AAA | Line item measurement |
| Line item measurement specified by the Food and Drug Administration. |
AAC | Retail container size |
| Size of a retail container in terms of volume. |
| AAD |
| Other US Government agency application |
| Measurement to be used by/for other United States government agencies. |
AAE | Measurement |
| [6314] Value of the measured unit. |
AAF | Customs line item measurement |
| The measurement of a consignment or part for customs purpose. |

| AAG |
| Alcohol content |
| The measurement of the alcohol content. |
| AAH |
| Dimensions total weight |
| The total weight of an identified dimension. |
AAI | Item weight |
| Weight at line item level. |
AAJ | Visa quantity |
| Measurement reportable for visaed merchandise. |
AAK | Licence (quantity deducted) |
| Quantity to be written off from the total license amount. |
AAL | Cargo loaded |
| Total tonnage of cargo loaded onto the conveyance. |
AAM | Cargo discharged |
| Total tonnage of cargo unloaded from the conveyance. |
AAN | Weight of conveyance |
| Tonnage of conveyance. |
AAO | Conveyance summer dead weight |
| Registered summer dead weight total tonnage of the vessel. |
AAP | Containerized cargo on vessel's weight |
| Total weight of containerized cargo on vessel. |
AAQ | Non-containerized cargo on vessel's weight |
| Total weight of non-containerized cargo on vessel. |
AAR | 1st specified tariff quantity |
| Primary reportable quantity associated with a tariff number. |
AAS | 2nd specified tariff quantity |
| Secondary reportable quantity associated with a tariff number. |
AAT | 3rd specified tariff quantity |
| Third reportable quantity associated with a tariff number. |
AAU | Package |
| Commodity/product shipped or sold in discrete individual containers which may be accumulated in a larger package. |
AAV | Person |
| Physical measurement of a person. |
AAW | Accuracy |
| Accuracy of the measurements being sent. |
AAX | Consignment measurement |
| Measurement related to a consignment; to be specified by the measurement code dimension value. |
AAY | Package measurement |
| Measurements of package. |
AAZ | Handling unit measurement |
| Measurements of handling unit. |
ABA | Unit of measure used for ordered quantities |
| The unit of measure in which ordered quantities are expressed. |
ABI | Ventilation |
| The number of air exchanges per hour. |
ABJ | Original unit of issue |
| A code identifying the original unit of issue. |
ABK | External dimension |
| The outer measurement of the referenced item or package. |
ABL | Internal dimension |
| The inner measurement of the referenced item or package. |
ABM | Test piece dimensions |
| The size of the test piece that was tested. |
ABN | Average reading |
| Average reading of the test being reported on. |
ABO | Comparison price measurement |
| A measurement used for comparison pricing purposes. |
ABP | Unit of measure per unit of issue |
| Provides the unit of measurement which is to be used for a given unit of issue. |
ABQ | Air flow |
| The movement of air. |
| ABR |
| Certified weight |
| Weight which has been certified. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.03A. |
ABS | Velocity |
| Speed. |
ABT | Supplementary unit |
| Supplementary unit referring to the measurement reported. |
ABU | Quota |
| Maximum number or amount. |
ABV | Unit of time |
| The specification of a specific unit of time. |
ABW | Unit of measure used for invoiced quantities |
| Unit of measure of invoiced quantity. |
ABX | Usable or consumable content |
| Measurement of usable or consumable contents. |
ABY | Payment cycle |
| Measurement of the period of time over which payment occurs. |
ABZ | Plot size |
| The relative bigness of a plot or an allotment of land. |
ACA | Space occupied |
| Space taken up or filled. |
ACB | Building size |
| The relative bigness of a permanent fixed structure forming an enclosure. |
ACC | Office size |
| The relative bigness of a room or building used for clerical or similar work. |
ACD | Area damaged |
| The size of an area that was damaged. |
ACE | Land size |
| The relative bigness of an expanse of ground. |
ACF | Industrial plant size |
| The relative bigness of a factory or facility used in an industrial process. |
ACG | Installed capacity |
| The maximum amount that can be contained or produced. |
ACH | Warehouse size |
| The relative bigness of a structure in which things are temporarily stored. |
ASW | Weight ascertained |
| [4240] Endorsement of the true weight (mass) as ascertained or verified by the railway (CIM 81). |
ASX | Supplemental tariff classification quantity |
