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Reference code qualifier
UN/CEFACT Revision 2001C Code List

Desc:Code qualifying a reference.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
D00A, D00B, D01A, D01B, D01C, D02A, D02B, D03A, D03B, D04A, D04B, D93A, D94A, D94B, D95A, D95B, D96A, D96B, D97A, D97B, D98A, D98B, D99A, D99B

AAAAcknowledgement of order number
[1018] Reference number assigned by the seller to his acknowledgement of an order.
AABProforma invoice number
[1088] Reference number assigned by the seller to a Proforma Invoice.
AACDocumentary credit number
[1172] Reference number assigned by issuing bank to a Documentary credit.
AADContract addendum number
[1318] Reference number assigned by the issuer to a Contract Addendum.
AAEGoods declaration number
Reference number assigned to a goods declaration.
AAFDebit card number
A reference number identifying a debit card.
AAGOffer number
Reference number assigned by issuing party to an offer.
AAHBank's batch interbank transaction reference number
Reference number allocated by the bank to a batch of different underlying interbank transactions.
AAIBank's individual interbank transaction reference number
Reference number allocated by the bank to one specific interbank transaction.
AAJDelivery order number
Reference number assigned by issuer to a delivery order.
AAKDespatch advice number
Reference number assigned by issuing party to a despatch advice.
AALDrawing number
Reference number identifying a specific product drawing.
AAMWaybill number
Reference number assigned to a waybill, see: 1001 = 700.
AANDelivery schedule number
Reference number assigned by buyer to a delivery schedule.
AAOConsignee's shipment reference number
[1362] Reference assigned by the consignee to a shipment.
AAPPart consignment number
[1310] Reference to a specific consignment forming part of a contract allowing part deliveries.
AAQUnit load device (e.g. container) identification number
[8260] Marks (letters and/or numbers) which identify a unit load device e.g. freight container.
AARMunicipality assigned business registry number
A reference number assigned by a municipality to identify a business.
AASTransport document number
[1188] Reference assigned by the carrier or his agent to the transport document.
AATMaster label number
Identifies the master label number of any package type.
AAUDespatch note number
[1128] Reference number assigned by the seller to a Despatch Note.
AAVEnquiry number
Reference number assigned to an enquiry.
AAWDocket number
A reference number identifying the docket.
AAXCivil action number
A reference number identifying the civil action.
AAYCarrier's agent reference number
Reference number assigned by the carriers agent to a transaction.
AAZStandard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) number
For maritime shipments, this code qualifies a Standard Alpha Carrier Code (SCAC) as issued by the United Stated National Motor Traffic Association Inc.
ABACustoms valuation decision number
Reference by an importing party to a previous decision made by a Customs administration regarding the valuation of goods.
ABBEnd use authorization number
Reference issued by a Customs administration authorizing a preferential rate of duty if a product is used for a specified purpose, see: 1001 = 990.
ABCAnti-dumping case number
Reference issued by a Customs administration pertaining to a past or current investigation of goods "dumped" at a price lower than the exporter's domestic market price.
ABDCustoms tariff number
[7282] Code number of the goods in accordance with the tariff nomenclature system of classification in use where the Customs declaration is made.
ABEDeclarant's reference number
Unique reference number assigned to a document or a message by the declarant for identification purposes.
ABFRepair estimate number
A number identifying a repair estimate.
ABGCustoms decision request number
Reference issued by Customs pertaining to a pending tariff classification decision requested by an importer or agent.
ABHSub-house bill of lading number
Reference assigned to a sub-house bill of lading.
ABIDeferred payment reference
[1168] Reference or indication of the deferred payment of duty/tax.
ABJQuota number
Reference number allocated by a government authority to identify a quota.
ABKTransit (onward carriage) guarantee (bond) number
Reference number to identify the guarantee or security provided for Customs transit operation (CCC).
ABLCustoms guarantee number
Reference assigned to a Customs guarantee.
ABMReplacing part number
New part number which replaces the existing part number.
ABNSeller's catalogue number
Identification number assigned to a seller's catalogue.
ABOOriginator's reference
A unique reference assigned by the originator.
ABPDeclarant's Customs identity number
Reference to the party whose posted bond or security is being declared in order to accept responsibility for a goods declaration and the applicable duties and taxes.
ABQImporter reference number
Reference number assigned by the importer to identify a particular shipment for his own purposes.
ABRExport clearance instruction reference number
Reference number of the clearance instructions given by the consignor through different means.
ABSImport clearance instruction reference number
Reference number of the import clearance instructions given by the consignor/consignee through different means.
ABTCustoms declaration number
[1426] Number, assigned or accepted by Customs, to identify a Goods declaration.
ABUArticle number
A number that identifies an article.
ABVIntra-plant routing
To define routing within a plant.
ABWStock keeping unit number
A number that identifies the stock keeping unit.
ABXText Element Identifier deletion reference
The reference used within a given TEI (Text Element Identifier) which is to be deleted.
ABYAllotment identification (Air)
Reference assigned to guarantied capacity on one or more specific flights on specific date(s) to third parties as agents and other airlines.
ABZVehicle licence number
Number of the licence issued for a vehicle by an agency of government.
ACAir cargo transfer manifest
A number assigned to an air cargo list of goods to be transferred.
ACACargo acceptance order reference number
Reference assigned to the cargo acceptance order.
ACBUS government agency number
A number that identifies a United States Government agency.
ACCShipping unit identification
Identifying marks on the outermost unit that is used to transport merchandise.
ACDAdditional reference number
Reference number provided in addition to another given reference.
ACERelated document number
Reference number identifying a related document.
ACFAddressee reference
A reference number of an addressee.
ACGATA carnet number
Reference number assigned to an ATA carnet.
ACHPackaging unit identification
Identifying marks on packing units.
ACIOuterpackaging unit identification
(7070) Identifying marks on packing units contained within an outermost shipping unit.
ACJCustomer material specification number
Number for a material specification given by customer.
ACKBank reference
Cross reference issued by financial institution.
ACLPrincipal reference number
A number that identifies the principal reference.
Unique REINAC reference number of the sender
Description to be provided. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.05A.
ACNAdvice of collection number
[1030] Number of the Advice of Collection attached to the Rail Consignment Note (CIM 75).
ACOIron charge number
Number attributed to the iron charge for the production of steel products.
ACPHot roll number
Number attributed to a hot roll coil.
ACQCold roll number
Number attributed to a cold roll coil.
ACRRailway wagon number
(8320) Registered identification initials and numbers of railway wagon. Synonym: Rail car number.
Unique CURRAC reference number of the sender
Description to be provided. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.05A.
ACTUnique claims reference number of the sender
A number that identifies the unique claims reference of the sender.
ACULoss/event number
To reference to the unique number that is assigned to each major loss hitting the reinsurance industry.
ACVEstimate order reference number
Reference number assigned by the ordering party of the estimate order.
ACWReference number to previous message
Reference number assigned to the message which was previously issued (e.g. in the case of a cancellation, the primary reference of the message to be cancelled will be quoted in this element).
ACXBanker's acceptance
Reference number for banker's acceptance issued by the accepting financial institution.
ACYDuty memo number
Reference number assigned by customs to a duty memo.
ACZEquipment transport charge number
Reference assigned to a specific equipment transportation charge.
ADABuyer's item number
Reference number assigned by the buyer to an item.
ADBMatured certificate of deposit
Reference number for certificate of deposit allocated by issuing financial institution.
Reference number for loan allocated by lending financial institution.
ADDAnalysis number/test number
Number given to a specific analysis or test operation.
ADEAccount number
Identification number of an account.
ADFTreaty number
A number that identifies a treaty.
ADGCatastrophe number
A number that identifies a catastrophe.
