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9353 -

Government procedure, coded
UN/CEFACT Revision 1994A Code List

Desc:Code identifying the treatment applied by the government to goods which are subject to a control.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B, D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B

1Already customs cleared in the importing country
Arrangements for inspection are not necessary because they were cleared before.
2Documents requirements completed
All requirements for documents have been completed.
3Documents required
Pertinent documents are required.
4Inspection arrangements completed
Arrangements for inspection of the cargo have been completed.
5Inspection arrangements required
Arrangements for inspection of the cargo are required.
6No customs procedure
Customs clearance not required.
7Safety arrangements completed
Arrangements for safeguarding the cargo have been completed.
8Safety arrangements required
Arrangements for safeguarding the cargo are required.
9Security arrangements required
Arrangements for the security of the cargo are required.
10Storage arrangements completed
Arrangements for storing the cargo have been completed.
11Storage arrangements required
Arrangements for storing the cargo are required.
12Transport arrangements completed
All arrangements for transport have been completed.
13Transport arrangements required
Transport has to be arranged.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

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