or transport device, which as such may be attached to yet another load or transport device, e.g. a container on a chassis on a railway wagon.
- Transport devices, which have the ability of powered movement on their own, are specified in the transport details group. Other load or transport devices are specified as equipment.
- The expression of packaging for goods items in the GID segment can be expressed at up to three levels.
A number of generic transport terms are described in Section 3.2.
See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1.
3.1. Standard terms and definitions
See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2.
3.2. Message terms and definitions
A number of generic transport terms are used in this specification, to be described as:
- MODE OF TRANSPORT: The method of transport used for the conveyance of goods or persons, e.g. by rail, by road, by sea.
- MEANS OF TRANSPORT: The vehicle used for the transport of goods or persons, e.g. aircraft, truck, vessel.
- TYPE OF MEANS OF TRANSPORT: The type of vehicle used in the transport process, e.g. wide body, tank truck, passenger vessel.
- EQUIPMENT: Material resources necessary to facilitate the transport and handling of cargo. Transport equipment does under the given circumstances not have the ability to move by its own propulsion (e.g. sea container, trailer, unit load device, pallet).
- TYPE OF EQUIPMENT: The type of material used, e.g. 40 feet container, four way pallet, mafi trailer.
Syntactical notes
The use of this message is not dependent on when the transfer of ownership of the materials/goods takes place between the seller and the buyer, and whether it is customs cleared or not (i.e. bonded warehouse). It does not cover however the situation of the goods: in this case there is no more indirect flow of goods, since the distribution centre is acting as a seller.
A line item group is used to convey information regarding articles. A goods item group is used to convey information regarding a number of articles packed for shipment.
The following table indicates the possible use of the various segment groups in the message in relation to the above functions. In one message several of the above functions can be combined.
------------------------------------------------------------- assembly/disassembly - - - - (re-)packing/unpacking - X OR X X control x X AND/OR X X marking and labelling - - X - movement of goods X X AND/OR X X preparation for shipment X X AND X X storage - X AND/OR X X clearance - X OR X X goods inspection - X OR X X hazardous mat. handling - X OR X X -------------------------------------------------------------
These handling functions are indicated on message top level (HAN segment) and apply to all line items (LIN-group) and/or goods items (GID-group) in the message. Additional handling instructions related to goods items and/or line items must be specified in the goods and do not overrule the handling function specified on message level.
4.1. Segment clarification
This section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements.
0010 UNH, Message header
A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Cargo/goods handling and movement message is HANMOV. Note: Cargo/goods handling and movement messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:
0020 BGM, Beginning of message
A segment to indicate the beginning of the message by identifying the message by a document/message number. 0030 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment to indicate date(s), time(s) and periods relating to the whole message, e.g. document/message date. 0040 HAN, Handling instructions
A segment providing information on general handling instructions applicable to all data in the message, e.g. assembly and/or preparation of goods for shipment. 0050 FTX, Free text
A segment to specify free form or processable supplementary information. In computer-to-computer exchanges free form text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually. 0060 CNT, Control total
A segment to specify control totals. 0070 CUX, Currencies
A segment to specify currencies and relevant details for the rate of exchange. 0080 Segment Group 1: TCC-LOC-FTX-CUXA group of segments to specify charges associated with the handling. 0090 TCC, Transport charge/rate calculations
A segment to specify a charge. 0100 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment to indicate a location where the chargeable action is (to be) performed. 0110 FTX, Free text
A segment to specify processable supplementary information associated with charge. 0120 CUX, Currencies
A segment to specify currencies associated with charge. 0130 Segment Group 2: RFF-DTMA group of segments containing references and constants which apply to the entire message. 0140 RFF, Reference
A segment to express a reference which applies to the entire message such as: the document/message number that is to be updated by this very message (according to data element 1225 - Message function code in segment BGM). 0150 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference. A group of segments to identify a party, related references, locations, contacts and required documents. 0170 NAD, Name and address
A segment to identify the party's name, address and function, e.g. warehouse/distribution centre. 0180 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment to indicate a location where a specific function will be performed. 0190 DOC, Document/message details
A segment to identify a document required of, by or for the party. 0200 Segment Group 4: RFF-DTMA group of segments to specify a reference related to the party. 0210 RFF, Reference
A segment to identify a reference used by a party. 0220 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment to indicate date and time relating to the reference. 0230 Segment Group 5: CTA-COMA group of segments identifying a contact and its communications related to the party. 0240 CTA, Contact information
A segment to identify a person or department within the party. 0250 COM, Communication contact
A segment to identify a communication number of a person or department to whom communication should be directed. 0260 Segment Group 6: TDT-DTM-LOC-RFFA group of segments to indicate details of the movement of goods such as mode and means of transport, locations, departure, and arrival date(s) and time(s). 0270 TDT, Details of transport
A segment to indicate information related to a certain stage of the transport, such as mode, means and carrier. 0280 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment to indicate date and time relevant to the transport details, e.g. departure date/time. 0290 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment to indicate a location such as transport origin, destination, stop-off, etc. 0300 RFF, Reference
A segment to specify an additional reference related to the stage of the transport. 0310 Segment Group 7: TOD-LOCA group of segments indicating the terms of delivery for the whole HANMOV message. 0320 + TOD, Terms of delivery or transport
This segment is used to specify terms of delivery for the complete message. 0330 + LOC, Place/location identification
