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3035 -

Party qualifier
UN/CEFACT Revision 1995B Code List

Desc:Code giving specific meaning to a party.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B, D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B

AAParty to be billed (AAR Accounting rule 11)
Party to be billed in accordance with AAR Accounting rule 11.
ABBuyer's agent/representative
Third party who arranged the purchase of merchandise on behalf of the actual buyer.
AEDeclarant's agent/representative
Any natural or legal person who makes a declaration to an official body on behalf of another natural or legal person, where legally permitted (CCC).
AFTransit principal
Natural or legal person responsible for the satisfactory performance of a Customs transit operation. Source: CCC.
(3196) Party authorized to act on behalf of another party.
AHTransit principal's agent/representative
Agent acting on behalf of the transit principal (CCC).
Successful job applicant
Person who has been chosen for a job.
AKAcknowledgement recipient
Party to whom acknowledgement should be sent.
(3340) Party accepting liability for goods held or moving (e.g. transit) under a Customs authorization and - when applicable - a guarantee.
AMAuthorized official
Employee of a company or firm authorized to act on behalf of that company or firm e.g. to make a Customs declaration.
ANApproved importer
Person or company which is authorised by the relevant Customs authority to import goods without payment all taxes or specific taxes at the point of entry into the country.
AOAccount of
Party account is assigned to.
APAccepting party
(3352) Party accepting goods, products, services etc.
AQApproved consignor
Person or company approved by the relevant authority in the country to pack and export specific goods under Customs supervision.
ARAuthorized exporter
Exporter authorized/approved by Customs for special Customs procedures e.g. simplified procedure.
ATAuthorized importer
Importer authorized/approved by Customs for special Customs procedures e.g. simplified procedure.
AUAuthorized trader (transit)
Trader authorized/approved by Customs for special transit procedures e.g. simplified procedure.
AVAuthorizing official
Party that has delegated the authority to take a certain action on behalf of a company or agency.
AWApplicant's bank
Financial institution which is requested to issue the documentary credit.
AXAuthenticating party
Party which certifies that a document is authentic.
AZIssuing bank
Financial institution which issues the documentary credit, if the applicant's bank is not acting as the issuing bank.
B1Contact bank 1
Identifies an additional bank which must be informed of certain aspects of the message.
B2Contact bank 2
Identifies an additional bank which must be informed of certain aspects of the message.
BABooking agent
Party acting as a booking office for transport and forwarding services.
BBBuyer's bank
[3420] Bank employed by the buyer to make payment.
BCNegotiating bank
Financial institution to whom a negotiable documentary credit is directed.
BDDocumentary credit reimbursing bank
The ultimate recipient of the funds. Normally the account owner who is reimbursed by the payor.
BFBeneficiary's bank
Identifies the account servicer for the beneficiary or the payee.
BHPrevious employer
Previous employer of a person(s).
BIBuyer's financial institution
Financial institution designated by buyer to make payment.
BKFinancial institution
Party acting as financial institution.
BLBill of lading recipient
Party to receive B/L.
Party which is the object of an insurance contract.
BNInsurance beneficiary
Party which benefits from insurance coverage.
BOBroker or sales office
Party acting in the name of the seller as broker or as sales office.
BPBuilding site purchaser
Party at the building site responsible for the purchasing of goods and services for that particular site.
BQCheque drawn bank
Identifies the bank on which the cheque should be drawn, as instructed by the ordering customer.
BSBill and ship to
Party receiving goods and relevant invoice.
BTParty to be billed for other than freight (bill to)
Party receiving invoice excluding freight costs.
BUService bureau
Party carrying out service bureau processing work, (e.g. a payroll bureau).
Member of a group (e.g. of a group of persons or a service scheme).
Self explanatory.
BXBuilding site engineer
Party at the building site responsible for engineering matters for that particular site.
(3002) Party to which merchandise is sold.
BZBuilding site forwarder
Party at the building site responsible for forwarding the received goods on that particular site.
C1In care of party no. 1
Description to be provided.
C2In care of party no. 2
Description to be provided.
