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0054 -

Message release number
UN/EDIFACT Syntax Version 3 Revision 2001C Service Code List

Desc:Release number within the current message version number.
This table also occurs in the following versions of this standard:
40000, 40001, 40002, 40003, 40004, 40005, 40006, 40007, 40100, 40101, 40102, 96B, 97A, 99A, 99B, 00A, 00B, 01A, 01B, 01C, 02A, 02B, 03A, 03B

1First release
Message approved and issued in the first release of the year of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory). (Valid for directories published prior to March 1990)
2Second release
Message approved and issued in the second release of the year of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory) (Valid for directories published prior to March 1990).
3Third release, CONTRL message
Third release of the service message type CONTRL. Approved and issued as document TRADE/WP.4/R.1186/Rev.1 (including Corr.1) for use with version 2 and 3 of the syntax. Note: 1. This code shall only be used with the CONTRL message.
902Trial release 1990
Message approved and issued in the 1990 status 1 (trial) release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
911Trial release 1991
Message approved and issued in the 1991 status 1 (trial) release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
912Standard release 1991
Message approved and issued in the 1991 status 2 (standard) release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
921Trial release 1992
Message approved and issued in the 1992 status 1 (trial) release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
932Standard release 1993
Message approved and issued in the 1993 status 2 (standard) release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
00ARelease 2000 - A
Message approved and issued in the first 2000 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
00BRelease 2000 - B
Message approved and issued in the second 2000 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
01ARelease 2001 - A
Message approved and issued in the first 2001 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
01BRelease 2001 - B
Message approved and issued in the second 2001 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
Release 2001 - C
Message approved and issued in the third 2001 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
93ARelease 1993 - A
Message approved and issued in the 1993 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
94ARelease 1994 - A
Message approved and issued in the first 1994 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
94BRelease 1994 - B
Message approved and issued in the second 1994 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
95ARelease 1995 - A
Message approved and issued in the first 1995 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
95BRelease 1995 - B
Message approved and issued in the second 1995 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
96ARelease 1996 - A
Message approved and issued in the first 1996 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
96BRelease 1996 - B
Message approved and issued in the second 1996 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
97ARelease 1997 - A
Message approved and issued in the first 1997 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
97BRelease 1997 - B
Message approved and issued in the second 1997 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
98ARelease 1998 - A
Message approved and issued in the first 1998 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
98BRelease 1998 - B
Message approved and issued in the second 1998 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
99ARelease 1999 - A
Message approved and issued in the first 1999 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).
99BRelease 1999 - B
Message approved and issued in the second 1999 release of the UNTDID (United Nations Trade Data Interchange Directory).

Change indicators
plus sign An addition.
asterisk Addition/substraction/change to a code entry for a particular data element.
hash or pound sign Changes to names.
vertical bar Changes to text for descriptions, notes and functions.
minus sign A deletion.
letter X Marked for deletion.

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