1 | CCC (Customs Co-operation Council) |
| Self explanatory. |
2 | CEC (Commission of the European Communities) |
| Generic: see also 140, 141, 142, 162. |
3 | IATA (International Air Transport Association) |
| The airline industry's international organisation. |
4 | ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) |
| Self explanatory. |
5 | ISO (International Organization for Standardization) |
| Self explanatory. |
6 | UN/ECE (United Nations - Economic Commission for Europe) |
| Self explanatory. |
7 | CEFIC (Conseil Europeen des Federations de l'Industrie Chimique) |
| EDI project for chemical industry. |
| Standardised electronic commerce forum for companies with interests in computing, electronics and telecommunications. |
9 | EAN (International Article Numbering association) |
| Self explanatory. |
10 | ODETTE |
| Organization for Data Exchange through Tele-Transmission in Europe (European automotive industry project). |
11 | Lloyd's register of shipping |
| A register of ocean going vessels maintained by Lloyd's of London. |
12 | UIC (International union of railways) |
| International Union of Railways. |
13 | ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organisation) |
| Self explanatory. |
14 | ICS (International Chamber of Shipping) |
| Self explanatory. |
15 | RINET (Reinsurance and Insurance Network) |
| Self explanatory. |
16 | US, D&B (Dun & Bradstreet Corporation) |
| Identifies the Dun & Bradstreet Corporation, United States. |
17 | S.W.I.F.T. |
| Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications s.c. |
18 | Conventions on SAD and transit (EC and EFTA) |
| SAD = Single Administrative Document. |
19 | FRRC (Federal Reserve Routing Code) |
| Self explanatory. |
20 | BIC (Bureau International des Containeurs) |
| The container industry's international organisation responsible for the issuance of container-related codes. |
21 | Assigned by transport company |
| Codes assigned by a transport company. |
22 | US, ISA (Information Systems Agreement) |
| Codes assigned by the ISA for use by its members. |
| French association developing EDI in transport logistics. |
24 | AU, ROA (Railways of Australia) |
| Maintains code lists which are accepted by Australian government railways. |
25 | EDITEX (Europe) |
| EDI group for the textile and clothing industry. |
26 | NL, Foundation Uniform Transport Code |
| Foundation Uniform Transport Code is the EDI organisation for shippers, carriers and other logistic service providers in the Netherlands. |
27 | US, FDA (Food and Drug Administration) |
| U.S. food and drug administration. |
28 | EDITEUR (European book sector electronic data interchange group) |
| Code identifying the pan European user group for the book industry as an organisation responsible for code values in the book industry. |
| Association of fleet vehicle hiring and leasing companies in the UK. |
30 | GB, ABTA (Association of British Travel Agencies) |
| ABTA, Association of British Travel Agencies. |
31 | FI, Finish State Railway |
| Finish State Railway. |
32 | PL, Polish State Railway |
| Polish State Railway. |
33 | BG, Bulgaria State Railway |
| Bulgaria State Railway. |
34 | RO, Rumanian State Railway |
| Rumanian State Railway. |
35 | CZ, Tchechian State Railway |
| Tchechian State Railway. |
36 | HU, Hungarian State Railway |
| Hungarian State Railway. |
37 | GB, British Railways |
| British Railways. |
38 | ES, Spanish National Railway |
| Spanish National Railway. |
39 | SE, Swedish State Railway |
| Swedish State Railway. |
40 | NO, Norwegian State Railway |
| Norwegian State Railway. |
41 | DE, German Railway |
| German Railway. |
42 | AT, Austrian Federal Railways |
| Austrian Federal Railways. |
43 | LU, Luxembourg National Railway Company |
| Luxembourg National Railway Company. |
44 | IT, Italian State Railways |
| Italian State Railways. |
45 | NL, Netherlands Railways |
| Netherlands Railways. |
46 | CH, Swiss Federal Railways |
| Swiss Federal Railways. |
47 | DK, Danish State Railways |
| Danish State Railways. |
48 | FR, French National Railway Company |
| French National Railway Company. |
49 | BE, Belgian National Railway Company |
| Belgian National Railway Company. |
50 | PT, Portuguese Railways |
| Portuguese Railways. |
51 | SK, Slovakian State Railways |
| Slovakian State Railways. |
52 | IE, Irish Transport Company |