(3126) Party undertaking or arranging transport of goods between named points.
CBCustoms broker
Agent or representative or a professional Customs clearing agent who deals directly with Customs on behalf of the importer or exporter (CCC).
Party who claims goods or insurance.
CDAgent's bank
Bank of the agent.
CECeding company
Description to be provided.
CFContainer operator/lessee
Party to whom the possession of specified property (e.g. container) has been conveyed for a period of time in return for rental payments.
CGCarrier's agent
Party authorized to act for or on behalf of carrier.
CHConnecting carrier
Owner or operator of a transportation conveyance to which goods in a given transaction will be transferred.
CICommission processor
Party who provides extra treatment to goods on commission base.
CJPrevious member
Previous member of a group of persons or a service scheme.
CKEmpty equipment despatch party
Party from whose premises empty equipment will be or has been despatched.
CLContainer location party
Party from whose premises container will be or has been despatched.
Identification of customs authority relevant to the transaction or shipment.
(3132) Party to which goods are consigned.
COCorporate office
Identification of the Head Office within a company.
COPConvoying party
Party designated to escort the transported goods.
CPParty to receive certificate of compliance
Party acting for or on behalf of seller in matters concerning compliance.
CPDCharges payer at destination
Party, other than the ordering party, which has to pay the charges concerning the destination operations.
CQCheque order
Party to which the cheque will be ordered, when different from the beneficiary.
CREmpty equipment return party
Party to whose premises empty equipment will be or has been returned.
Party consolidating various consignments, payments etc.
CTConsignee to be specified
Description to be provided.
CUContainer return company
Description to be provided.
CVConsignee of vessel
Description to be provided.
CWEquipment owner
Owner of equipment (container, etc.).
CXConsignee's agent
Party authorized to act on behalf of the consignee.
CYCommissionable agent
IATA cargo agent entitled to commission.
(3336) Party which, by contract with a carrier, consigns or sends goods with the carrier, or has them conveyed by him. Synonym: shipper, sender.
DAAvailable with bank (documentary credits)
Financial institution with whom the documentary credit is available.
DBDistributor branch
The affiliate of a retailer or distributor.
Party that splits up a large consignment composed of separate consignments of goods. The smaller consignments of goods were grouped together into that large consignment for carriage as a larger unit in order to obtain a reduced rate.
DCPDespatch charge payer
Party, other than the ordering party, which has to pay the charges concerning the despatch operations.
DDDocumentary credit account party's bank
Bank of the documentary credit account party.
Party depositing goods, financial payments or documents.
DFDocumentary credit applicant
Party at whose request the applicant's bank/issuing bank is to issue a documentary credit.
DGDocumentary credit beneficiary
Party in whose favour the documentary credit is to be issued and the party that must comply with the credit's terms and conditions.
DHDocumentary credit account party
Party which is responsible for the payment settlement of the documentary credit with the applicant's bank/issuing bank, if different from the documentary credit applicant.
DIDocumentary credit second beneficiary
Party to whom the documentary credit can be transferred.
DJParty according to documentary credit transaction
Party related to documentary credit transaction.
DKDocumentary credit beneficiary's bank
Financial institution with which the beneficiary of the documentary credit maintains an account.
Company offering a financial service whereby a firm sells or transfers title to its accounts receivable to the factoring company.
DMParty to whom documents are to be presented
Self explanatory.
DNOwner of operation
Owner of the operation.
DODocument recipient
(1370) Party which should receive a specified document.
DPDelivery party
(3144) Party to which goods should be delivered, if not identical with consignee.
DQOwner's agent
Person acting on delegation of powers of the owner.
Person who drives a means of transport.
Party distributing goods, financial payments or documents.
(3140) Party who makes a declaration to an official body or - where legally permitted - in whose name, or on whose behalf, a declaration to an official body is made.
DUOwner's representative
Person commissioned by the owner to represent him in certain circumstances.
DVProject management office
Party commissioned by the owner to follow through the execution of all works.
Party on whom drafts must be drawn.