PCS Catastrophe
Description to be provided. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.05A.
ADIBureau signing (statement reference)
A statement reference that identifies a bureau signing.
ADJCompany / syndicate reference 1
First reference of a company/syndicate.
ADKCompany / syndicate reference 2
Second reference of a company/syndicate.
ADLOrdering customer consignment reference number
Reference number assigned to the consignment by the ordering customer.
ADMShipowner's authorization number
Reference number assigned by the shipowner as an authorization number to transport certain goods (such as hazardous goods, cool or reefer goods).
ADNInland transport order number
Reference number assigned by the principal to the transport order for inland carriage.
ADOContainer work order reference number
Reference number assigned by the principal to the work order for a (set of) container(s).
ADPStatement number
A reference number identifying a statement.
ADQUnique market reference
A number that identifies a unique market.
Bureau signing (original FDO reference)
Description to be provided. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.05A.
Original FDO transaction reference
Description to be provided. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.05A.
Group accounting
A number that identifies group accounting.
ADUBroker reference 1
First reference of a broker.
ADVBroker reference 2
Second reference of a broker.
ADWLloyd's claims office reference
A number that identifies a Lloyd's claims office.
ADXSecure delivery terms and conditions agreement reference
A reference to a secure delivery terms and conditions agreement. A secured delivery agreement is an agreement containing terms and conditions to secure deliveries in case of failure in the production or logistics process of the supplier.
ADYReport number
Reference to a report to Customs by a carrier at the point of entry, encompassing both conveyance and consignment information.
ADZTrader account number
Number assigned by a Customs authority which uniquely identifies a trader (i.e. importer, exporter or declarant) for Customs purposes.
AEAuthorization for expense (AFE) number
A number that identifies an authorization for expense (AFE).
AEAGovernment agency reference number
Coded reference number that pertains to the business of a government agency.
AEBAssembly number
A number that identifies an assembly.
AECSymbol number
A number that identifies a symbol.
AEDCommodity number
A number that identifies a commodity.
AEEEur 1 certificate number
Reference number assigned to a Eur 1 certificate.
AEFCustomer process specification number
Retrieval number for a process specification defined by customer.
AEGCustomer specification number
Retrieval number for a specification defined by customer.
AEHApplicable instructions or standards
Instructions or standards applicable for the whole message or a message line item. These instructions or standards may be published by a neutral organization or authority or another party concerned.
AEIRegistration number of previous Customs declaration
Registration number of the Customs declaration lodged for the previous Customs procedure.
AEJPost-entry reference
Reference to a message related to a post-entry.
AEKPayment order number
A number that identifies a payment order.
AELDelivery number (transport)
Reference number by which a haulier/carrier will announce himself at the container terminal or depot when delivering equipment.
AEMTransport route
A predefined and identified sequence of points where goods are collected, agreed between partners, e.g. the party in charge of organizing the transport and the parties where goods will be collected. The same collecting points may be included in different transport routes, but in a different sequence.
AENCustomer's unit inventory number
Number assigned by customer to a unique unit for inventory purposes.
AEOProduct reservation number
Number assigned by seller to identify reservation of specified products.
AEPProject number
Reference number assigned to a project.
AEQDrawing list number
Reference number identifying a drawing list.
AERProject specification number
Reference number identifying a project specification.
AESPrimary reference
A number that identifies the primary reference.
AETRequest for cancellation number
A number that identifies a request for cancellation.
AEUSupplier's control number
Reference to a file regarding a control of the supplier carried out on departure of the goods.
AEVShipping note number
Reference number assigned to a shipping note, see: 1001 = 630.
AEWEmpty container bill number
Reference number assigned to an empty container bill, see: 1001 = 708.
AEXNon-negotiable maritime transport document number
Reference number assigned to a sea waybill, see: 1001 = 712.
AEYSubstitute air waybill number
Reference number assigned to a substitute air waybill, see: 1001 = 743.
AEZDespatch note (post parcels) number
(1128) Reference number assigned to a despatch note (post parcels), see: 1001 = 750.
AFAirlines flight identification number
(8110) Identification of a commercial flight by carrier code and number as assigned by the airline (IATA).
AFAThrough bill of lading number
Reference number assigned to a through bill of lading, see: 1001 = 761.
AFBCargo manifest number
Reference number assigned to a cargo manifest, see: 1001 = 785.
AFCBordereau number
Reference number assigned to a bordereau, see: 1001 = 787.
AFDCustoms item number
Number (1496 in CST) assigned by the declarant to an item.
AFEExport Control Commodity number (ECCN)
Reference number to relevant item within Commodity Control List covering actual products change functionality.
AFFMarking/label reference
Reference where marking/label information derives from.
AFGTariff number
A number that identifies a tariff.
AFHReplenishment purchase order number
Purchase order number specified by the buyer for the assignment to vendor's replenishment orders in a vendor managed inventory program.
AFIImmediate transportation no. for in bond movement
A number that identifies immediate transportation for in bond movement.
AFJTransportation exportation no. for in bond movement
A number that identifies the transportation exportation number for an in bond movement.
AFKImmediate exportation no. for in bond movement
A number that identifies the immediate exportation number for an in bond movement.
AFLAssociated invoices
A number that identifies associated invoices.
AFMSecondary Customs reference
A number that identifies the secondary customs reference.
AFNAccount party's reference
Reference of the account party.
AFOBeneficiary's reference
Reference of the beneficiary.
AFPSecond beneficiary's reference
Reference of the second beneficiary.
AFQApplicant's bank reference
Reference number of the applicant's bank.
AFRIssuing bank's reference
Reference number of the issuing bank.
AFSBeneficiary's bank reference
Reference number of the beneficiary's bank.
AFTDirect payment valuation number
Reference number assigned to a direct payment valuation.
AFUDirect payment valuation request number
Reference number assigned to a direct payment valuation request.
AFVQuantity valuation number
Reference number assigned to a quantity valuation.
AFWQuantity valuation request number
Reference number assigned to a quantity valuation request.
AFXBill of quantities number
Reference number assigned to a bill of quantities.
AFYPayment valuation number
Reference number assigned to a payment valuation.
AFZSituation number
Common reference number given to documents concerning a determined period of works.
AGAAgreement to pay number
A number that identifies an agreement to pay.
AGBContract party reference number
Reference number assigned to a party for a particular contract.
AGCAccount party's bank reference
Reference number of the account party's bank.
AGDAgent's bank reference
Reference number issued by the agent's bank.
AGEAgent's reference
Reference number of the agent.
AGFApplicant's reference
Reference number of the applicant.
AGGDispute number
Reference number to a dispute notice.
AGHCredit rating agency's reference number
Reference number assigned by a credit rating agency to a debtor.
AGIRequest number
The reference number of a request.
AGJSingle transaction sequence number
A number that identifies a single transaction sequence.
AGKApplication reference number
A number that identifies an application reference.
AGLDelivery verification certificate
Formal identification of delivery verification certificate which is a formal document from Customs etc. confirming that physical goods have been delivered. It may be needed to support a tax reclaim based on an invoice.
AGMNumber of temporary importation document
Number assigned by customs to identify consignment in transit.
AGNReference number quoted on statement
Reference number quoted on the statement sent to the beneficiary for information purposes.
AGOSender's reference to the original message
The reference provided by the sender of the original message.
AGPCompany issued equipment ID
Owner/operator, non-government issued equipment reference number.
AGQDomestic flight number
Airline flight number assigned to a flight originating and terminating within the same country.
AGRInternational flight number
Airline flight number assigned to a flight originating and terminating across national borders.
AGSEmployer identification number of service bureau
Reference number assigned by a service/processing bureau to an employer.
AGTService group identification number
Identification used for a group of services.
