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0323 -

Transfer position, coded
UN/EDIFACT Syntax Version 4 Revision 5 Service Code List

Desc:Indication of the position of a transfer.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
40000, 40001, 40002, 40003, 40004, 40005, 40006, 40007, 40100, 40101, 40102

FFirst message
First message in sequence. Can only appear once at the start of the sequence.
IIntermediate message
Intermediate message in sequence. May appear zero or more times within the sequence.
LLast message
Last message in sequence. Can appear only once at the end of the sequence.

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

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