DXEngineer (construction)
Party representing the contractor to advise and supervise engineering aspects of the works.
DYEngineer, resident (construction)
Party commissioned by the owner to advise and supervise engineering aspects of the works.
Self explanatory.
Designer of the construction project.
EBBuilding inspectorate
Party controlling the conformity of works to legal and regulation rules.
Party exchanging currencies or goods.
EDEngineer, consultant
Party providing professional engineering services.
EELocation of goods for customs examination before clearance
EFProject coordination office
Party responsible for technical coordination of works.
EGSurveyor, topographical
Party responsible for topographical measurements.
EHEngineer, measurement
Party responsible for quantity measurements.
EIController, quality
Party controlling the quality of goods and workmanship for the project.
EJSurveyor, quantity
Party responsible for the quantification and valuation of the works on behalf of the contractor.
EKSurveyor (professional), quantity
Party responsible to the owner for the quantification and valuation of the works.
Party responsible for a project, e.g. a construction project.
EMParty to receive electronic memo of invoice
Party being informed about invoice issue (via EDI).
Firm answering an invitation to tender.
EOOwner of equipment
Self explanatory.
EPEquipment drop-off party
Self explanatory.
EQEmpty container responsible party
Party responsible for the empty container.
EREmpty container return agent
Party, designated by owner of containers, responsible for their collection as agreed between the owner and customer/ consignee.
ESContractor, lead
Leader representing a grouping of co-contractors.
Member of a grouping of co-contractors.
EUContractor, general
Single contractor for the whole construction project, working by his own or with subcontractors.
Firm carrying out a part of the works for a contractor.
Subcontractor with direct payment
Subcontractor benefiting from direct payments.
(3030) Party who makes - or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes - an export declaration. This may include a manufacturer, seller or other person. Within a Customs union, consignor may have the same meaning as exporter.
EYSubcontractor, nominated
Subcontractor authorized by the owner after having been proposed.
EZOperator, essential services
Operator of essential services e.g. water, sewerage system, power.
FAOperator, communication channel
Operator of a communication channel.
FBNominated freight company
Party nominated to act as transport company or carrier for the goods.
FCContractor, main
Firm or grouping of co-contractors which has been awarded the contract.
FDBuyer's parent company
Parent company, e.g. holding company.
FECredit rating agency
Self explanatory.
FFFactor, correspondent
Factoring company engaged by another factoring company to assist the letter with the services provided to the clients (sellers).
FGBuyer as officially registered
Buying party as officially registered with government.
FHSeller as officially registered
Selling party as officially registered with government.
FJTrade Union
Organisation representing employees.
FKPrevious Trade Union
Employee organisation who previously represented an employee .
A person conveyed by a means of transport, other than the crew.
FMCrew member
A person manning a means of transport.
FNTariff issuer
The issuer of a tariff, e.g. a freight tariff.
FOParty performing inspection
Self explanatory.
FPFreight/charges payer
Party responsible for the payment of freight.
FRMessage from
Party where the message comes from.
FTParty responsible for financial settlement
(3450) Party responsible for either the transfer or repatriation of the funds relating to a transaction.
FWFreight forwarder
Party arranging forwarding of goods.
FXCurrent receiver
Current receiver of the goods in a multi-step transportation process (indirect flow) involving at least one grouping centre.
FYCurrent sender
Current sender of the goods in a multi-step transportation process (indirect flow) involving at least one grouping centre.
FZGrouping centre
A party in charge of groupage, including degroupage and regroupage.
GARoad carrier
A road carrier moving cargo.
GBChamber of commerce
Name of the Chamber of Commerce of the town where the company is registered.
GCGoods custodian
(3024) Party responsible for the keeping of goods.
Party or person who has produced the produce.
GERegistration tribunal
Name of the tribunal where the company is registered.
GFSlot charter party
An identification code of a participant or user that books slots (space) on a ship, more likely on a long term basis on a series of sailings. He pays for the space whether he uses it or not.
The name of the warehouse where product is held.
Applicant for job
A person who applied for a job.
Person is a spouse.
Person is a mother.