A segment identifying locations relevant to the terms of delivery e.g. place of departure or border crossing point. FTX-SG11-LOC-SG12 A group of segments providing details of the individually handled product items. 0350 LIN, Line item
A segment identifying the product item being handled or the resulting product code after assembly or disassembly. 0360 PIA, Additional product id
A segment providing additional product identification, e.g. EAN number. 0370 IMD, Item description
A segment to describe the product being handled. This segment should be used for products that cannot be identified by a product code or article number. 0380 HAN, Handling instructions
A segment to specify handling instructions specific to the product item in addition to and not overriding the handling instructions on message level. 0390 TCC, Transport charge/rate calculations
A segment to specify a charge associated with the product item, e.g. assembly charge. 0400 Segment Group 9: NAD-SG10A group of segments for identifying names and addresses and their functions. 0410 NAD, Name and address
A segment to identify the party's name, address and function, e.g. seller, buyer, inspecting party. It is recommended that where possible only the coded form of the party identification should be specified, e.g. when the buyer and seller are known to each other. 0420 Segment Group 10: CTA-COMA group of segments identifying a contact and its communications related to the party. 0430 CTA, Contact information
A segment to identify a person or department within a party. 0440 COM, Communication contact
A segment to identify a communication number of a person or department to whom communication should be directed. 0450 MEA, Measurements
A segment identifying physical measurements of the handled product item in original or unpacked form. 0460 QTY, Quantity
A segment to give quantity information concerning the product. 0470 GIN, Goods identity number
A segment providing identity numbers of the goods being handled, e.g. serial numbers for assembled products. 0480 GIR, Related identification numbers
A segment providing sets of related identification numbers for a product item, e.g. in case of assembly (disassembly) engine number, chassis number and transmission number for a vehicle. 0490 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment providing date/time information related to the product item, e.g. production date. 0500 FTX, Free text
A segment to specify free form or processable information, which further clarifies, when required, the product item. In computer-to-computer exchanges free form text will normally require the receiver to process this segment manually. 0510 Segment Group 11: RFF-DTMA group of segments to give reference numbers and dates. 0520 RFF, Reference
A segment identifying a reference related to the product item and/or a reference as a pointer to the goods item number in the GID group. 0530 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment to specify date/time/period relating to the reference. 0540 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment identifying a specific location, e.g. within the warehouse/distribution centre. A group of segments providing details how the product item is packed, such as number and type of packages, physical measurements and quantities. 0560 PAC, Package
A segment to describe packaging details for the product item. 0570 MEA, Measurements
A segment specifying physical measurements of packages. 0580 QTY, Quantity
A segment to specify a quantity of products per package. 0590 Segment Group 13: PCI-GINA group of segments identifying one specific package or a number of packages, their marks and numbers. 0600 PCI, Package identification
A segment specifying marking and labels used on individual packages or a range of packages. 0610 GIN, Goods identity number
A segment providing identification numbers being applied to the packages handled. DIM-RFF-PCI-SG15-SGP-TCC-SG16 A group of segments to describe the goods items for which transport is undertaken. 0630 GID, Goods item details
A segment to identify a goods item for which handling is specified. A goods item can be identified at up to three levels of packaging. 0640 HAN, Handling instructions
A segment to specify handling instructions specific to the goods item in addition to and not overriding the handling instructions on message level. 0650 CST, Customs status of goods
A segment to specify goods in terms of customs identities. 0660 TMP, Temperature
A segment to specify a temperature setting for a goods item. 0670 RNG, Range details
A segment to specify a temperature range setting for a goods item. 0680 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment identifying a specific location, e.g. within the warehouse/distribution centre. 0690 MOA, Monetary amount
A segment to specify a monetary amount associated with a goods item, such as declared value, FOB value, etc. 0700 PIA, Additional product id
A segment to specify article numbers, e.g. in case of repackaging. 0710 FTX, Free text
A segment to specify processable supplementary information relating to the goods item, e.g. goods description. 0720 NAD, Name and address
A segment to specify an address of a place of collection or delivery or inspecting party for a goods item. 0730 MEA, Measurements
A segment to specify measurements, other than dimensions, applicable to a goods item. 0740 DIM, Dimensions
A segment to specify dimensions applicable to a goods item. 0750 RFF, Reference
A segment to identify a reference to a goods item. 0760 PCI, Package identification
A segment to specify marks and numbers of a goods item. 0770 Segment Group 15: DOC-DTMA group of segments to specify documents and associated date(s) and time(s) for a goods item. 0780 DOC, Document/message details
A segment to specify a document prepared for a goods item. 0790 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment to associate date and time with the prepared document. 0800 SGP, Split goods placement
A segment to identify the equipment in which goods are loaded. 0810 TCC, Transport charge/rate calculations
A segment to specify charge associated with the goods item. 0820 Segment Group 16: DGS-FTX-MEAA group of segments to specify dangerous goods details related to the goods item. One goods item may be in different dangerous goods classes. 0830 DGS, Dangerous goods
A segment to indicate the class of dangerous goods, packing group, etc. 0840 FTX, Free text
A segment to specify the dangerous goods technical name and to specify any additional dangerous goods information. 0850 MEA, Measurements
A segment to specify measurements of that portion of the dangerous goods in the equipment. A group of segments to specify equipment in which goods are loaded. 0870 EQD, Equipment details
A segment to specify equipment and equipment size and type used in the transport. 0880 EQN, Number of units
A segment to identify the number of pieces of equipment. 0890 SEL, Seal number
A segment to identify seal and seal issuer associated with the equipment. 0900 EQA, Attached equipment
A segment to identify attached or related equipment such as chassis attached to a container. 0910 RFF, Reference
A segment to specify a reference number to equipment. 0920 UNT, Message trailer
A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.