AGUMember number
Reference number assigned to a person as a member of a group of persons or a service scheme.
AGVPrevious member number
Reference number previously assigned to a member.
AGWScheme/plan number
Reference number assigned to a service scheme or plan.
AGXPrevious scheme/plan number
Reference number previously assigned to a service scheme or plan.
AGYReceiving party's member identification
Identification used by the receiving party for a member of a service scheme or group of persons.
AGZPayroll number
Reference number assigned to the payroll of an organisation.
AHAPackaging specification number
Reference number of documentation specifying the technical detail of packaging requirements.
AHBAuthority issued equipment identification
Identification issued by an authority, e.g. government, airport authority.
AHCTraining flight number
Non-revenue producing airline flight for training purposes.
AHDFund code number
Reference number to identify appropriation and branch chargeable for item.
AHESignal code number
Reference number to identify a signal.
AHFMajor force program number
Reference number according to Major Force Program (US).
AHGNomination number
Reference number assigned by a shipper to a request/ commitment-to-ship on a pipeline system.
AHHLaboratory registration number
Reference number is the official registration number of the laboratory.
AHITransport contract reference number
Reference number of a transport contract.
AHJPayee's reference number
Reference number of the party to be paid.
AHKPayer's reference number
Reference number of the party who pays.
AHLCreditor's reference number
Reference number of the party to whom a debt is owed.
AHMDebtor's reference number
Reference number of the party who owes an amount of money.
AHNJoint venture reference number
Reference number assigned to a joint venture agreement.
AHOChamber of Commerce registration number
The registration number by which a company/organization is known to the Chamber of Commerce.
AHPTax registration number
The registration number by which a company/organization is identified with the tax administration.
AHQWool identification number
Shipping Identification Mark (SIM) allocated to a wool consignment by a shipping company.
AHRWool tax reference number
Reference or indication of the payment of wool tax.
AHSMeat processing establishment registration number
Registration number allocated to a registered meat packing establishment by the local quarantine and inspection authority.
AHTQuarantine/treatment status reference number
Coded quarantine/treatment status of a container and its cargo and packing materials, generated by a shipping company based upon declarations presented by a shipper.
AHURequest for quote number
Reference number assigned by the requestor to a request for quote.
AHVManual processing authority number
Number allocated to allow the manual processing of an entity.
AHWImport permit number
Reference number assigned by the issuing authority to an import permit for goods.
AHXRate note number
Reference assigned to a specific rate.
AHYFreight Forwarder number
An identification code of a Freight Forwarder.
AHZCustoms release code
A code associated to a requirement that must be presented to gain the release of goods by Customs.
AIACompliance code number
Number assigned to indicate regulatory compliance.
AIBDepartment of transportation bond number
Number of a bond assigned by the department of transportation.
AICExport establishment number
Number to identify export establishment.
AIDCertificate of conformity
Certificate certifying the conformity to predefined definitions.
AIEMinisterial certificate of homologation
Certificate of approval for components which are subject to legal restrictions and must be approved by the government.
AIFPrevious delivery instruction number
The identification of a previous delivery instruction.
AIGPassport number
Number assigned to a passport.
AIHCommon transaction reference number
Reference number applicable to different underlying individual transactions.
AIIBank's common transaction reference number
Bank's reference number allocated by the bank to different underlying individual transactions.
AIJCustomer's individual transaction reference number
Customer's reference number allocated by the customer to one specific transaction.
AIKBank's individual transaction reference number
Bank's reference number allocated by the bank to one specific transaction.
AILCustomer's common transaction reference number
Customer's reference number allocated by the customer to different underlying individual transactions.
AIMIndividual transaction reference number
Reference number applying to one specific transaction.
AINProduct sourcing agreement number
Reference number assigned to a product sourcing agreement.
AIOCustoms transhipment number
Approval number issued by Customs for cargo to be transhipped under Customs control.
AIPCustoms preference inquiry number
The number assigned by Customs to a preference inquiry.
AIQPacking plant number
Number to identify packing establishment.
AIROriginal certificate number
Number giving reference to an original certificate number.
AISProcessing plant number
Number to identify processing plant.
AITSlaughter plant number
Number to identify slaughter plant.
AIUCharge card account number
Number to identify charge card account.
AIVEvent reference number
A number identifying an event.
AIWTransport section reference number
A number identifying a transport section.
AIXReferred product for mechanical analysis
A product number identifying the product which is used for mechanical analysis considered valid for a group of products.
AIYReferred product for chemical analysis
A product number identifying the product which is used for chemical analysis considered valid for a group of products.
AIZConsolidated invoice number
Invoice number into which other invoices are consolidated.
AJAPart reference indicator in a drawing
To designate the number which provides a cross reference between parts contained in a drawing and a parts catalogue.
AJBU.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR)
A reference indicating a citation from the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
AJCPurchasing activity clause number
A number indicating a clause applicable to a purchasing activity.
AJDU.S. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement
A reference indicating a citation from the U.S. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement.
AJEAgency clause number
A number indicating a clause applicable to a particular agency.
AJFCircular publication number
A number specifying a circular publication.
AJGU.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation
A reference indicating a citation from the U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation.
AJHU.S. General Services Administration Regulation
A reference indicating a citation from U.S. General Services Administration Regulation.
AJIU.S. Federal Information Resources Management Regulation
A reference indicating a citation from U.S. Federal Information Resources Management Regulation.
A reference indicating a paragraph cited as the source of information.
AJKSpecial instructions number
A number indicating a citation used for special instructions.
AJLSite specific procedures, terms, and conditions number
A number indicating a set of site specific procedures, terms and conditions.
AJMMaster solicitation procedures, terms, and conditions number
A number indicating a master solicitation containing procedures, terms and conditions.
AJNU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulation
A reference indicating a citation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulation.
AJOMilitary Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) number
A number indicating an interdepartmental purchase request used by the military.
AJPForeign military sales number
A number specifying a sale to a foreign military.
AJQDefense priorities allocation system priority rating
A reference indicating a priority rating assigned to allocate resources for defense purchases.
AJRWage determination number
A number specifying a wage determination.
AJSAgreement number
A number specifying an agreement between parties.
AJTStandard Industry Classification (SIC) number
A number specifying a standard industry classification.
AJUEnd item number
A number specifying the end item applicable to a subordinate item.
AJVFederal supply schedule item number
A number specifying an item listed in a federal supply schedule.
AJWTechnical document number
A number specifying a technical document.
AJXTechnical order number
A reference to an order that specifies a technical change.
A reference to specify a suffix added to the end of a basic identifier.
AJZTransportation account number
An account number to be charged or credited for transportation.
AKAContainer disposition order reference number
Reference assigned to the empty container disposition order.
AKBContainer prefix
The first part of the unique identification of a container formed by an alpha code identifying the owner of the container.
AKCTransport equipment return reference
Reference known at the address to return equipment to.
AKDTransport equipment survey reference
Reference number assigned by the ordering party to the transport equipment survey order.
AKETransport equipment survey report number
Reference number used by a party to identify its transport equipment survey report.
AKFTransport equipment stuffing order
Reference number assigned to the order to stuff goods in transport equipment.
AKGVehicle Identification Number (VIN)
The identification number which uniquely distinguishes one vehicle from another through the lifespan of the vehicle.
AKHGovernment bill of lading
Bill of lading as defined by the government.
AKIOrdering customer's second reference number
Ordering customer's second reference number.
AKJDirect debit reference
Reference number assigned to the direct debit operation.
AKKMeter reading at the beginning of the delivery
Meter reading at the beginning of the delivery.
AKLMeter reading at the end of delivery
Meter reading at the end of the delivery.
AKMReplenishment purchase order range start number
Starting number of a range of purchase order numbers assigned by the buyer to vendor's replenishment orders.