| Irish Transport Company. |
53 | FIATA (International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations) |
| International Federation of Freight Forwarders Associations. |
54 | IMO (International Maritime Organisation) |
| International Maritime Organisation. |
55 | US, DOT (United States Department of Transportation) |
| United States Department of Transportation. |
56 | TW, Trade-van |
| Trade-van is an EDI/VAN service centre for customs, transport, and insurance in national and international trade. |
57 | TW, Chinese Taipei Customs |
| Customs authorities of Chinese Taipei responsible for collecting import duties and preventing smuggling. |
58 | EUROFER |
| European steel organisation - EDI project for the European steel industry. |
59 | DE, EDIBAU |
| National body responsible for the German codification in the construction area. |
60 | Assigned by national trade agency |
| The code list is from a national agency. |
61 | Association Europeenne des Constructeurs de Materiel Aerospatial (AECMA) |
| A code to identify the Association Europeenne des Constructeurs de Materiel Aeropsatial (European Association of Aerospace Products Manufacturers) as an authorizing agency for code lists. |
62 | US, DIstilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS) |
| United States DIstilled Spirits Council of the United States (DISCUS). |
63 | North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) |
| A code to identify the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) as an authorizing agency for code lists. |
| French association responsible for coordination and promotion of EDI application in France. |
65 | FR, GENCOD |
| French organization responsible for EDI and Barcoding application in the retail sector. |
66 | MY, Malaysian Customs and Excise |
| Malaysia Royal Customs and Excise. |
67 | MY, Malaysia Central Bank |
| Malaysia Central Bank is a regulatory body set up by the government to charge with promoting economic monetary and credit condition favourable to commercial and industrial activity. |
| 68 |
| US, Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF) |
| United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (BATF). Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.01A. |
69 | US, National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA) |
| United States National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA). |
70 | MY, Dagang.Net |
| Malaysia, Dagang.Net is a national clearing house which provide EDI/VAN service for customs, transport, retail and financial and other industries in the national and international trade. |
71 | US, FCC (Federal Communications Commission) |
| A code representing the United States Federal Communication Commission (FCC). |
72 | US, MARAD (Maritime Administration) |
| A code representing the United States Maritime Administration (MARAD) under the Department of Transportation (DOT). |
73 | US, DSAA (Defense Security Assistance Agency) |
| A code representing the United States Defense Security Assistance Agency (DSAA) under the Department of Defense (DOD). |
74 | US, NRC (Nuclear Regulatory Commission) |
| A code representing the United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC). |
75 | US, ODTC (Office of Defense Trade Controls) |
| A code representing the United States Office of Defense Trade Controls (ODTC) under the Department of State. |
76 | US, ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms) |
| A code representing the United States Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms, Department of Treasury (ATF). |
77 | US, BXA (Bureau of Export Administration) |
| A code representing the United States Bureau of Export Administration (BXA) under the Department of Commerce (DOC) . |
78 | US, FWS (Fish and Wildlife Service) |
| A code depicting the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS). |
79 | US, OFAC (Office of Foreign Assets Control) |
| A code representing the United States Office of Foreign Assets Controls (OFAC). |
80 | BRMA/RAA - LIMNET - RINET Joint Venture |
| Joint venture between BRMA (Brokers & Reinsurance Markets Association) / RAA (Reinsurance Association of America) - LIMNET (London Insurance Market Network) -RINET (Reinsurance and Insurance Network). |
81 | RU, (SFT) Society for Financial Telecommunications |
| Russian company representing the users of the Global Financial Telecommunication Network (GFTN). |