| Supplemental quantity reportable for a tariff number. |
ASY | 1st specified tariff quantity, general rules of interpretation 3(c) or 3(b) |
| The first reportable quantity associated with a tariff number for goods classified under general rules of interpretation 3(b) or 3(c). |
ASZ | 2nd specified tariff quantity, general rules of interpretation 3(c) or 3(b) |
| Secondary reportable quantity associated with a tariff classification for goods classified under harmonized tariff schedule general rules of interpretation 3(b) or 3(c). |
ATA | 3rd specified tariff quantity, general rules of interpretation 3(c) or 3(b) |
| Third reportable quantity associated with a tariff classification for goods classified under harmonized tariff schedule general rules of interpretation 3(b) or 3(c). |
ATB | Showroom size |
| The relative bigness of a room used for display. |
ATC | Reserves |
| Measurement of reserves maintained. |
ATD | Height reference point |
| The point from which the reference height is determined. |
ATE | Available for cultivation |
| The purpose is to measure the availability for cultivation. |
CH | Chemistry |
| The given measurement value identifies the amount or percentage of a specific chemical within a substance. |
CHW | Chargeable weight |
| The weight on which charges are based. |
| CN |
| Core notch dimensions |
| The notch dimensions of a core. |
| CS |
| Core size |
| The size of a core. |
| CT |
| Counts |
| The measurement is counts. |
DEN | Density |
| Code to indicate the mass of a commodity per unit of volume. |
DT | Dimensional tolerance |
| Possible range of values for a specified measurement dimension of a product, material or package. |
DV | Discrete measurement value |
| The measurement specified is separate and distinct from other measurements. |
| DX |
| Dimension used in price extension |
| Dimension will be used in conjunction with price extension. |
EN | Environmental conditions |
| The data values to be reported reflect the environmental conditions surrounding a situation including but not limited to test environments. |
| FO |
| Footage |
| Length or distance in feet. |
| IV |
| Interpolated value |
| The value based on interpolation. |
LAO | Vessel overall length |
| Total overall length of the vessel. |
| LC |
| Limited weight/size coils |
| Measurement identifying weight or size limit of coils. |
LGL | Length limitations |
| Indicates that value/range information is understood as length limitation. |
LL | Lift limitation |
| A measurement indicating lift capacity limitations. |
LMT | Loading meters |
| The length in a vehicle, whereby the complete width and height over that length is needed for the goods. |
PAL | Payload |
| The revenue-producing load carried by a means of transport. |
| PC |
| Parting cut (sawcut) |
| Cut identifying parts of an item probably for separation. |
PD | Physical dimensions (product ordered) |
| Specified measurement dimensions refer to physical dimensions of a product, material or package. |
PL | Package limitations |
| A measurement indicating limitations associated with the package. |
PLL | Platform limitation |
| A measurement indicating limitations in relation to a platform. |
RL | Receiving facility limitations |
| Specified measurement dimensions are provided as a result of limitations or restrictions related to the physical dimensions of a product, material or package at the reception point. |
SE | Property specification |
| Indicates that the data to follow are target specifications. |
SH | Shipping tolerance |
| Tolerances related to shipping. |
| SM |
| Shade |
| The degree to which a colour is mixed with black or is decreasingly illuminated. |
SO | Storage limitation |
| A measurement indicating limitation in relation to storage. |
| SR |
| Surface roughness |
| The measurement of roughness of a surface. |
| ST |
| Surface treatment |
| The attribute being measured is the surface treatment. |
SU | Surface |
| Surface area of an object. |
SV | Specification value |
| A measurable item characteristic specified by the buyer, seller or third party. |
| TE |
| Temperature |
| The measured attribute is temperature. |
TL | Transportation equipment limitations |
| A measurement indicating limitations in relation to transportation equipment. |
TR | Test result |
| Indicates that the data to follow is the test result measurements. |
VOL | Volume |
| Size or measure of anything in three dimensions. |
| WT |
| Weights |
| The measured attribute is weight. |
| WX |
| Weight used in price extension |
| Weight will be used in conjunction with price extension. |