AKNThird bank's reference
Reference number of the third bank.
AKOAction authorization number
A reference number authorizing an action.
AKPAppropriation number
The number identifying a type of funding for a specific purpose (appropriation).
AKQProduct change authority number
Number which authorises a change in form, fit or function of a product.
AKRGeneral cargo consignment reference number
Reference number identifying a particular general cargo (non-containerised or break bulk) consignment.
AKSCatalogue sequence number
A number which uniquely identifies an item within a catalogue according to a standard numbering system.
AKTForwarding order number
Reference number assigned to the forwarding order by the ordering customer.
AKUTransport equipment survey reference number
Reference number known at the address where the transport equipment will be or has been surveyed.
AKVLease contract reference
Reference number of the lease contract.
AKWTransport costs reference number
Reference number of the transport costs.
AKXTransport equipment stripping order
Reference number assigned to the order to strip goods from transport equipment.
AKYPrior policy number
The number of the prior policy.
AKZPolicy number
Number assigned to a policy.
ALAProcurement budget number
A number which uniquely identifies a procurement budget against which commitments or invoices can be allocated.
ALBDomestic inventory management code
Code to identify the management of domestic inventory.
ALCCustomer reference number assigned to previous balance of payment information
Identification number of the previous balance of payments information from customer message.
ALDPrevious credit advice reference number
Reference number of the previous "Credit advice" message.
ALEReporting form number
Reference number assigned to the reporting form.
ALFAuthorization number for exception to dangerous goods regulations
Reference number allocated by an authority. This number contains an approval concerning exceptions on the existing dangerous goods regulations.
ALGDangerous goods security number
Reference number allocated by an authority in order to control the dangerous goods on board of a specific means of transport for dangerous goods security purposes.
ALHDangerous goods transport licence number
Licence number allocated by an authority as to the permission of carrying dangerous goods by a specific means of transport.
ALIPrevious rental agreement number
Number to identify the previous rental agreement number.
ALJNext rental agreement reason number
Number to identify the reason for the next rental agreement.
ALKConsignee's invoice number
The invoice number assigned by a consignee.
ALLMessage batch number
A number identifying a batch of messages.
ALMPrevious delivery schedule number
A reference number identifying a previous delivery schedule.
ALNPhysical inventory recount reference number
A reference to a re-count of physically held inventory.
ALOReceiving advice number
A reference number to a receiving advice.
ALPReturnable container reference number
A reference number identifying a returnable container.
ALQReturns notice number
A reference number to a returns notice.
ALRSales forecast number
A reference number identifying a sales forecast.
ALSSales report number
A reference number identifying a sales report.
ALTPrevious tax control number
A reference number identifying a previous tax control number.
ALUAGERD (Aerospace Ground Equipment Requirement Data) number
Identifies the equipment required to conduct maintenance.
ALVRegistered capital reference
Registered capital reference of a company.
ALWStandard number of inspection document
Code identifying the standard number of the inspection document supplied.
A reference used to identify a model.
ALYFinancial management reference
A financial management reference.
ALZNOTIfication for COLlection number (NOTICOL)
A reference assigned by a consignor to a notification document which indicates the availability of goods for collection.
AMAPrevious request for metered reading reference number
Number to identify a previous request for a recording or reading of a measuring device.
AMBNext rental agreement number
Number to identify the next rental agreement.
AMCReference number of a request for metered reading
Number to identify a request for a recording or reading of a measuring device to be taken.
AMDHastening number
A number which uniquely identifies a request to hasten an action.
AMERepair data request number
A number which uniquely identifies a request for data about repairs.
AMFConsumption data request number
A number which identifies a request for consumption data.
AMGProfile number
Reference number allocated to a discrete set of criteria.
AMHCase number
Number assigned to a case.
AMIGovernment quality assurance and control level Number
A number which identifies the level of quality assurance and control required by the government for an article.
AMJPayment plan reference
A number which uniquely identifies a payment plan.
AMKReplaced meter unit number
Number identifying the replaced meter unit.
AMLReplenishment purchase order range end number
Ending number of a range of purchase order numbers assigned by the buyer to vendor's replenishment orders.
AMMInsurer assigned reference number
A unique reference number assigned by the insurer.
AMNCanadian excise entry number
An excise entry number assigned by the Canadian Customs.
AMOPremium rate table
Identifies the premium rate table.
AMPAdvise through bank's reference
Financial institution through which the advising bank is to advise the documentary credit.
AMQUS, Department of Transportation bond surety code
A bond surety code assigned by the United States Department of Transportation (DOT).
AMRUS, Food and Drug Administration establishment indicator
An establishment indicator assigned by the United States Food and Drug Administration.
AMSUS, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) import condition number
A number known as the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) import condition number applying to certain types of regulated communications equipment.
AMTGoods and Services Tax identification number
An identification number assigned to an organization collecting Goods and Services Taxes (GST).
AMUIntegrated logistic support cross reference number
Provides the identification of the reference which allows cross referencing of items between different areas of integrated logistics support.
AMVDepartment number
Number assigned to a department within an organization.
AMWBuyer's catalogue number
Identification of a catalogue maintained by a buyer.
AMXFinancial settlement party's reference number
Reference number of the party who is responsible for the financial settlement.
AMYStandard's version number
The version number assigned to a standard.
AMZPipeline number
Number to identify a pipeline.
ANAAccount servicing bank's reference number
Reference number of the account servicing bank.
ANBCompleted units payment request reference
A reference to a payment request for completed units.
ANCPayment in advance request reference
A reference to a request for payment in advance.
ANDParent file
Identifies the parent file in a structure of related files.
ANESub file
Identifies the sub file in a structure of related files.
ANFCAD file layer convention
Reference number identifying a layer convention for a file in a Computer Aided Design (CAD) environment.
ANGTechnical regulation
Reference number identifying a technical regulation.
ANHPlot file
Reference number indicating that the file is a plot file.
ANIFile conversion journal
Reference number identifying a journal recording details about conversion operations between file formats.
ANJAuthorization number
A number which uniquely identifies an authorization.
ANKReference number assigned by third party
Reference number assigned by a third party.
ANLDeposit reference number
A reference number identifying a deposit.
ANMNamed bank's reference
Reference number of the named bank.
ANNDrawee's reference
Reference number of the drawee.
ANOCase of need party's reference
Reference number of the case of need party.
ANPCollecting bank's reference
Reference number of the collecting bank.
ANQRemitting bank's reference
Reference number of the remitting bank.
ANRPrincipal's bank reference
Reference number of the principal's bank.
ANSPresenting bank's reference
Reference number of the presenting bank.
ANTConsignee's reference
Reference number of the consignee.
ANUFinancial transaction reference number
Reference number of the financial transaction.
ANVCredit reference number
The reference number of a credit instruction.
ANWReceiving bank's authorization number
Authorization number of the receiving bank.
ANXClearing reference
Reference allocated by a clearing procedure.
ANYSending bank's reference number
Reference number of the sending bank.
Direct debit reference
Reference of the direct debit. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.02A.
AOADocumentary payment reference
Reference of the documentary payment.
Third bank's reference
Reference assigned by a third bank. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.02A.
Ordering customer's second reference number
The second reference number of the ordering customer. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.02A.
AODAccounting file reference
Reference of an accounting file.
AOESender's file reference number
File reference number assigned by the sender.
AOFReceiver's file reference number
File reference number assigned by the receiver.
AOGSource document internal reference
Reference number assigned to a source document for internal usage.
AOHPrincipal's reference
Reference number of the principal.
AOIDebit reference number
The reference number of a debit instruction.
A calendar reference number.
AOKWork shift
A work shift reference number.
AOLWork breakdown structure
A structure reference that identifies the breakdown of work for a project.
