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0331 -

Report function, coded
UN/EDIFACT Syntax Version 4 Revision 5 Service Code List

Desc:Coded value identifying type of status or error report.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
40000, 40001, 40002, 40003, 40004, 40005, 40006, 40007, 40100, 40101, 40102

Non Error information, e.g. acknowledgement that party is still operational.
Warning, e.g. resources getting low.
3Non-fatal error
Non-fatal error detected by party sending the UIR. Dialogue integrity may be compromised.
4Abort dialogue
Established dialogue cannot continue.
5Query status
Request for a status report from other party. Should be answered with a 'Status report' (see code value '6' below).
6Status report
Reporting status of dialogue as perceived by sending party.
7Pause dialogue
Advise other party to stop transferring data within this dialogue until a 'Continue dialogue' is received.
8Continue dialogue
Advise that data flow may continue after being 'Paused' (see code value '7' above).
9Start dialogue reject
Dialogue cannot be initiated.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

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