82 | NO, Enhetsregisteret ved Bronnoysundregisterne |
| The co-ordinating register for companies and business units of companies at the Bronnoysund register centre. |
83 | US, National Retail Federation |
| The National Retail Federation is the trade association for the general merchandise retailing industry. In addition to providing support and education services, they also maintain and publish standard colour and size codes for the retail industry. |
84 | DE, BRD (Gesetzgeber der Bundesrepublik Deutschland) |
| German legislature. |
85 | North America, Telecommunications Industry Forum |
| Trade association representing telecommunications service providers, equipment manufacturers, suppliers to the industry and customers. |
86 | Assigned by party originating the message |
| Codes assigned by the party originating the message. |
87 | Assigned by carrier |
| Codes assigned by the carrier. |
88 | Assigned by owner of operation |
| Assigned by owner of operation (e.g. used in construction). |
89 | Assigned by distributor |
| Self explanatory. |
90 | Assigned by manufacturer |
| Self explanatory. |
91 | Assigned by seller or seller's agent |
| Self explanatory. |
92 | Assigned by buyer or buyer's agent |
| Self explanatory. |
93 | AT, Austrian Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
94 | AT, Austrian PTT |
| Self explanatory. |
95 | AU, Australian Customs Service |
| Australian Customs Service. |
96 | CA, Revenue Canada, Customs and Excise |
| Self explanatory. |
97 | CH, Administration federale des contributions |
| Indirect taxation (e.g. turn-over/sales taxes). |
98 | CH, Direction generale des douanes |
| Customs (incl. ISO alpha 2 country code). |
99 | CH, Division des importations et exportations, OFAEE |
| Import and export licences. |
100 | CH, Entreprise des PTT |
| Telephone (voice/data) + telex numbers, postcodes, postal account numbers. |
101 | CH, Carbura |
| Centrale suisse pour l'importation de carburants et combustibles liquides (Oil products). |
102 | CH, Centrale suisse pour l'importation du charbon |
| Coal. |
103 | CH, Office fiduciaire des importateurs de denrees alimentaires |
| Foodstuff. |
104 | CH, Association suisse code des articles |
| Swiss article numbering association. |
105 | DK, Ministry of taxation, Central Customs and Tax Administration |
| Danish Customs administration. |
106 | FR, Direction generale des douanes et droits indirects |
| French Customs. |
107 | FR, INSEE |
| Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques. |
108 | FR, Banque de France |
| Self explanatory. |
109 | GB, H.M. Customs & Excise |
| Self explanatory. |
110 | IE, Revenue Commissioners, Customs AEP project |
| Self explanatory. |
111 | US, U.S. Customs Service |
| Self explanatory. |
112 | US, U.S. Census Bureau |
| The Bureau of the Census of the U.S. Dept. of Commerce. |
113 | US, UCC (Uniform Code Council) |
| The Uniform Code Council (UCC) is a not-for-profit organization which manages and administers EDI and product bar code standards for the U.S. retail industry. The UCC also maintains U.P.C. manufacturer identifiers, EDI communications identifiers and various EDI code lists specific to retailing. The UCC is located in Dayton, OH, USA. |
114 | US, ABA (American Bankers Association) |
| Self explanatory. |
| 115 |
| US, DODAAC (Department Of Defense Active Agency Code) |
| Self explanatory. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.02B. |
116 | US, ANSI ASC X12 |
| American National Standards Institute ASC X12. |
117 | AT, Geldausgabeautomaten-Service Gesellschaft m.b.H. |
| Description to be provided. |
118 | SE, Svenska Bankfoereningen |
| Swedish bankers association. |
119 | IT, Associazione Bancaria Italiana |
| Self explanatory. |
120 | IT, Socieata' Interbancaria per l'Automazione |
| Self explanatory. |
121 | CH, Telekurs AG |
| Self explanatory. |
122 | CH, Swiss Securities Clearing Corporation |
| Self explanatory. |
123 | NO, Norwegian Interbank Research Organization |
| Self explanatory. |
124 | NO, Norwegian Bankers' Association |
| Self explanatory. |
125 | FI, The Finnish Bankers' Association |
| Self explanatory. |
126 | US, NCCMA (Account Analysis Codes) |
| Self explanatory. |
127 | DE, ARE (AbRechnungs Einheit) |
| A German code for subsidiary unit number. |
128 | BE, Belgian Bankers' Association |