AOMOrganisation breakdown structure
A structure reference that identifies the breakdown of an organisation.
AONWork task charge number
A reference assigned to a specific work task charge.
AOOFunctional work group
A reference to identify a functional group performing work.
AOPWork team
A reference to identify a team performing work.
Section of an organisation.
AORStatement of work
A reference number for a statement of work.
AOSWork package
A reference for a detailed package of work.
AOTPlanning package
A reference for a planning package of work.
AOUCost account
A cost control account reference.
AOVWork order
Reference number for an order to do work.
AOWTransportation Control Number (TCN)
A number assigned for transportation purposes.
AOXConstraint notation
Identifies a reference to a constraint notation.
AOYETERMS reference
Identifies a reference to the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) ETERMS(tm) repository of electronic commerce trading terms and conditions.
AOZImplementation version number
Identifies a version number of an implementation.
APAccounts receivable number
Reference number assigned by accounts receivable department to the account of a specific debtor.
APAIncorporated legal reference
Identifies a legal reference which is deemed incorporated by reference.
APBPayment instalment reference number
A reference number given to a payment instalment to identify a specific instance of payment of a debt which can be paid at specified intervals.
APCEquipment owner reference number
Reference number issued by the owner of the equipment.
APDCedent's claim number
To identify the number assigned to the claim by the ceding company.
APEReinsurer's claim number
To identify the number assigned to the claim by the reinsurer.
APFPrice/sales catalogue response reference number
A reference number identifying a response to a price/sales catalogue.
APGGeneral purpose message reference number
A reference number identifying a general purpose message.
APHInvoicing data sheet reference number
A reference number identifying an invoicing data sheet.
APIInventory report reference number
A reference number identifying an inventory report.
APJCeiling formula reference number
The reference number which identifies a formula for determining a ceiling.
APKPrice variation formula reference number
The reference number which identifies a price variation formula.
APLReference to account servicing bank's message
Reference to the account servicing bank's message.
APMParty sequence number
Reference identifying a party sequence number.
APNPurchaser's request reference
Reference identifying a request made by the purchaser.
APOContractor request reference
Reference identifying a request made by a contractor.
APPAccident reference number
Reference number assigned to an accident.
APQCommercial account summary reference number
A reference number identifying a commercial account summary.
APRContract breakdown reference
A reference which identifies a specific breakdown of a contract.
APSContractor registration number
A reference number used to identify a contractor.
APTApplicable coefficient identification number
The identification number of the coefficient which is applicable.
APUSpecial budget account number
The number of a special budget account.
APVAuthorisation for repair reference
Reference of the authorisation for repair.
APWManufacturer defined repair rates reference
Reference assigned by a manufacturer to their repair rates.
APXOriginal submitter log number
A control number assigned by the original submitter.
APYOriginal submitter, parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR) log number
A Data Maintenance Request (DMR) original submitter's reference log number for the parent DMR.
APZOriginal submitter, child Data Maintenance Request (DMR) log number
A Data Maintenance Request (DMR) original submitter's reference log number for a child DMR.
AQAEntry point assessment log number
The reference log number assigned by an entry point assessment group for the DMR.
AQBEntry point assessment log number, parent DMR
The reference log number assigned by an entry point assessment group for the parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
AQCEntry point assessment log number, child DMR
The reference log number assigned by an entry point assessment group for a child Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
AQDData structure tag
The tag assigned to a data structure.
AQECentral secretariat log number
The reference log number assigned by the central secretariat for the Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
AQFCentral secretariat log number, parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR)
The reference log number assigned by the central secretariat for the parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
AQGCentral secretariat log number, child Data Maintenance Request (DMR)
The reference log number assigned by the central secretariat for the child Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
AQHInternational assessment log number
The reference log number assigned to a Data Maintenance Request (DMR) changed in international assessment.
AQIInternational assessment log number, parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR)
The reference log number assigned to a Data Maintenance Request (DMR) changed in international assessment that is a parent to the current DMR.
AQJInternational assessment log number, child Data Maintenance Request (DMR)
The reference log number assigned to a Data Maintenance Request (DMR) changed in international assessment that is a child to the current DMR.
AQKStatus report number
The reference number for a status report.
AQLMessage design group number
Reference number for a message design group.
AQMUS Customs Service (USCS) entry code
An entry number assigned by the United States (US) customs service.
AQNBeginning job sequence number
The number designating the beginning of the job sequence.
AQOSender's clause number
The number that identifies the sender's clause.
AQPDun and Bradstreet Canada's 8 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code
Dun and Bradstreet Canada's 8 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code identifying activities of the company.
AQQActivite Principale Exercee (APE) identifier
The French industry code for the main activity of a company.
AQRDun and Bradstreet US 8 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code
Dun and Bradstreet United States' 8 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code identifying activities of the company.
AQSNomenclature Activity Classification Economy (NACE) identifier
A European industry classification code used to identify the activity of a company.
AQTNorme Activite Francaise (NAF) identifier
A French industry classification code assigned by the French government to identify the activity of a company.
AQURegistered contractor activity type
Reference number identifying the type of registered contractor activity.
AQVStatistic Bundes Amt (SBA) identifier
A German industry classification code issued by Statistic Bundes Amt (SBA) to identify the activity of a company.
AQWState or province assigned entity identification
Reference number of an entity assigned by a state or province.
AQXInstitute of Security and Future Market Development (ISFMD) serial number
A number used to identify a public but not publicly traded company.
AQYFile identification number
A number assigned to identify a file.
AQZBankruptcy procedure number
A number identifying a bankruptcy procedure.
ARANational government business identification number
A business identification number which is assigned by a national government.
ARBPrior Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number
A previously assigned Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number.
ARCCompanies Registry Office (CRO) number
Identifies the reference number assigned by the Companies Registry Office (CRO).
ARDCosta Rican judicial number
A number assigned by the government to a business in Costa Rica.
ARENumero de Identificacion Tributaria (NIT)
A number assigned by the government to a business in some Latin American countries.
ARFPatron number
A number assigned by the government to a business in some Latin American countries. Note that "Patron" is a Spanish word, it is not a person who gives financial or other support.
ARGRegistro Informacion Fiscal (RIF) number
A number assigned by the government to a business in some Latin American countries.
ARHRegistro Unico de Contribuyente (RUC) number
A number assigned by the government to a business in some Latin American countries.
ARITokyo SHOKO Research (TSR) business identifier
A number assigned to a business by TSR.
ARJPersonal identity card number
An identity card number assigned to a person.
ARKSysteme Informatique pour le Repertoire des ENtreprises (SIREN) number
An identification number known as a SIREN assigned to a business in France.
ARLSysteme Informatique pour le Repertoire des ETablissements (SIRET) number
An identification number known as a SIRET assigned to a business location in France.
ARMPublication issue number
A number assigned to identify a publication issue.
ARNOriginal filing number
A number assigned to the original filing.
AROPage number
The number of a page.
ARPPublic filing registration number
A number assigned at the time of registration of a public filing.
ARQRegiristo Federal de Contribuyentes
A federal tax identification number assigned by the Mexican tax authority.
ARRSocial security number
An identification number assigned to an individual by the social security administration.
ARSDocument volume number
The number of a document volume.
ARTBook number
A number assigned to identify a book.
ARUStock exchange company identifier
A reference assigned by the stock exchange to a company.
ARVImputation account
An account to which an amount is to be posted.
ARWFinancial phase reference
A reference which identifies a specific financial phase.
ARXTechnical phase reference
A reference which identifies a specific technical phase.
ARYPrior contractor registration number
A previous reference number used to identify a contractor.
ARZStock adjustment number
A number identifying a stock adjustment.
ASADispensation reference
A reference number assigned to an official exemption from a law or obligation.
