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Request for legal administration action in civil proceedings message
Version: | D |
Release: | 02A |
Contr. Agency: | UN |
Revision: | 1 |
Date: | 2002-05-15 |
SOURCE: | D12 Social Security, Employment and Education (SWG) |
Request for legal administration action in civil proceedings message
- Functional definition
- Field of application
- Principles
- Standard terms and definitions
- Segment clarification
- Header section
- Detail section
- Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag)
- Message structure
- Segment table
For general information on UN standard message types see UN Trade Data Interchange Directory, UNTDID, Part 4, Section 2.3, UN/ECE UNSM General Introduction
This message also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B, D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B |
This specification provides the definition of the Request for legal administration action in civil proceedings message (CASINT) to be used in Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) between trading partners involved in administration, commerce and transport.
1.1. Functional definition
A request for lodgement of data to commence or enforce a civil proceeding.
1.2. Field of application
The Request for legal administration action in civil proceedings message may be used for both national and international applications. It is based on universal practice related to administration, commerce and transport, and is not dependent on the type of business or industry.
1.3. Principles
- Request for legal administration action provides detailed information about a civil dispute among a number of parties.
- The requested action is on behalf of one or more complaining parties.
- The requested action is against one or more defending parties.
- The dispute may involve multiple amounts of money.
- The dispute may be defined by a range of dates.
- The requested action may be a registration of a civil order from another jurisdiction or a request for an order to be made.
- An order may involve multiple amounts of money and terms of payment may be specified.
- The request for lodgement of data is governed by the rules of court in the relevant jurisdiction.
See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 1.
3.1. Standard terms and definitions
See UNTDID, Part 4, Chapter 2.3 UN/ECE UNSM - General Introduction, Section 2.
4.1. Segment clarification
This section should be read in conjunction with the segment table which indicates mandatory, conditional and repeating requirements.
4.1.1. Header section
Information to be provided in the Header section:
0010 UNH, Message header
A service segment starting and uniquely identifying a message. The message type code for the Request for legal administration action in civil proceedings message is CASINT. Note: Request for legal administration action in civil proceedings messages conforming to this document must contain the following data in segment UNH, composite S009:
0020 BGM, Beginning of message
A segment for unique identification of the message type, its function, and the reference number for the request. 0030 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment identifying the relevant dates and times associated with the action to be initiated in a court or tribunal, e.g. date of incident, date of hearing. 0040 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment identifying the jurisdiction and court or tribunal location for initiating the action. 0050 RFF, Reference
A segment to specify a particular reference associated with the request when required, e.g. reference number for a legal case. 0060 ATT, Attribute
A segment specifying relevant attributes for the requested action, e.g. the mode of trial, interpreter requirement. 0070 FTX, Free text
A segment for free text information in coded or clear form, to give further clarification to the request for legal action, e.g. the type of complaint, the nature of complaint. 0080 Segment Group 1: NAD-LOCA group of segments identifying an address relevant to the request for legal action in a court or tribunal. 0090 NAD, Name and address
A segment identifying the address of the incident that gave rise to the request for legal action. 0100 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment giving more specific location information (if appropriate) of the address specified in the NAD segment within this group, e.g. property name, building sub-section. 0110 Segment Group 2: MOA-DTM-FCAA group of segments specifying relevant details of the monetary values associated with the request for legal action. 0120 MOA, Monetary amount
A segment identifying a monetary amount involved in the dispute. 0130 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment identifying a date associated with the monetary amount, e.g. date of a part payment. 0140 FCA, Financial charges allocation
A segment specifying the allocation of charge amount, e.g. interest payable.