| Self explanatory. |
129 | BE, Belgian Ministry of Finance |
| VAT numbers. |
130 | DK, PBS (Pengainstitutternes Betalings Service) |
| Self explanatory. |
131 | DE, German Bankers Association |
| Self explanatory. |
132 | GB, BACS Limited |
| Self explanatory. |
133 | GB, Association for Payment Clearing Services |
| Self explanatory. |
134 | GB, CHAPS and Town Clearing Company Limited |
| Self explanatory. |
135 | GB, The Clearing House |
| Self explanatory. |
136 | GB, Article Number Association (UK) Limited |
| EAN bar-coding. |
137 | AT, Verband oesterreichischer Banken und Bankiers |
| Austrian bankers association. |
138 | FR, CFONB (Comite francais d'organ. et de normalisation bancaires) |
| National body responsible for the French codification in banking activity. |
139 | UPU (Universal Postal Union) |
| (a..3 country code). |
140 | CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XXI-01 |
| (Computerization within Customs area). |
141 | CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XXI-B-1 |
| Description to be provided. |
142 | CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XXXIV |
| Statistical Office of the European Communities: e.g. Geonomenclature. |
143 | NZ, New Zealand Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
144 | NL, Netherlands Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
145 | SE, Swedish Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
146 | DE, German Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
147 | BE, Belgian Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
148 | ES, Spanish Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
149 | IL, Israel Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
150 | HK, Hong Kong Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
151 | JP, Japan Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
152 | SA, Saudi Arabia Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
153 | IT, Italian Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
154 | GR, Greek Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
155 | PT, Portuguese Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
156 | LU, Luxembourg Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
157 | NO, Norwegian Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
158 | FI, Finnish Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
159 | IS, Iceland Customs |
| Self explanatory. |
160 | LI, Liechtenstein authority |
| (Identification of relevant responsible agency for e.g. banking/financial matters still pending. For e.g. Customs, currency, post/telephone: see relevant CH entry). |
161 | UNCTAD (United Nations - Conference on Trade And Development) |
| Self explanatory. |
162 | CEC (Commission of the European Communities), DG/XIII-D-5 |
| (TEDIS - incl. CEBIS -, INSIS and CADDIA projects). |
163 | US, FMC (Federal Maritime Commission) |
| Self explanatory. |
164 | US, DEA (Drug Enforcement Agency) |
| Self explanatory. |
165 | US, DCI (Distribution Codes, INC.) |
| Self explanatory. |
166 | US, National Motor Freight Classification Association |
| The organisation in the USA which is responsible for code maintenance in the trucking industry. |
167 | US, AIAG (Automotive Industry Action Group) |
| Self explanatory. |
168 | US, FIPS (Federal Information Publishing Standard) |
| Self explanatory. |
169 | CA, SCC (Standards Council of Canada) |
| Self explanatory. |
170 | CA, CPA (Canadian Payment Association) |
| Self explanatory. |

| 171 |
| NL, Interpay Girale Services |
| Interpay Girale Services. |

| 172 |
| NL, Interpay Debit Card Services |
| Interpay Debit Card Services. |
173 | NO, NORPRO |
| Self explanatory. |
174 | DE, DIN (Deutsches Institut fuer Normung) |
| German standardization institute. |
175 | FCI (Factors Chain International) |
| Self explanatory. |
176 | BR, Banco Central do Brazil |
| Self-explanatory. |
177 | AU, LIFA (Life Insurance Federation of Australia) |
| Life Insurance Federation of Australia. |
178 | AU, SAA (Standards Association of Australia) |
| Standards Association of Australia. |
179 | US, Air transport association of America |
| U.S. -based trade association representing the major North American scheduled airlines. |
180 | DE, BIA (Berufsgenossenschaftliches Institut fuer Arbeitssicherheit) |
| German institute of the workmen's compensation board. |
181 | Edibuild |