ASBInvestment reference number
A reference to a specific investment.
ASCAssuming company
A number that identifies an assuming company.
ASDBudget chapter
A reference to the chapter in a budget.
ASEDuty free products security number
A security number allocated for duty free products.
ASFDuty free products receipt authorisation number
Authorisation number allocated for the receipt of duty free products.
ASGParty information message reference
Reference identifying a party information message.
ASHFormal statement reference
A reference to a formal statement.
ASIProof of delivery reference number
A reference number identifying a proof of delivery which is generated by the goods recipient.
ASJSupplier's credit claim reference number
A reference number identifying a supplier's credit claim.
ASKPicture of actual product
Reference identifying the picture of an actual product.
ASLPicture of a generic product
Reference identifying a picture of a generic product.
ASMTrading partner identification number
Code specifying an identification assigned to an entity with whom one conducts trade.
ASNPrior trading partner identification number
Code specifying an identification number previously assigned to a trading partner.
Code used for authentication purposes.
ASPFormal report number
A number uniquely identifying a formal report.
ASQFund account number
Account number of fund.
ASRSafe custody number
The number of a file or portfolio kept for safe custody on behalf of clients.
ASSMaster account number
A reference number identifying a master account.
ASTGroup reference number
The reference number identifying a group.
ASUAccounting transmission number
A number used to identify the transmission of an accounting book entry.
ASVProduct data file number
The number of a product data file.
ASWCadastro Geral do Contribuinte (CGC)
Brazilian taxpayer number.
ASXForeign resident identification number
Number assigned by a government agency to identify a foreign resident.
Identity number of the Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD-ROM).
ASZPhysical medium
Identifies the physical medium.
ATAFinancial cancellation reference number
Reference number of a financial cancellation.
ATBPurchase for export Customs agreement number
A number assigned by a Customs authority allowing the purchase of goods free of tax because they are to be exported immediately after the purchase.
ATCJudgment number
A reference number identifying the legal decision.
ATDSecretariat number
A reference number identifying a secretariat.
ATEPrevious banking status message reference
Message reference number of the previous banking status message being responded to.
ATFLast received banking status message reference
Reference number of the latest received banking status message.
ATGBank's documentary procedure reference
Reference allocated by the bank to a documentary procedure.
ATHCustomer's documentary procedure reference
Reference allocated by a customer to a documentary procedure.
ATISafe deposit box number
Number of the safe deposit box.
ATJReceiving Bankgiro number
Number of the receiving Bankgiro.
ATKSending Bankgiro number
Number of the sending Bankgiro.
ATLBankgiro reference
Reference of the Bankgiro.
ATMGuarantee number
Number of a guarantee.
ATNCollection instrument number
To identify the number of an instrument used to remit funds to a beneficiary.
ATOConverted Postgiro number
To identify the reference number of a giro payment having been converted to a Postgiro account.
ATPCost centre alignment number
Number used in the financial management process to align cost allocations.
ATQKamer Van Koophandel (KVK) number
An identification number assigned by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce to a business in the Netherlands.
ATRInstitut Belgo-Luxembourgeois de Codification (IBLC) number
An identification number assigned by the Luxembourg National Bank to a business in Luxembourg.
ATSExternal object reference
A reference identifying an external object.
ATTExceptional transport authorisation number
Authorisation number for exceptional transport (using specific equipment, out of gauge, materials and/or specific routing).
ATUClave Unica de Identificacion Tributaria (CUIT)
Tax identification number in Argentina.
ATVRegistro Unico Tributario (RUT)
Tax identification number in Chile.
ATWFlat rack container bundle identification number
Reference number assigned to a bundle of flat rack containers.
ATXTransport equipment acceptance order reference
Reference number assigned to an order to accept transport equipment that is to be delivered by an inland carrier to a specified facility.
ATYTransport equipment release order reference
Reference number assigned to an order to release transport equipment which is to be picked up by an inland carrier from a specified facility.
ATZShip's stay reference number
Reference number assigned by a port authority to the stay of a vessel in the port.
AUAuthorization to meet competition number
A number assigned by a requestor to an offer incoming following request for quote.
AUAPlace of positioning reference
Identifies the reference pertaining to the place of positioning.
AUBParty reference
The reference to a party.
AUCIssued prescription identification
The identification of the issued prescription.
AUDCollection reference
A reference identifying a collection.
AUETravel service
Reference identifying a travel service.
AUFConsignment stock contract
Reference identifying a consignment stock contract.
AUGImporter's letter of credit reference
Letter of credit reference issued by importer.
AUHPerformed prescription identification
The identification of the prescription that has been carried into effect.
AUIImage reference
A reference number identifying an image.
AUJProposed purchase order reference number
A reference number assigned to a proposed purchase order.
AUKApplication for financial support reference number
Reference number assigned to an application for financial support.
AULManufacturing quality agreement number
Reference number of a manufacturing quality agreement.
AUMSoftware editor reference
Reference identifying the software editor.
AUNSoftware reference
Reference identifying the software.
AUOSoftware quality reference
Reference allocated to the software by a quality assurance agency.
AUPConsolidated orders' reference
A reference number to identify orders which have been, or shall be consolidated.
AUQCustoms binding ruling number
Binding ruling number issued by customs.
AURCustoms non-binding ruling number
Non-binding ruling number issued by customs.
AUSDelivery route reference
A reference to the route of the delivery.
AUTNet area supplier reference
A reference identifying a supplier within a net area.
AUUTime series reference
Reference to a time series.
AUVConnecting point to central grid
Reference to a connecting point to a central grid.
AUWMarketing plan identification number (MPIN)
Number identifying a marketing plan.
AUXEntity reference number, previous
The previous reference number assigned to an entity.
AUYInternational Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) code
A code specifying an international standard industrial classification.
AUZCustoms pre-approval ruling number
Pre-approval ruling number issued by Customs.
AVAccount payable number
Reference number assigned by accounts payable department to the account of a specific creditor.
First financial institution's transaction reference
Identifies the reference given to the individual transaction by the financial institution that is the transaction's point of entry into the interbank transaction chain.
Product characteristics directory
A reference to a product characteristics directory.
Supplier's customer reference number
A number, assigned by a supplier, to reference a customer.
AWARate code number
Number assigned by a buyer to rate a product.
AWBAir waybill number
Reference number assigned to an air waybill, see: 1001 = 740.
AWCDocumentary credit amendment number
Number of the amendment of the documentary credit.
AWDAdvising bank's reference
Reference number of the advising bank.
AWECost centre
A number identifying a cost centre.
AWFWork item quantity determination
A reference assigned to a work item quantity determination.
AWGInternal data process number
A number identifying an internal data process.
AWHCategory of work reference
A reference identifying a category of work.
AWIPolicy form number
Number assigned to a policy form.
AWJNet area
Reference to an area of a net.
AWKService provider
Reference of the service provider.
AWLError position
Reference to the position of an error in a message.
AWMService category reference
Reference identifying the service category.
AWNConnected location
Reference of a connected location.
AWORelated party
Reference of a related party.
AWPLatest accounting entry record reference
Code identifying the reference of the latest accounting entry record.
AWQAccounting entry
Accounting entry to which this item is related.
AWRDocument reference, original
The original reference of a document.
BABeginning meter reading actual
Meter reading at the beginning of an invoicing period.
BCBuyer's contract number
Reference number assigned by buyer to a contract.
BDBid number
Number assigned by a submitter of a bid to his bid.
BEBeginning meter reading estimated
Meter reading at the beginning of an invoicing period where an actual reading is not available.
BHHouse bill of lading number
Reference number assigned to a house bill of lading, see: 1001 = 714.
BMBill of lading number
Reference number assigned to a bill of lading, see: 1001 = 705.