Person is a father.
Socially insured person
A person who is registered in a social security scheme.
Inventory controller
To specifically identify the party in charge of inventory control.
Party or person who has or will apply a process.
GOGoods owner
The party which owns the goods.
Party or person who has undertaken or will undertake packing.
Party or person who has undertaken or will undertake a slaughter.
GRGoods releaser
(3026) Party entitled to authorize release of goods from custodian.
Consignor's representative
Party authorised to represent the consignor.
Rail carrier
A carrier moving cargo, including containers, via rail.
I1Intermediary bank 1
A financial institution between the ordered bank and the beneficiary's bank.
I2Intermediary bank 2
A financial institution between the ordered bank and the beneficiary's bank.
Description to be provided.
ICIntermediate consignee
The intermediate consignee.
IIIssuer of invoice
(3028) Party issuing an invoice.
(3020) Party who makes - or on whose behalf a Customs clearing agent or other authorized person makes - an import declaration. This may include a person who has possession of the goods or to whom the goods are consigned.
Description to be provided.
IOInsurance company
Description to be provided.
IPInsurance claim adjuster
Description to be provided.
ISParty to receive certified inspection report
Party (at buyer) to receive certified inspection report.
ITInstallation on site
Description to be provided.
(3006) Party to whom an invoice is issued.
LAParty designated to provide living animal care
Party responsible to take care of transported living animals.
Party lending goods or equipments.
LPLoading party
Party responsible for the loading when other than carrier.
MAParty for whom item is ultimately intended
Self explanatory.
MFManufacturer of goods
Party who manufactures the goods.
MGParty designated to execute re-icing
Party designated to execute re-icing, selected in the official list of mandatories competent for this kind of operation.
MIPlanning schedule/material release issuer
Self explanatory.
MPManufacturing plant
Self explanatory.
MRMessage recipient
Self explanatory.
MSDocument/message issuer/sender
Issuer of a document and/or sender of a message.
MTParty designated to execute sanitary procedures
Self explanatory.
N1Notify party no. 1
Self explanatory.
N2Notify party no. 2
Self explanatory.
NINotify party
(3180) Party to be notified of arrival of goods.
OABreak bulk berth operator
Party who offers facilities for berthing of vessels, handling and storage of break bulk cargo.
OBOrdered by
Party who issued an order.
OFOn behalf of
Party on behalf of which an action is executed.
OIOutside inspection agency
Third party inspecting goods or equipment.
OOOrder of shipper
Description to be provided.
OPOperator of property or unit
Self explanatory.
OROrdered bank
Identifies the account servicer for the ordering customer or payor.
OSOriginal shipper
The original supplier of the goods.
OTOutside test agency
Third party testing goods, equipment or services.
OVOwner of means of transport
(3126) Party owning the means of transport. No synonym of carrier = CA.
OYOrdering customer
Identifies the originator of the instruction.
P1Contact party 1
First party to contact.
P2Contact party 2
Second party to contact.
P3Contact party 3
Third party to contact.
P4Contact party 4
Fourth party to contact.
PAParty to receive inspection report
Party to whom the inspection report should be sent.
PBPaying financial institution
Financial institution designated to make payment.
PCActual purchaser's customer
Party the purchaser within the actual message is selling the ordered goods or services to.
PDPurchaser's department buyer
Purchasing department of buyer.
Identifies the credit party when other than the beneficiary.
PFParty to receive freight bill
Party to whom the freight bill should be sent.
PGPrime contractor
Party responsible for the whole project if other than the buyer.
PHPayer's financial institution
Self explanatory.
PIPayee's company name/ID
Receiving company name/ID (ACH transfers).
PJParty to receive correspondence
Second party designated by a first party to receive certain correspondence in lieu of it being mailed directly to this first party.
PKContact party
Party to contact.
Identifies the debit party when other than the ordering customer (for banking purposes).
PMParty to receive paper memo of invoice
Party being informed about invoice issue (via paper).
PNParty to receive shipping notice
Description to be provided.
POOrdering party
To be used only if ordering party and buyer are not identical.