4.1.2. Detail section
Information to be provided in the Detail section:
0150 UNS, Section control
A service segment placed at the start of the detail section to avoid segment collision. FTX A group of segments identifying the particulars of a party involved in the request for legal action. 0170 NAD, Name and address
A segment identifying the name and address of a party. 0180 SEQ, Sequence details
A segment to provide for the allocation of a sequence number (referenced in the GIR of Segment group 4) to a party involved in the request. 0190 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment giving more specific location information (if appropriate) of the address specified in the NAD segment within this group, e.g. property name, building sub-section. 0200 CTA, Contact information
A segment specifying contact information. 0210 COM, Communication contact
A segment specifying communication contact channel and number for a party. 0220 RFF, Reference
A segment to provide a reference identification of a party, e.g. driver licence number. 0230 ATT, Attribute
A segment to identify a specific attribute of a party, e.g. sex. 0240 PRC, Process identification
A segment specifying the relevant process, e.g. the method of delivery (service) of legal documents. 0250 MEA, Measurements
A segment to specify certain measurements associated with the performance of the process, e.g. distance travelled. 0260 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment to identify a specific date associated with a party, e.g. date of birth. 0270 EMP, Employment details
A segment to identify employment details of a party, e.g. occupation. 0280 FTX, Free text
A segment for free text information in coded or clear form, to give further clarification when required of a party, e.g. 'trading as' and other legal descriptions. A group of segments identifying the particular details applicable to a court or tribunal order. 0300 DOC, Document/message details
A segment to provide relevant descriptive information relating to a court or tribunal order (certificate). 0310 GIR, Related identification numbers
A segment to identify a group of parties (via the sequence numbers allocated in Segment group 3) related to an order, e.g. all the parties that the order is on behalf of, or all the parties to which the order applies. 0320 X PAT, Payment terms basis
A segment identifying the terms of payment, e.g. by instalment. 0330 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment identifying the relevant date, time or period associated with the order identified in the DOC segment, e.g. date order made, instalment periods. 0340 FTX, Free text
A segment for free text information in coded or clear form, to give further clarification when required to a court or tribunal order. 0350 Segment Group 5: NAD-LOCA group of segments specifying an address relevant to the order identified in the DOC segment. 0360 NAD, Name and address
A segment identifying the address where the order was issued. 0370 LOC, Place/location identification
A segment giving more specific location information (if appropriate) of the address specified in the NAD segment within this group, e.g. property name, building sub-section. 0380 Segment Group 6: MOA-DTM-FCAA group of segments specifying relevant details of the monetary values associated with the order identified in the DOC segment. 0390 MOA, Monetary amount
A segment identifying a monetary amount involved in the order. 0400 DTM, Date/time/period
A segment identifying a date associated with the monetary amount, e.g. date of each instalment. 0410 FCA, Financial charges allocation
A segment specifying the allocation of charge amount, e.g. interest payable. 0420 UNT, Message trailer
A service segment ending a message, giving the total number of segments in the message (including the UNH & UNT) and the control reference number of the message.
4.2. Segment index (alphabetical sequence by tag)
Attribute |
Beginning of message |
Communication contact |
Contact information |
Document/message details |
Date/time/period |
Employment details |
Financial charges allocation |
Free text |
Related identification numbers |
Place/location identification |
Measurements |
Monetary amount |
Name and address |
Payment terms basis |
Process identification |
Reference |
Sequence details |
Message header |
Section control |
Message trailer |
4.3. Message structure
4.3.1. Segment table
├─UNH Message header | ×1 | (M) |
├─BGM Beginning of message | ×1 | (M) |
├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
├─LOC Place/location identification | ×9 | (C) |
├─RFF Reference | ×9 | (C) |
├─ATT Attribute | ×9 | (C) |
├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 1 | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─NAD Name and address | ×1 | (M) |
│─└─LOC Place/location identification | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 2 | ×99 | (C) |
│─├─MOA Monetary amount | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×1 | (C) |
│─└─FCA Financial charges allocation | ×1 | (C) |
├─UNS Section control | ×1 | (M) |
├─Segment Group 3 | ×99 | (M) |
│─├─NAD Name and address | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─SEQ Sequence details | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─LOC Place/location identification | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─CTA Contact information | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─COM Communication contact | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─RFF Reference | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─ATT Attribute | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─PRC Process identification | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─MEA Measurements | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─EMP Employment details | ×9 | (C) |
│─└─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
├─Segment Group 4 | ×99 | (C) |
│─├─DOC Document/message details | ×1 | (M) |
│─├─GIR Related identification numbers | ×99 | (C) |
│─├─PAT Payment terms basis | ×1 | (C) |
│─├─DTM Date/time/period | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─FTX Free text | ×9 | (C) |
│─├─Segment Group 5 | ×1 | (C) |
│─│─├─NAD Name and address | ×1 | (M) |
│─│─└─LOC Place/location identification | ×9 | (C) |
│─└─Segment Group 6 | ×99 | (C) |
│───├─MOA Monetary amount | ×1 | (M) |
│───├─DTM Date/time/period | ×1 | (C) |
│───└─FCA Financial charges allocation | ×1 | (C) |
└─UNT Message trailer | ×1 | (M) |
Change indicators |
plus sign |
An addition. |
asterisk |
Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element. |
hash or pound sign |
Changes to names. |
vertical bar |
Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions. |
minus sign |
A deletion. |
letter X |
Marked for deletion. |
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