BNBooking reference number
[1016] Reference number assigned by the carrier or his agent when cargo space is reserved prior to loading.
BOBlanket order number
Reference number assigned by the order issuer to a blanket order.
BRBroker or sales office number
A number that identifies a broker or sales office.
BTBatch number/lot number
Reference number assigned by manufacturer to a series of similar products or goods produced under similar conditions.
BWBlended with number
The batch/lot/package number a product is blended with.
CASIATA Cargo Agent CASS Address number
Code issued by IATA to identify agent locations for CASS billing purposes.
CATMatching of entries, balanced
Reference to a balanced matching of entries.
CAUEntry flagging
Reference to a flagging of entries.
CAVMatching of entries, unbalanced
Reference to an unbalanced matching of entries.
CAWDocument reference, internal
Internal reference to a document.
CAXEuropean Value Added Tax identification
Value Added Tax identification number according to European regulation.
CAYCost accounting document
The reference to a cost accounting document.
Grid operator's customer reference number
A number, assigned by a grid operator, to reference a customer.
Ticket control number
Reference giving access to all the details associated with the ticket.
CDCredit note number
Reference number assigned to a credit note.
CECCeding company
Company selling obligations to a third party.
CFEConsignee's further order
Reference of an order given by the consignee after departure of the means of transport.
CFOConsignor's further order
Reference of an order given by the consignor after departure of the means of transport.
CGConsignee's order number
A number that identifies a consignee's order.
CHCustomer catalogue number
Number identifying a catalogue for customer's usage.
CKCheque number
Unique number assigned to one specific cheque.
CKNChecking number
Number assigned by checking party to one specific check action.
CMCredit memo number
Reference number assigned by issuer to a credit memo.
CMRRoad consignment note number
Reference number assigned to a road consignment note, see: 1001 = 730.
CNCarrier's reference number
Reference number assigned by carrier to a consignment.
CNOCharge note reference number
[1070] Indication in pre-printed form that a Charges note has been established and is attached to the Rail Consignment Note (CIM 76).
COBuyers order number
[1022] Reference number assigned by the buyer to an order.
COFCall off order number
A number that identifies a call off order.
CPCondition of purchase document number
Reference number identifying the conditions of purchase relevant to a purchase.
CRCustomer reference number
Reference number assigned by the customer to a transaction.
CRNConveyance reference number
[8028] Unique reference given by the carrier to a certain journey or departure of a means of transport (generic term).
CSCondition of sale document number
Reference number identifying the conditions of sale relevant to a sale.
CSTTeam assignment number
Team number assigned to a group that is responsible for working a particular transaction.
CTContract number
Reference number of a contract concluded between parties.
CUConsignor's reference number
[1140] Reference number assigned by a consignor to a particular shipment for his own purposes or for those of the consignee.
CVContainer operators reference number
Reference number assigned by the party operating or controlling the transport container to a transaction or consignment.
CWPackage number
(7070) Reference number identifying a package or carton within a consignment.
CZCooperation contract number
Number issued by a party concerned given to a contract on cooperation of two or more parties.
DADeferment approval number
Number assigned by authorities to a party to approve deferment of payment of tax or duties.
DANDebit account number
Reference number assigned by issuer to a debit account.
DBBuyer's debtor number
Reference number assigned to a debtor.
DIDistributor invoice number
Reference number assigned by issuer to a distributor invoice.
DLDebit note number
Reference number assigned by issuer to a debit note.
DMDocument number
[1004] Reference number assigned to the document by the issuer.
DQDelivery note number
Reference number assigned by the issuer to a delivery note.
DRDock receipt number
Number of the cargo receipt submitted when cargo is delivered to a marine terminal.
EAEnding meter reading actual
Meter reading at the end of an invoicing period.
EBEmbargo permit number
Reference number assigned by issuer to an embargo permit.
EDExport declaration
Number assigned by the exporter to his export declaration number submitted to an authority.
EEEnding meter reading estimated
Meter reading at the end of an invoicing period where an actual reading is not available.
EIEmployer's identification number
Number issued by an authority to identify an employer.
ENEmbargo number
Number assigned to specific goods or a family of goods in a classification of embargo measures.
EPExport permit number
Reference number assigned by issuing authority to an export permit for products.
EQEquipment number
Number assigned by the manufacturer to specific equipment.
ERContainer/equipment receipt number
Number of the Equipment Interchange Receipt issued for full or empty equipment received.
ERNExporter's reference number
Reference to a party exporting goods.
ETExcess transportation number
Number assigned to excess transport.
EXExport licence number
[1208] Reference number assigned by issuing authority to an Export Licence.
FCFiscal number
Tax payer's number. Number assigned to individual persons as well as to corporates by a public institution; this number is different from the VAT registration number.
FFFreight forwarder's reference number
[1460] Reference number assigned to the consignment by the freight forwarder.
FIFile line identifier
Number assigned by the file issuer or sender to identify a specific line.
FLWFlow reference number
Number given to a usual sender which has regular expeditions of the same goods, to the same destination, defining all general conditions of the transport.
FNFreight bill number
Reference number assigned by issuing party to a freight bill.
FOForeign exchange
Exchange of two currencies at an agreed rate.
FSFinal sequence number
A number that identifies the final sequence.
FTFree zone identifier
Identifier to specify the territory of a State where any goods introduced are generally regarded, insofar as import duties and taxes are concerned, as being outside the Customs territory and are not subject to usual Customs control (CCC).
FVFile version number
Number given to a version of an identified file.
FXForeign exchange contract number
Reference number identifying a foreign exchange contract.
GAStandard's number
Number to identify a standardization description (e.g. ISO 9375).
GCGovernment contract number
Number assigned to a specific government/public contract.
GDStandard's code number
Number to identify a specific parameter within a standardization description (e.g. M5 for screws or DIN A4 for paper).
GDNGeneral declaration number
Number of the declaration of incoming goods out of a vessel.
GNGovernment reference number
A number that identifies a government reference.
HSHarmonised system number
Number specifying the goods classification under the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System of the Customs Co-operation Council (CCC).
HWBHouse waybill number
Reference number assigned to a house waybill, see: 1001 = 703.
IAInternal vendor number
Number identifying the company-internal vending department/unit.
IBIn bond number
Customs assigned number that is used to control the movement of imported cargo prior to its formal Customs clearing.
ICAIATA cargo agent code number
Code issued by IATA identify each IATA Cargo Agent whose name is entered on the Cargo Agency List.
ICEInsurance certificate reference number
A number that identifies an insurance certificate reference.
ICOInsurance contract reference number
A number that identifies an insurance contract reference.
IIInitial sample inspection report number
Inspection report number given to the initial sample inspection.
ILInternal order number
Number assigned to an order for internal handling/follow up.
INBIntermediary broker
A number that identifies an intermediary broker.
INNInterchange number new
Number assigned by the interchange sender to identify one specific interchange. This number points to the actual interchange.
INOInterchange number old
Number assigned by the interchange sender to identify one specific interchange. This number points to the previous interchange.
IPImport licence number
[1106] Reference number assigned by the issuing authority to an Import Licence.
ISInvoice number suffix
A number added at the end of an invoice number.
ITInternal customer number
Number assigned by a seller, supplier etc. to identify a customer within his enterprise.
IVInvoice number
[1334] Reference number assigned by the seller to a Commercial Invoice.
JBJob number
Identifies a piece of work.
JEEnding job sequence number
A number that identifies the ending job sequence.
LAShipping label serial number
The serial number on a shipping label.
LANLoading authorization number
[4092] A number assigned to the loading authorization granted by the forwarding station when the consignment is subject to traffic limitations (CIM 43).
LARLower number in range
Lower number in a range of numbers.