PQCertifying party
Self explanatory.
(3308) Party initiating payment.
PSPayer's company name/ID (Check, Draft or Wire)
Self explanatory.
PTParty to receive test report
Self explanatory.
PWDespatch party
(3282) Party where goods are collected or taken over by the carrier (i.e. if other than consignor).
PXParty to receive all documents
Self explanatory.
PYChecking party
Party or contact designated on behalf of carrier or his agent to establish the actual figures for quantities, weight, volume and/or (cube) measurements of goods or containers which are to appear in the transport contract and on which charges will be based.
PZParty to print some document
The party that is to print a specific document.
RACentral bank or regulatory authority
Identifies central bank or regulatory authority which must be informed of certain aspects of a message.
RBReceiving financial institution
Financial institution designated to receive payment.
REParty to receive commercial invoice remittance
Party to whom payment for a commercial invoice or bill should be remitted.
RFReceived from
Name of a person or department which actually delivers the goods.
RHSeller's financial institution
Financial institution designated by seller to receive payment. RDFI (ACH transfers).
RIReinsurance intermediary/broker
Intermediary party between ceding company and reinsurance.
RLReporting carrier (Customs)
Party who makes the cargo report to Customs.
RMReporting carrier's nominated agent/representative (Customs)
Agent who formally makes a cargo report to Customs on behalf of the carrier.
RPRouting party
Party responsible for the selection of the carrier(s).
RSParty to receive statement of account
Party to whom the statement of account should be sent.
RVReceiver of cheque
Identifies the party which is to receive the actual cheque, when different from the receiver of funds.
RWIssuer of waybill
Party issuing the contract (waybill) for carriage.
SBSales responsibility
Description to be provided.
(3346) Party selling merchandise to a buyer.
SFShip from
Identification of the party from where goods will be or have been shipped.
SGStore group
Description to be provided.
SIShipping schedule issuer
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
SNStore keeper
Self explanatory.
SOSold to if different than bill to
Self explanatory.
SRSeller's agent/representative
(3254) Party representing the seller for the purpose of the trade transaction.
SSSocial securities collector's office
Party collecting social securities premiums.
STShip to
Identification of the party to where goods will be or have been shipped.
(3280) Party which manufactures or otherwise has possession of goods, and consigns or makes them available in trade.
SXSurety for additions
Natural of legal person (generally a bank of insurance company) who accepts responsibility in due legal form for the financial guarantee to Customs of the payment of additional duties or fees that become due against a particular shipment, which have not previously been covered by surety.
Natural or legal person (generally a bank or insurance company) who accepts responsibility in due legal form for the financial consequences of non-fulfilment of another's obligations to the Customs (CCC).
SZSurety for antidumping/countervailing duty
Natural or legal person that has been contracted by the importer to guarantee to Customs the payment of antidumping and/or countervailing duties that become due against a particular shipment.
TCTax collector's office
Party collecting taxes.
TCPTransit charge payer
Party, other than the ordering party, which has to pay the charges concerning the transit operations.
TDParty to receive technical documentation
Party to whom technical documentation should be sent.
TRTerminal operator
A party which handles the loading and unloading of marine vessels.
TSParty to receive certified test results
Party to whom the certified test results should be sent.
TTTransfer to
UCUltimate consignee
Party who has been designated on the invoice or packing list as the final recipient of the stated merchandise.
UDUltimate customer
The final recipient of goods.
UHPUnexpected handling party
Party authorized (during a voyage) to apply unexpected handling procedures or party having applied these procedures.
UPUnloading party
Description to be provided.
Party vending goods or services.
WDWarehouse depositor
(3004) Party depositing goods in a warehouse.
WHWarehouse keeper
(3022) Party taking responsibility for goods entered into a warehouse.
WMWorks manager
Self explanatory.
WPAWeighting party
Party designated (legally accepted) to ascertain the weight.
Seller of articles, often in large quantities, to be retailed by others.
XXNo heading
Description to be provided.
ZZZMutually defined
Party specification mutually agreed between interchanging parties.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

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