| EDI organization for companies in the construction industry. |
182 | US, Standard Carrier Alpha Code (Motor) |
| Organisation maintaining the SCAC lists and transportation operating in North America. |
183 | US, American Petroleum Institute |
| US-based trade association representing oil and natural gas producers, shippers, refineries, marketers, and major suppliers to the industry. |
184 | AU, ACOS (Australian Chamber of Shipping) |
| The national organisation for the maritime industry in Australia. |
185 | DE, BDI (Bundesverband der Deutschen Industrie e.V.) |
| German industry association. |
186 | US, GSA (General Services Administration) |
| The US General Services Administration. |
187 | US, DLMSO (Defense Logistics Management Standards Office) |
| The Defense Logistics Management Standards Office. |
188 | US, NIST (National Institute of Standards and Technology) |
| The US National Institute of Standards and Technology. |
189 | US, DoD (Department of Defense) |
| The US Department of Defense. |
190 | US, VA (Department of Veterans Affairs) |
| The Department of Veterans Affairs. |
191 | IAPSO (United Nations Inter-Agency Procurement Services Office) |
| United Nations organization responsible for maintaining the United Nations Common Coding System (UNCCS) which is used extensively by UN agencies in procurement and statistical analysis. |
192 | Shipper's association |
| Code assigned by a shipper's association. |
193 | EU, European Telecommunications Informatics Services (ETIS) |
| European Telecommunications Informatics Services is a non-profit cooperative organisation owned by European public network operators, working in the field of information technology. |
194 | AU, AQIS (Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service) |
| Australian Quarantine and Inspection Service. |
195 | CO, DIAN (Direccion de Impuestos y Aduanas Nacionales) |
| The Colombian customs organization. |
196 | US, COPAS (Council of Petroleum Accounting Society) |
| Organization supplying codes of oil field equipment and tubular goods used by joint operators in the petroleum industry. |
197 | US, DISA (Data Interchange Standards Association) |
| The organization maintaining code lists under the administration of the data interchange standards association. |
198 | CO, Superintendencia Bancaria De Colombia |
| The organization which assigns identification numbers to financial institutions conducting business in Colombia. |
199 | FR, Direction de la Comptabilite Publique |
| The French public accounting office. |
200 | NL, EAN Netherlands |
| Netherlands based European Article Numbering association (EAN). |
201 | US, WSSA(Wine and Spirits Shippers Association) |
| United States based Wine and Spirits Shippers association. |
202 | PT, Banco de Portugal |
| Portuguese Central Bank. |
203 | FR, GALIA (Groupement pour l'Amelioration des Liaisons dans l'Industrie Automobile) |
| The national organisation representing France in ODETTE (Organisation for Data Exchanges through Tele-Transmission in Europe). |
204 | DE, VDA (Verband der Automobilindustrie E.V.) |
| The national organisation representing Germany in ODETTE (Organisation for Data Exchange through Tele-Transmission in Europe). |
205 | IT, ODETTE Italy |
| The national organisation representing Italy in ODETTE (Organisation for Data Exchange through Tele-Transmission in Europe). |
206 | NL, ODETTE Netherlands |
| The national organisation representing Netherlands in ODETTE (Organisation for Data Exchange through Tele-Transmission in Europe). |
207 | ES, ODETTE Spain |
| The national organisation representing Spain in ODETTE (Organisation for Data Exchange through Tele-Transmission in Europe). |
208 | SE, ODETTE Sweden |
| The national organisation representing Scandinavian countries in ODETTE (Organisation for Data Exchange through Tele-Transmission in Europe). |
209 | GB, ODETTE United Kingdom |
| The national organisation representing UK in ODETTE (Organisation for Data Exchange through Tele-Transmission in Europe). |
210 | EU, EDI for financial, informational, cost, accounting, auditing and social areas (EDIFICAS) - Europe |
| European association dealing with accounting and auditing. |
211 | FR, EDI for financial, informational, cost, accounting, auditing and social areas (EDIFICAS) - France |
| French association dealing with accounting and auditing. |