Type of cash management system offered by financial institutions to provide for collection of customers 'receivables'.
LCLetter of credit number
Reference number identifying the letter of credit document.
LILine item reference number
(1156) Reference number identifying a particular line in a document.
LOLoad planning number
The reference that identifies the load planning number.
LSBar coded label serial number
The serial number on a bar code label.
MAShip notice/manifest number
The number assigned to a ship notice or manifest.
MBMaster bill of lading number
Reference number assigned to a master bill of lading, see: 1001 = 704.
MFManufacturer's part number
Reference number assigned by the manufacturer to his product or part.
MGMeter unit number
Number identifying a unique meter unit.
MHManufacturing order number
Reference number assigned by manufacturer for a given production quantity of products.
MRMessage recipient
A number that identifies the message recipient.
MRNMailing reference number
Identifies the party designated by the importer to receive certain customs correspondence in lieu of its being mailed directly to the importer.
MSMessage sender
A number that identifies the message sender.
MSSManufacturer's material safety data sheet number
A number that identifies a manufacturer's material safety data sheet.
MWBMaster air waybill number
Reference number assigned to a master air waybill, see: 1001 = 741.
NANorth American hazardous goods classification number
Reference to materials designated as hazardous for purposes of transportation in North American commerce.
OHCurrent invoice number
Reference number identifying the current invoice.
OIPrevious invoice number
Reference number identifying a previously issued invoice.
ONOrder number (purchase)
[1022] Reference number assigned by the buyer to an order.
OPOriginal purchase order
Reference to the order previously sent.
ORGeneral order number
Customs number assigned to imported merchandise that has been left unclaimed and subsequently moved to a Customs bonded warehouse for storage.
PBPayer's financial institution account number
Originated company account number (ACH transfer), check, draft or wire.
PCProduction code
Number assigned by the manufacturer to a specified article or batch to identify the manufacturing date etc. for subsequent reference.
PDPromotion deal number
Number assigned by a vendor to a special promotion activity.
PEPlant number
A number that identifies a plant.
PFPrime contractor contract number
Reference number assigned by the client to the contract of the prime contractor.
PIPrice list version number
A number that identifies the version of a price list.
PKPacking list number
(1014) Reference number assigned to a packing list, see: 1001 = 271.
PLPrice list number
Reference number assigned to a price list.
PORPurchase order response number
Reference number assigned by the seller to an order response.
PPPurchase order change number
Reference number assigned by a buyer for a revision of a purchase order.
PQPayment reference
Reference number assigned to a payment.
PRPrice quote number
Reference number assigned by the seller to a quote.
PSPurchase order number suffix
A number added at the end of a purchase order number.
PWPrior purchase order number
Reference number of a purchase order previously sent to the supplier.
PYPayee's financial institution account number
Receiving company account number (ACH transfer), check, draft or wire.
RARemittance advice number
A number that identifies a remittance advice.
RCRail/road routing code
International Western and Eastern European route code used in all rail organizations and specified in the international tariffs (rail tariffs) known by the customers.
RCNRailway consignment note number
Reference number assigned to a rail consignment note, see: 1001 = 720.
RERelease number
Reference number assigned to identify a release of a set of rules, conventions, conditions, etc.
RENReceived number
[1150] Number assigned to a rail consignment upon its arrival at its destination station (CIM 84).
RFExport reference number
Reference number given to an export shipment.
RRPayer's financial institution transit routing No.(ACH transfers)
ODFI (ACH transfer).
RTPayee's financial institution transit routing No.
RDFI Transit routing number (ACH transfer).
SASales person number
Identification number of a sales person.
SBSales region number
A number that identifies a sales region.
SDSales department number
A number that identifies a sales department.
SESerial number
Identification number of an item which distinguishes this specific item out of an number of identical items.
SFShip from
A number that identifies a ship from location.
SHPrevious highest schedule number
Number of the latest schedule of a previous period (ODETTE DELINS).
SISID (Shipper's identifying number for shipment)
A number that identifies the SID (shipper's identification) number for a shipment.
SMSales office number
A number that identifies a sales office.
SNSeal number
[9308] Identification number on Customs or other seals affixed to containers or other transport units.
SPScan line
A number that identifies a scan line.
SQEquipment sequence number
A temporary reference number identifying a particular piece of equipment within a series of pieces of equipment.
SRNShipment reference number
Reference number assigned to a shipment.
SSSellers reference number
Reference number assigned to a transaction by the seller.
STAStation reference number
International UIC code assigned to every European rail station (CIM convention).
SWSwap order number
Number assigned by the seller to a swap order (see definition of DE 1001, code 229).
SZSpecification number
Number assigned by the issuer to his specification.
TBTrucker's bill of lading
A cargo list/description issued by a motor carrier of freight.
TETelex message number
Reference number identifying a telex message.
TFTransfer number
An extra number assigned to goods or a container which functions as a reference number or as an authorization number to get the goods or container released from a certain party.
TITIR carnet number
Reference number assigned to a TIR carnet.
TLTax exemption licence number
Number assigned by the tax authorities to a party indicating its tax exemption authorization. This number could relate to a specified business type, a specified local area or a class of products.
TNTransaction reference number
Reference applied to a transaction between two or more parties over a defined life cycle; e.g. number applied by importer or broker to obtain release from Customs, may then used to control declaration through final accounting (synonyms: declaration, entry number).
TPTest report number
Reference number identifying a test report document relevant to the product.
UARUpper number of range
Upper number in a range of numbers.
UCUltimate customer's reference number
The originator's reference number as forwarded in a sequence of parties involved.
UCNUnique consignment reference number
(1202) Unique reference of a consignment (UCRN) used for identification purposes in documents and messages exchanged between parties in international trade. See also: Unique Identifier Code (UNIC) in UN/ECE Recommendation No. 8, March 1992.
UNUnited Nations dangerous goods (UNDG) number
[7124] Unique serial number assigned within the United Nations to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly carried.
UOUltimate customer's order number
The originator's order number as forwarded in a sequence of parties involved.
VAVAT registration number
Unique number assigned by the relevant tax authority to identify a party for use in relation to Value Added Tax (VAT).
VCVendor contract number
Number assigned by the vendor to a contract.
VMVessel identification
(8123) Reference identifying a vessel (UN/ECE Recommendation No 10).
VNOrder number (vendor)
Reference number assigned by supplier to a buyer's purchase order.
VONVoyage number
[8228] Reference number assigned by the carrier or his agent to the voyage of the vessel.
VPVendor product number
Number assigned by vendor to another manufacturer's product.
VRVendor ID number
A number that identifies a vendor's identification.
VSVendor order number suffix
The suffix for a vendor order number.
VTMotor vehicle identification number
(Reference identifying a motor vehicle used for transport) normally is the vehicle registration number.
VVVoucher number
Reference number identifying a voucher.
WEWarehouse entry number
Entry number under which imported merchandise was placed in a Customs bonded warehouse.
WMWeight agreement number
A number identifying a weight agreement.
WNWell number
A number assigned to a shaft sunk into the ground.
WRWarehouse receipt number
A number identifying a warehouse receipt.
WSWarehouse storage location number
A number identifying a warehouse storage location.
WYRail waybill number
The number on a rail waybill.
XACompany/place registration number
Company registration and place as legally required.
XCCargo control number
Reference used to identify and control a carrier and consignment from initial entry into a country until release of the cargo by Customs.
XPPrevious cargo control number
Where a consignment is deconsolidated and/or transferred to the control of another carrier or freight forwarder (e.g. housebill, abstract) this references the previous (e.g. master) cargo control number.
ZZZMutually defined reference number
Number based on party agreement.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

Usage indicators
Used in batch messages only.
Common usage in both batch and interactive messages.
Used in interactive messages only.

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