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7073 -

Packaging terms and conditions, coded
UN/CEFACT Revision 1994B Code List

Desc:Code identifying packaging terms and conditions.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B, D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B

1Packaging cost paid by supplier
Self explanatory.
2Packaging cost paid by recipient
Self explanatory.
3Packaging cost not charged (returnable)
Self explanatory.
Self explanatory.
5Carrier's durable
Self explanatory.
6Carrier's expendable
Self explanatory.
7Seller's durable
Self explanatory.
8Seller's expendable
Self explanatory.
Special purpose buyer's durable
Reusable packaging specifically designed for packaging of the referenced item and owned by the buyer.
Special purpose buyer's expendable
Disposable packaging specifically designed for packaging of the referenced item.
Multiple usage buyer's durable
Reusable multi-purpose packaging owned by the buyer.
Multiple usage seller's durable
Reusable multi-purpose packaging owned by the seller.
Not packed
The referenced item is to be supplied without packaging.
Special purpose seller's durable
Non-standard reusable packaging owned by the seller.
Export quality
The packaging used must meet durability and handling characteristics required for item export.
Domestic quality
The packaging used must meet durability and handling characteristics required for domestic usage.
Packaging included in price
The cost of packaging is included in the item price.
Packaging costs split
The cost of packaging is shared equally between the buyer and seller.
Packaging costs invoiced separately
The packaging cost will be invoiced on a seperate message or document.
Nil packaging costs
The packaging is free of charge.
Nil packaging costs if packaging returned
The costs of packaging is reimbursed by the seller to buyer if packaging is returned.
Return chargeable
The return of packaging/empties is chargeable.
Chargeable, two thirds of paid amount with credit note on return of loaned package
The buyer receives two thirds of paid amount with credit note if loaned package is returned.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

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