212 | DE, Deutsch Telekom AG |
| German telecommunication services agency. |
213 | JP, NACCS Center (Nippon Automated Cargo Clearance System Operations Organization) |
| NACCS (Nippon Automated Cargo Clearance System Operation Organization) Center is the operations organization of the automated cargo clearance system in Japan. |
214 | US, AISI (American Iron and Steel Institute) |
| American iron and steel institute. |
215 | AU, APCA (Australian Payments Clearing Association) |
| Australian association responsible for the management of payment clearing. |
216 | US, Department of Labor |
| To identify the United States department of labour. |
217 | US, N.A.I.C. (National Association of Insurance Commissioners) |
| To identify the United States, National Association of Insurance Commissioners. |
218 | GB, The Association of British Insurers |
| An association that administers code lists on behalf of the UK insurance community. |
219 | FR, d'ArvA |
| Value added network administering insurance code lists on behalf of the French insurance community. |
220 | FI, Finnish tax board |
| Finnish tax board. |
221 | FR, CNAMTS (Caisse Nationale de l'Assurance Maladie des Travailleurs Salaries) |
| The French public institution funding health-care for salaried workers. |
222 | DK, Danish National Board of Health |
| The national authority responsible for the supervision of health activities in Denmark. |
223 | DK, Danish Ministry of Home Affairs |
| The ministry responsible for all interior affairs concerning the Danish people. |
224 | US, Aluminum Association |
| Organization that assigns identification numbers for the aluminum industry. |
225 | US, CIDX (Chemical Industry Data Exchange) |
| Organization that assigns identification numbers for the chemical Industry. |
226 | US, Carbide Manufacturers |
| Organization that assigns identification numbers for the iron and carbide manufacturing industry. |
227 | US, NWDA (National Wholesale Druggist Association) |
| Organization that assigns identification numbers for the wholesale drug industry. |
228 | US, EIA (Electronic Industry Association) |
| Organization that assigns identification numbers for the electronic industry. |
229 | US, American Paper Institute |
| Organization that assigns identification numbers for the American paper industry. |
230 | US, VICS (Voluntary Inter-Industry Commerce Standards) |
| Organization that assigns identification numbers for the retail industry. |
231 | Copper and Brass Fabricators Council |
| Organization that assigns identification numbers for the copper and brass fabricators industry. |
| 232 |
| GB, Inland Revenue |
| Code identifying the government department responsible for assessing and collecting revenue consisting of taxes and inland duties in Great Britain. |
233 | US, OMB (Office of Management and Budget) |
| Codes are assigned by the United States Office of Management and Budget. |
234 | DE, Siemens AG |
| Siemens AG, Germany. |
235 | AU, Tradegate (Electronic Commerce Australia) |
| Australian industry body coordinating codes for use in local and international commerce and trade. |
236 | US, United States Postal Service (USPS) |
| Code specifying the official postal service of the United States. |
237 | US, United States health industry |
| Code assigned by the United States health industry. |
238 | US, TDCC (Transportation Data Coordinating Committee) |
| United States Transportation Data Coordinating Committee. |
239 | US, HL7 (Health Level 7) |
| United States, electronic data interchange standards-making organization, Health Level 7. |
240 | US, CHIPS (Clearing House Interbank Payment Systems) |
| United States financial clearing house. |
241 | PT, SIBS (Sociedade Interbancaria de Servicos) |
| Portuguese automated clearing house. |
| 242 |
| NL, Interpay Giraal |
| Interpay Giraal. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.03B. |
| 243 |
| NL, Interpay Cards |
| Interpay Cards. Note: 1. This code value will be removed effective with directory D.03B. |
244 | US, Department of Health and Human Services |
| United States Department of Health and Human Services. |
245 | DK, EAN (European Article Numbering) Denmark |
| Denmark based European Article Numbering (EAN) association. |
246 | DE, Centrale fuer Coorganisation GMBH |
| German representation of European Article Numbering (EAN) International. |