4.2. Segment index (alphabetical sequence)
Beginning of message |
Control total |
Communication contact |
Customs status of goods |
Contact information |
Currencies |
Dangerous goods |
Dimensions |
Document/message details |
Date/time/period |
Attached equipment |
Equipment details |
Number of units |
Free text |
Goods item details |
Goods identity number |
Related identification numbers |
Handling instructions |
Item description |
Line item |
Place/location identification |
Measurements |
Monetary amount |
Name and address |
Package |
Package identification |
Additional product id |
Quantity |
Reference |
Range details |
Seal number |
Split goods placement |
Transport charge/rate calculations |
Details of transport |
Temperature |
Terms of delivery or transport |
Message header |
Message trailer |
4.3. Message structure
4.3.1. Segment table
├─UNH Message header | ×1 | (M) |
├─BGM Beginning of message | ×1 | (M) |
├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
├─HAN Handling instructions | ×9 | (C) |
├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
├─CNT Control total | ×9 | (C) |
├─CUX Currencies | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 1 | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─TCC Transport charge/rate calculations | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─LOC Place/location identification | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│─└─CUX Currencies | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 2 | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─RFF Reference | ×1 | (M) |
│─└─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 3 | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─NAD Name and address | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─LOC Place/location identification | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─DOC Document/message details | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─Segment Group 4 | ×9 | (C) |
│─│─├─RFF Reference | ×1 | (M) |
│─│─└─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│─└─Segment Group 5 | ×9 | (C) |
│───├─CTA Contact information | ×1 | (M) |
│───└─COM Communication contact | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 6 | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─TDT Details of transport | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─LOC Place/location identification | ×9 | (C) |
│─└─RFF Reference | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 7 | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─TOD Terms of delivery or transport | ×1 | (M) |
│─└─LOC Place/location identification | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 8 | ×99 | (C) |
│─├─LIN Line item | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─PIA Additional product id | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─IMD Item description | ×99 | (C) |
│─├─HAN Handling instructions | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─TCC Transport charge/rate calculations | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─Segment Group 9 | ×9 | (C) |
│─│─├─NAD Name and address | ×1 | (M) |
│─│─└─Segment Group 10 | ×1 | (C) |
│─│───├─CTA Contact information | ×1 | (M) |
│─│───└─COM Communication contact | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─MEA Measurements | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─QTY Quantity | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─GIN Goods identity number | ×99 | (C) |
│─├─GIR Related identification numbers | ×99 | (C) |
│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─Segment Group 11 | ×9 | (C) |
│─│─├─RFF Reference | ×1 | (M) |
│─│─└─DTM Date/time/period | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─LOC Place/location identification | ×9 | (C) |
│─└─Segment Group 12 | ×99 | (C) |
│───├─PAC Package | ×1 | (M) |
│───├─MEA Measurements | ×9 | (C) |
│───├─QTY Quantity | ×9 | (C) |
│───└─Segment Group 13 | ×9 | (C) |
│─────├─PCI Package identification | ×1 | (M) |
│─────└─GIN Goods identity number | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 14 | ×99 | (C) |
│─├─GID Goods item details | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─HAN Handling instructions | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─CST Customs status of goods | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─TMP Temperature | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─RNG Range details | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─LOC Place/location identification | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─MOA Monetary amount | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─PIA Additional product id | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─NAD Name and address | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─MEA Measurements | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─DIM Dimensions | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─RFF Reference | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─PCI Package identification | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─Segment Group 15 | ×9 | (C) |
│─│─├─DOC Document/message details | ×1 | (M) |
│─│─└─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─SGP Split goods placement | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─TCC Transport charge/rate calculations | ×9 | (C) |
│─└─Segment Group 16 | ×9 | (C) |
│───├─DGS Dangerous goods | ×1 | (M) |
│───├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│───└─MEA Measurements | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 17 | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─EQD Equipment details | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─EQN Number of units | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─SEL Seal number | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─EQA Attached equipment | ×99 | (C) |
│─└─RFF Reference | ×9 | (C) |
└─UNT Message trailer | ×1 | (M) |
Change indicators |
plus sign |
An addition. |
asterisk |
Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element. |
hash or pound sign |
Changes to names. |
vertical bar |
Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions. |
minus sign |
A deletion. |
letter X |
Marked for deletion. |
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