4295 -
Change reason, coded UN/CEFACT Revision 1999A Code List |
Repr: | an..3 |
Desc: | Identification of the reason for a change. |
| This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B, D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B |
AA | Member attribute change |
| An attribute of a member of a group has changed. |
AB | Abroad |
| In an other country. |
AC | Member category change |
| The member or benefits category has changed. |
AD | Death |
| Subject has died. |
AE | Disability |
| Subject is disabled. |
AF | Early retirement |
| Retirement before the normal retirement age. |
AG | Hardship |
| Subject is incurring hardship. |
AH | Ill health |
| Subject has ill health. |
AI | Leaving employer |
| Subject is leaving employer. |
AJ | Leaving industry |
| Person is leaving, or has left, an identified industry. |
AK | Level/rate table change |
| The insurance level/rate table has changed. |
AL | Normal retirement |
| Subject has retired at the normal retirement age. |
AM | Other |
| Reason differs from any of the other coded values. |
AN | Retrenchment |
| Subject has been retrenched from work. |
AO | Resignation |
| Subject has resigned from work. |
AP | Member status change |
| The member status has changed. |
AQ | Alternate quantity and unit of measurement |
| Self explanatory. |
AR | Article out of assortment for particular company |
| Item normally part of a suppliers standard assortment but is unavailable for a specific buyer due to legal or commercial reasons. |
AS | Article out of assortment |
| Article normally part of a standard assortment is unavailable. |
AT | Item not ordered |
| Code indicating the item or product was not ordered. |
AU | No delivery due to outstanding payments |
| Delivery of an item was stopped due to outstanding deliveries which have not yet been paid. |
AV | Out of inventory |
| Item is out of inventory. |
AW | Quantity adjustment |
| Code indicating that the reason for the quantity variance is because of adjustments. |
AX | National pricing authority agreement is final |
| Code to indicate that the national pricing authority agreement for a price is final. |
| AY |
| Sale location different |
| Sold in a different sales location. |
BA | Damaged goods |
| A change resulting from damaged goods. |
BD | Blueprint deviation |
| Self explanatory. |
BQ | Balancing quantity |
| Amount needed to resolve difference between ordered and delivered quantity. |
DC | Date change |
| Self explanatory. |
EV | Estimated quantity |
| Self explanatory. |
GU | Gross volume per pack and unit of measure |
| Self explanatory. |
GW | Gross weight per pack |
| Self explanatory. |
LD | Length difference |
| Self explanatory. |
MC | Pack/size measure difference |
| Description to be provided. |
PC | Pack difference |
| Self-explanatory. |
PD | Pack dimension difference |
| Description to be provided. |
PQ | Pack quantity |
| Self explanatory. |
PS | Product/services ID change |
| Self explanatory. |
PW | Pack weight difference |
| Self explanatory. |
PZ | Pack size difference |
| Self-explanatory. |
QO | Quantity ordered |
| Self explanatory. |
QP | Quantity based on price qualifier |
| Self explanatory. |
QT | Quantity price break |
| Self explanatory. |
SC | Size difference |
| Self explanatory. |
UM | Unit of measure difference |
| Self explanatory. |
UP | Unit price |
| Self explanatory. |
WD | Width difference |
| Self explanatory. |
WO | Weight qualifier/gross weight per package |
| Self explanatory. |
ZZZ | Mutually defined |
| Self explanatory. |