247 | US, HBICC (Health Industry Business Communication Council) |
| Code identifying the United States HIBCC (Health Industry Business Communication Council). |
248 | US, ASTM (American Society of Testing and Materials) |
| A not-for-profit organization that provides a forum for producers, users, ultimate consumers, and those having a general interest (representatives of government and academia) to meet on common ground and write standards for materials, products, systems, and services. |
249 | IP (Institute of Petroleum) |
| An independent European centre for the advancement and dissemination of technical, economic and professional knowledge relating to the international oil and gas industry. |
250 | US, UOP (Universal Oil Products) |
| An United States based organization that provides products, services and technology primarily in the areas of petroleum refining, olefins, aromatics, and gas processing. |
251 | AU, HIC (Health Insurance Commission) |
| Australian agency responsible for administering the Health Insurance Act. |
252 | AU, AIHW (Australian Institute of Health and Welfare) |
| Australian statutory authority responsible for the national collection of health related statistics and health related data definitions. |
253 | AU, NCCH (National Centre for Classification in Health) |
| Australian national authority responsible for healthcare classifications. |
254 | AU, DOH (Australian Department of Health) |
| Australian government department responsible for administration of health policy. |
255 | AU, ADA (Australian Dental Association) |
| Industry association responsible for the classification of dental services in Australia. |
256 | US, AAR (Association of American Railroads) |
| The official United States organization of the railroads in North America. |
257 | US, UN/SPSC (United Nations Standard Products and Services Classification) association |
| The agency responsible for the maintenance of the United Nations standard products and services classification code. |
258 | JP, Japanese Ministry of Transport |
| Japanese Ministry of Transport. |
259 | JP, Japanese Maritime Safety Agency |
| Japanese Maritime Safety Agency. |
260 | Ediel Nordic forum |
| A code to identify Ediel Nordic forum, which is an organization standardizing the use of EDI between the participants in the Nordic power market. |
261 | EEG7, European Expert Group 7 (Insurance) |
| European Expert Group 7 for Insurance. |
262 | DE, GDV (Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V.) |
| Gesamtverband der Deutschen Versicherungswirtschaft e.V. (German Insurance Association). |
263 | CA, CSIO (Centre for Study of Insurance Operations) |
| The Centre for Study of Insurance Operations (CSIO) in Canada. |
264 | FR, AGF (Assurances Generales de France) |
| Code lists are administered by Assurances Generales de France (AGF). |
265 | SE, Central bank |
| Swedish central bank. |
266 | US, DoA (Department of Agriculture) |
| Department of Agriculture, United States federal agency. |
267 | RU, Russian Bank Identification Code (BIC) |
| BIC is used for party identification in the bank of Russia payment system and is a subdivision directory for the bank of Russia. |
268 | FR, DGI (Direction Generale des Impots) |
| French taxation authority. |
269 | GRE (Reference Group of Experts) |
| An international association that administers code lists on behalf of business credit information users and providers. |
270 | Concord EDI group |
| An organisation of international transport equipment leasing companies and transport equipment repair providers responsible for promoting the use of EDI standards and standard business terms. |
271 | InterContainer InterFrigo |
| European railway associated organisation involved in the transport of containers by rail. |
| 272 |
| Joint Automotive Industry agency |
| The Joint Automotive Industry (JAI) agency is in charge of code lists that are common to automotive industry groups. |
| 273 |
| CH, SCC (Swiss Chambers of Commerce) |
| Swiss Chambers of Commerce. |
| 274 |
| ITIGG (International Transport Implementation Guidelines Group) |
| ITIGG is the UN/EDIFACT transport message development group?s organisation responsible for the issuance of globally harmonised transport-related codes. |
| 275 |
| ES, Banco de Espaņa |
| The Spanish central bank. |
ZZZ | Mutually defined |
| Self explanatory. |